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Merry Christmas - 2022 Slam Predictions

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  • #61
    What I want to know is if he really had covid for the second time.


    • #62

      With all the Novak drama, leave it to Bernard to join the party, albeit very briefly. I am probably the only person on the message board here to have watched this match. Bernard spent most of the match, other than getting blasted off the court, walking around literally taking his pulse. It was unbelievable. This surely will be his last AO.


      • #63
        Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
        What I want to know is if he really had covid for the second time.
        Doubtful if you ask me. The result for his PCR was originally negative then miraculously changed to positive. The Serbian prime minister has stopped short of giving him any kind of backing for not isolating and will certainly not step in to authorise that his PCR as 100% genuine, kicking the can over to the Serbian medical authorities instead. All looks bent to me.

        An antibody test would resolve the issue because if he doesn't have any antibodies then he couldn't have been positive. I imagine if he is asked to take an antibody test he will offer to leave the country as it could land him in deep trouble if it is proved he has submitted a bogus (positive) test result.

        It's a mess and has become tedious. Novak has been on the news every night here and every night the story gets more incredible. It's amazing what these investigative journalists can dig up.

        On a sad note, my mother, 89, has contracted Covid, the Delta variant, and we are desperately hoping she will pull through. It's knocked her sideways although last night she seemed slightly better. Fingers crossed.

        My mother is a Federer fan by the way. She doesn't play tennis (never has) but says Roger's strokes look nice. No argument there.


        • #64
          Best thoughts for your mom!!


          • #65
            So sorry, Stotty. Best wishes for her recovery.

            She clearly has good taste in tennis players.


            • #66
              I hope that your mom continues to do well and recovers soon, Stotty.

              I second the good taste. His strokes do look good.

              Hope that your mom and all of us get to see them at the pro level again.


              • #67
                Thinking of your mum stotty. You could check out the Panoramic trial for covid antivirals if the symptoms are recent.


                • #68
                  Latest odds...

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                  • #69
                    Originally posted by glacierguy View Post
                    Thinking of your mum stotty. You could check out the Panoramic trial for covid antivirals if the symptoms are recent.
                    Thanks for you concern (and that of John and Jim).

                    My mother is battling through (she lives in Maine, USA) but refuses (she's stubborn) to be hospitalised. My sister is with her at the moment and tells me the drugs to treat Covid have greatly improved and my mother is responding pretty well. My son had Covid and breezed through it in 4 days. At 89, it is clearly going to be a much slower recovery for my mother. Long Covid is the worry.


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