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Stotty. just received the book. Very enjoyable. Great to see the champions of yesteryear. Enjoyed Newcombes twist serve article.
The book is interesting because it is a written with the collaboration of leading tennis players of the day. It is full of myths like wrist snap on the serve, etc., as you would expect from a book published in 1972. But fundamentally it was how good tennis was taught back then, and how leading players interpreted their own technique. The photo sequences used were novel back in the day but remain revealing even today.
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Edberg: The total package and how he uses that serve is greater than the sum of its parts. He is one of my players on Mt. Rushmore of tennis. He can do no wrong.
Kyle LaCroix USPTA
Boca Raton
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Yes, as I have said, the finish is a consequence of the contact point and racket path. Even Sampras finished most of his serves with the hand partially across the torso.
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Edberg did it. (forget the commentary, but look at this video, how he finishes his kick serve to the right...)
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