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Forehand Volley Article

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  • #16
    McEnroe grip

    Doesn't John McEnroe have an unusual grip for both his backhand and backhand volley? I am not sure I can capture it, but it seems that his BH volley grip is over more and thus requires more strength of wrist.

    I think Nadal's is even more extreme. I often wonder that he can volley at all, but he is super strong. Yet he does seem to be limited in his ability to really put away a backhand volley.

    I know, we are on the forehand side, but I think John's forehand volley grip is also a bit different, more casual. Something about his volleys give them a different look although you are right that his ready position is the main thing.


    • #17
      Twilight zone

      This is weird. I have seen two more of my comments on this thread and now they are not there. So, trying again.

      I agree with those who indicate that things change when we hit low volleys.

      But the volleys I see botched most often and the ones I mess up most often are high FH volleys. I think that when we get a low one or waist high one, we tend to take care of business and not kill it (so long as our knees will allow us to get down). With high ones, we think we should end the point and either overswing or don't move our feet or something.

      In my case, I think my angle of contact changes. It is obvious that the racket should be open a bit on balls near or below net height. On high balls, many hackers do okay, they do just that--hack with grips that work on high balls but not on other balls. Some play so close to the net that they can gobble up gimme shots, but they don't have FH volleys any real player wants.

      I feel uncertain how to hit hard on a high ball and still keep that slight underspin. If you hit too hard, the ball goes long, especially if your bigger swing or stretch causes you to lose alignment even a bit.

      Another problem with a high ball that is a bit wide, the arm has to straigthen out and this can open the face of the racket even more.

      I hope you will address these issues soon.

      As for Ralston, I was only hoping you had some decent film of him. I know you won't have high speed stuff, but those clips of Hoad on Tennis History hitting his serve and both volleys are impressive and could be valuable if we had his strength and timing. In any case, something like that on Ralston would help I think.

      I used to know him a bit, but have not spoken in years. I guess he is still at the Broadmoor.


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