Brian Gordon and
The Simi Tennis Application

Sean O’Neil

An example of a pro level Type 3 forehand Brian developed, based on his research.

Dr. Brian Gordon is taking it to the next level. As the premier quantitative researcher in tennis biomechanics, as detailed on Tennisplayer in numerous articles (Click Here), his work is not primarily academic. He uses it in building strokes as a full time working coach.

So what's the next level? It's the holy grail of 3D research: a completely markerless data capture system. Historically the process of 3D scientific measurements has required that players be fitted with reflective markers or sensors which can interfere with performance in producing representative tennis strokes.

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Sean is a retired teaching professional with more than 40 years of coaching experience. Before having multiple neck surgery’s, Sean was certified by both the USPTA (Elite Professional) and PTR (Professional) and taught at some of the most prominent country clubs in the Washington D.C. area. Sean attended the University of Maryland with a major in Kinesiology which led to a keen interest in the biomechanics of stroke production. Having taught all levels of the game, Sean continues to spend time learning about the complexities of the game. Tennis is his lifelong passion and he still continues to have a thirst for knowledge.

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