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Wind Up Question

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  • Wind Up Question

    Brian is it true that certain things about the pinpoint contribute to rotation and angular momentum in the windup but you feel they are overshadowed usually or could by what happens later in the motion--you're upcoming phases?

    Or is it that you just think it's too difficult? That's why you stress a platform?

  • #2

    Yes- if executed correctly my data and logic indicate a pinpoint approach yields an early advantage in forward angular momentum acquisition (20% vs. 10% of total - roughly) – and yes, in THIS player’s case I preferred the platform. While I believe the pinpoint adds some potentially unnecessary complexity, it is a good solution for many players. In this player’s case, I determined based on genetic estimation (the parental units), and power testing, that he possesses a high percentage of fast twitch (high force) muscle fiber in his leg muscles. As such, in the longer term (1 year or so) he will be able to fully realize the contractile benefits of the platform and therefore reach much higher levels in serve prowess. In short, I push the platform approach with reasonable expectation that a player’s physiology (combined with my training program) will allow high RATES of force production in the leg muscles – otherwise I stay neutral or lean towards a pinpoint – good question - Brian


    • #3
      So I still don't get what the difference is? Better later with the platform even though the pinpoint is better earlier--like it's ahead and the platform catches up?


      • #4
        Originally posted by jbtennis
        So I still don't get what the difference is? Better later with the platform even though the pinpoint is better earlier--like it's ahead and the platform catches up?
        Sorry, guess I overestimated the depth of your first question. The point is that you simply can't generalize that one is better here, the other better there, etc. The best one can hope for is to understand the pieces of the puzzle, then construct the whole picture based on the capabilities and needs of a given player. Perhaps things will become clearer as we progress to other phases - Brian


        • #5
          So in other phases stuff you can could offset other stuff--the pinpoint could look good early but not later--is that what you are trying to imply?


          • #6
            Originally posted by jbtennis
            So in other phases stuff you can could offset other stuff--the pinpoint could look good early but not later--is that what you are trying to imply?
            I guess that is what I'm saying - one might choose less advantageous stuff in one phase in hope of deriving more advantageous stuff in another - with the big picture goal of improving the overall stuff - Brian


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