Opening the Court:
Pattern 4
George Zink's fourth pattern is about changing direction and spin. Three topspin backhands crosscourt. Then the slice down the line. This pattern often draws forehand errors, especially against players with extreme grips. Depending on the response it can also leave the backhand side open for attack.
George Zink is a master tennis professional with over 25 years of teaching experience. After competing on the ATP Future Tour, George won 9 national championships in singles and doubles, and has coached junior players who have won 5. A former college coach at Franklin and Marshall, George has managed clubs with large teaching staffs and also owned gyms in Pennsylvania and Florida where he exponentially expanded membership. Over the last 15 years, thousands of junior players have attended his GZ Tennis Camps. Based in Bradenton, Florida, George has two children who are currently highly ranked national juniors.
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