What is ISR?
The Backhand Volley

John Yandell

How do internal and external rotation work on the backhand volley?

ISR—internal shoulder rotation—it's an increasingly trendy term in stroke analysis. But what is it and how does it relate to the "other" paired shoulder rotation? That's external shoulder rotation or ESR.

Is it just confusing jargon? Or something real and important? It's the later.

These two rotations, it turns out, are present in all the strokes: serves, backhands with one or two hands. And volleys. And they are important in the generation of racket head speed. (Click Here to see the series in the Advanced Tennis section.)

So in this final article let's see what their roles are in the backhand volley. And then ask whether they are something that you should try to consciously generate—or not.

When I first heard the term "shoulder rotation," it confused me. In tennis teaching you are used to hearing this term used as it applies to the rotation of the torso. For example on a forehand from the ready position the shoulders and the rest of the torso turn away from the net in the preparation and then rotate forward in the swing to the ball and into the followthrough.

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John Yandell is widely acknowledged as one of the leading videographers and students of the modern game of professional tennis. His high speed filming for Advanced Tennis and Tennisplayer have provided new visual resources that have changed the way the game is studied and understood by both players and coaches. He has done personal video analysis for hundreds of high level competitive players, including Justine Henin-Hardenne, Taylor Dent and John McEnroe, among others.

In addition to his role as Editor of Tennisplayer he is the author of the critically acclaimed book Visual Tennis. The John Yandell Tennis School is located in San Francisco, California.

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