The Life of Tony Trabert
Part 1
Mark Winters

When I learned that Tony Trabert had passed away at his home in Ponte Vedra, Florida on February 3rd this year, I realized the curtain had closed for the final time with my "Big Three."
The Big Three were the most significant people I spent time with during my tennis career. Tennis legend Jack Kramer was the first to depart on September 12, 2009. The Honorable Robert Kelleher, the eternal advocate for Open Tennis, was called away on June 20, 2012. (For a tribute to Robert Kelleher, Click Here.) During the first week of this year's second month, Trabert, at the age of 90, made it a trio.
The group had a brotherly relationship. I became part of the family via good fortune that may have begun, quite simply, as blind luck. I first met Kramer in the 1960s. That led to an introduction to Trabert.