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Stroke analysis - Adelina 11 years old

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  • #31
    Originally posted by don_budge View Post

    Its about as good as theoretical deviation's get. Plus isn't it great to hear from good old 10splayer! I remember when this forum was great. MFGA! Make the Forum Great Again. But Dr. Gordon...lost in this discussion was an interesting point that florin brought up on the first page that for some reason I am no longer able to access. He questioned whether the racquet was to big for his slender eleven year old daughter. I also found that it appeared that it seemed to be a bit unwieldy for her and recommended upping her physical training. Could the raquet be too heavy for her to get that wrist in the position you desire? I know that isn't very technical...but I wonder if it might just be applicable.
    Racquet swingweight may be more important relatively than static weight. I remember good ol tennis chiro(another good one MFGA) once wrote an article in which he advocated a very doctored up head heavy racquet as a training tool in order to get a better feel for pulling the racquet head via lag into contact.


    • #32
      I wanna thank everyone for their input, we are already working on the forehand, i don’t even have words how much help this site and forum is for me and my daughter. don_budge is right , it was not the size of the racket but the weight that created the flexion, till 2 months ago she played with RF 95 Autograph, which is one of the heaviest rackets on the market, the coach we had at the beginning of her tennis, was enforcing that all the kids he coached to use it. RF 95 v13 has 340 g vs Babolat Rafa 300 g unstrung is a big difference, she never complained about pain or tiredness, maybe because she started training more serious only 6 months ago when we moved to Orlando. We already worked to fix the forehand and i have to say that is a big difference, not visually because is hard to notice, but the balls are not that loopy and she hits more penetrating and flat.


      • #33
        Hi don_budge - yes, the racquet could certainly be a factor. And before I had a chance to read your post, Florin verified your observation. I suspect there may be other issues which we will be able to assess if we get an updated video with the lighter frame.


        • #34
          Originally posted by florin View Post
          We already worked to fix the forehand and i have to say that is a big difference, not visually because is hard to notice, but the balls are not that loopy and she hits more penetrating and flat.
          This a tremendous takeaway from the discussion. In the beginning...I would much prefer to see a flatter ball. Once you go down the path of excessive topspin it is much more difficult to produce the flat ball. Under pressure the player almost always tries to hit with more and more topspin, which has the effect of producing a ball that falls shorter and shorter in the court. Conversely, it is much easier to learn to hit topspin after making the flat ball your default shot. Best of luck to you and daughter. Thanks for posting. This generated the most interesting thread on the forum in quite some time. Tremendous posts by the experts!

          Btw...Tecnifibre makes an excellent line of ladies raquets including a model that is 295 grams. Swiatek is currently using one of their models.


          • #35
            After 1 year :


            • #36


              • #37
                Film it tight like Tennisplayer strokes very hard to see much from this.


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