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Groundstroke Velocities Soar in Pro Tennis

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  • #31
    Originally posted by jimlosaltos View Post
    don-budge, searched but couldn't find an overall figure. Perhaps this helps. From 2016, "David Goffin is the most successful player to have called for Hawk-Eye challenges according to a study conducted by ATP. The world no. 15 has a success rate of 44% . The study includes tennis players, who have used Hawk-Eye at least 100 times in the last 10 years... As for the top players, Novak Djokovic is sixth with 35%, Roger Federer is ninth (218 won and 404 lost). Rafael Nadal 22th with 32%."
    It's don_budge...jimlosaltos. Underscore...not hyphen. You the English tutor...a little sloppy.

    Thanks for doing that little bit of research. You do love your statistics. Interesting numbers. Good for you. So...what do the numbers actually mean? Machine...or not? Second guessing the lineperson nowadays is easy with Hawkeye to fall back on. The margins are fine. We are talking millimetres at gazillions of miles per hour. Is it really worth it to split hairs so minutely? Can we not accept a certain degree of human error? Afterall...which of us is perfect? Personally I find a difference in opinion to be infinitely more entertaining than the mundane sucking up agreements that are so commonplace. The group think. I somehow miss McEnroe and Nastase and all the rest...reminding me and everyone within earshot...nobody is perfect and some less than others. We all see the same thing...just from different points of view. The tennis shot illustrates this as well as is all about perspective. A linesperson's decision corroborated by the chair umpire is good enough for me. But I'm old fashioned and inclined to respect tradition...and fundamentals.

    But I worry about the long run. Not just about tennis either. Take a look at this video and imagine the implications. Transhumanism is a word. Someone please tell me that this is a computer simulation which would be bad enough. But if this is our reality won't be long before...well you know.


    • #32
      Originally posted by don_budge View Post

      It's don_budge...jimlosaltos. Underscore...not hyphen. You the English tutor...a little sloppy.

      Thanks for doing that little bit of research. You do love your statistics. Interesting numbers. Good for you. So...what do the numbers actually mean? Machine...or not? Second guessing the lineperson nowadays is easy with Hawkeye to fall back on. The margins are fine. We are talking millimetres at gazillions of miles per hour. Is it really worth it to split hairs so minutely? Can we not accept a certain degree of human error? Afterall...which of us is perfect? Personally I find a difference in opinion to be infinitely more entertaining than the mundane sucking up agreements that are so commonplace. The group think. I somehow miss McEnroe and Nastase and all the rest...reminding me and everyone within earshot...nobody is perfect and some less than others. We all see the same thing...just from different points of view. The tennis shot illustrates this as well as is all about perspective. A linesperson's decision corroborated by the chair umpire is good enough for me. But I'm old fashioned and inclined to respect tradition...and fundamentals.

      But I worry about the long run. Not just about tennis either. Take a look at this video and imagine the implications. Transhumanism is a word. Someone please tell me that this is a computer simulation which would be bad enough. But if this is our reality won't be long before...well you know.

      Hey, if you're to critique MY typos in online posts, you're going to be extremely busy

      I think we agree ! Shocking! Tennis is better with more people and fewer bots.

      Other sports seem to get this better than tennis -- they bring tech in when it adds something or solves a problem not for wholesale replacement of people. Imagine MLB with echoing, computerized voices saying "Safe at second".

      As for the Boston Dynamics robots, they are amazing. Eventually, they'll be able to play tennis better than people. Not a reason to replace the players.

      Next you know, we'll be debating "the singularity" on TPN. Please. Not. Let's stop


      • #33
        Originally posted by jimlosaltos View Post
        Hey, if you're to critique MY typos in online posts, you're going to be extremely busy

        Next you know, we'll be debating "the singularity" on TPN. Please. Not. Let's stop
        The ONLY reason I corrected your "typo" is that it is my username. It's important to me. Don Budge is a man that I knew once and he was a great man. I took the username don_budge without ever knowing that I would use it on a forum. I'm so happy I did though! You can see that I joined this website and it was nearly a year before I knew it had a forum. The rest is history.

        But you are too late regards singularity. That subject has been guess who? That ground has been broken and as all subjects other than Donald Trump are fair game to discuss here at TP.

        March 6, 2021...

        Originally posted by don_budge View Post
        Awww...just stick it where the sun don't shine. out in the country. Communing with nature. Pissing outside 99% of the time. Backwards living. Talking to a farmer on the limited occasion. It's an eye opener. A revelation. When the shit hits the fan I would take the five men in the two mile radius of my abode over a thousand feminist politicians. I'll take Anders, Gunnar, Christer, Jon and Roland. These guys can fix anything. They can build anything.

        With every invention comes a curse and this curse didn't take a lot of time to develop. With AI...the entire world of sheeple have been convinced to capitulate to the machine. To AI. Losers. Devolution...just like tennis. So happy with the electronic devices that will end up being the death of you. They are killing you now. The EMR...Electronic Magnetic Radiation. Killing so silently. So stealthy. Like an assassin in the night. Like an unseen virus. The surface of the sun is called the Corona...btw. The sun gives off a bit of EMR from what I am told. Come to think of it...AI is probably running the show now. Have you ever heard of "Singularity"? Just think...what if an American Presidential election was manipulated by the machine?

        Old enough to remember how it worked. This coach had his following. The coach on the other side of town had his. The surrounding municipalities had their coaches and their followings. There was competition. Free and open competition. It was like the food chain. You ate your way up...or you were eaten. You learned the hard way. No soft balling. Dog eat dog. It taught you a thing or two. Nothing was handed to you. You want take it and pay the price.

        Artificial Intelligence. The real impact on Humans by Artificial Intelligence. I made up a word...virtual morality. You've heard of virtual reality. Virtual morality occurs when "God is Dead" and the computer become the deity. It's happening. This is what all of this modern thinking is about...virtual morality. Rewriting human values and existence with the cold, clinical morality of a hard drive.

        The best contribution of the whole nutty paradigm is video. O'whatshisname. Who cares? Pure and utter nonsense. Tennis for Dummies. You can have it. I've got my Coach's Eye and I'm not talking about the AI version.
        August 2, 2017...

        Originally posted by don_budge View Post
        Nope...sorry that wasn't me. I have been talking about the down side of the cell phone generation since day one. Hopman would definitely not permitted phones on the court when practicing. If he could he would certainly discourage video games. We don't know how badly this is going to affect the human race long term. Everyone is so in awe of artificial intelligence. It's going to come around and bite us in the ass one day.

        Singularity. When the computers start talking to each other...we are fucked.

        April 8, 2016...thought I'd throw this one in there.

        Originally posted by don_budge View Post
        Great Video...

        Leave the last 18 seconds. Don't even consider editing it out. It makes the video a cosmic question mark. An artistic edge.

        The motion? It's good…really good. So repeatable.

        Great set up position.
        The toss is perfect…you make contact at the apex leaning into the court.
        The backswing is Gonzalesesque…taking the racquet a bit to the outside.
        Methodical backswing and smooth transition into the forward motion as the racquet head falls behind your head.
        You are nailing that backhand corner from the rear view over and over.

        Suggestion? Work on targets. Pin point placement. Tactics? Find the weakness in your opponent and exploit it. Like a baseball pitcher…once going at the weakness. Down and out…then up and in. Then going elsewhere to set up the weakness once again. Or…merely hammering the weakness until the opponent forces you to look elsewhere.

        Holding your serve with authority puts added pressure on your opponent to hold his.

        I love the one solitary leaf blowing onto the court at the end of the video before the camera cuts away to the coastal scenery. It's poetic in its loneliness…it's singularity of purpose. A guy out on some tennis court practicing his serve in the quest of perfection. Very interesting stuff.

        "Getting to know you...getting to know all about you. Getting to like you...hoping that you will like me. Getting to know you...putting it may way, but nicely."

        Singularity has been breached....or broached. We are no doubt living it. The robots are the tip of the iceberg. The technology in possession of the powers that be far outstrip what we mere mortals are aware of. Beware...the ides of March.


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