Your Strokes:
Fred Bye Forehand
Analyzed by John Yandell
No amount of email analysis can substitute for video in discovering the real problems players face in their strokes. |
Every month in Your Strokes, we'll analyze the stroke of a member and suggest a framework for improving it, by comparing the key parts of the stroke to model positions drawn from high level pro players.
This month we'll take a look at the forehand of Tennisplayer charter member Fred Bye, a dedicated recreational player and 4.5 league player from Maryland.
It may be a cliche', but it's still true. "A picture is worth a thousand words." And in tennis it's overwhelmingly important. That's why on Tennisplayer, we've avoided features like "Ask the Expert" or "Ask the Pro."
After years of experience I have come to the conclusion that it's virtually impossible to diagnose technical stroke problems without actually seeing the stroke in question. I know these because I've had the opportunity many times to film players who have previously written me with complex technical questions. I have found that the player's description of the problem virtually never matched what the video camera actually saw. Because of this, I feel a lot of time and energy can be wasted in email and message board exchanges. In fact, some probably create more problems than they solve.
Fred's forehand is a case in point............