hi, just a quick hello to say that I am really enjoying the site, and what I do for the past few months which works really well for me is that one hour before I play a match I put on the music videos and do my stretching and visualizations of strokes while listening to some cool music.
It works a treat for me and would would highly recommend it!! can you tell me who sings the song of the video Backhand Will?? I love it !!! Why does Roger make tennis look so easy, I convince myself after watching his video that I can play like him, but then I wake up, what a shame?
regards from London, Charles
It works a treat for me and would would highly recommend it!! can you tell me who sings the song of the video Backhand Will?? I love it !!! Why does Roger make tennis look so easy, I convince myself after watching his video that I can play like him, but then I wake up, what a shame?
regards from London, Charles