The Serve:
In the final segment of Brian's original series on teaching the serve, he explains his fundamental rule for synchronizing the backswing and the leg drive: the concept of probation. Brian sees a universal problem in junior tennis. The tendency of the racket to enter the backswing far too early which destroys the impact of the leg drive and its ability to drive the racket down the back. See how he teaches the probation position and his surprising take on what creates racket speed - and what diminishes it.
And once again apologies for the slight buzz in the audio: John Yandell operator error!

Dr. Brian Gordon has changed the understanding of the biomechanics of high level tennis technique. His Biomechanically Engineered Stroke Technique (BEST) is the only empirically based stroke mechanics system in the world, growing from three decades of both academic and applied on court research. He is a founder of the Tennis Center for Performance Research in Miami, Florida, which is creating a new paradigm for player development. The center has assembled an unprecedented group of specialists with cutting edge knowledge across the entire range of tennis performance.
To visit his website, Click Here!
Top contact him directly, Click Here!
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