Originally posted by nytennisaddict
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Ultimate Drill Games: Service Boxes 6 Target Game
Originally posted by klacr View PostJorge has so many great games and drills. Glad he could share this exciting one with us. Serves are not practiced enough and this is a great game to play with a partner or have you students battle it out.
Kyle LaCroix USPTA
Boca Raton
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Originally posted by nytennisaddict View Posthehe, did this today... after a few rounds trying... my lowest scores
flat: 10... surprised i was able to even get as low as 10
topslice: 6... surprised i was able to get this 6 in a row... granted it was the "3rd" try
kick: 8... surprised how hard it was to consistently go deuce:wide, ad:T (because I'm usually going to a righty bh)
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hehe, did this today... after a few rounds trying... my lowest scores
flat: 10... surprised i was able to even get as low as 10
topslice: 6... surprised i was able to get this 6 in a row... granted it was the "3rd" try
kick: 8... surprised how hard it was to consistently go deuce:wide, ad:T (because I'm usually going to a righty bh)
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I've been using this drill for years and it's always interesting to see how a player does the first time. I've seen many a high level player take up to 25 serves to get all six the first time, then by the say the third time they're down to somewhere between 6 and 10. I've also found the toughest area for players to hit is the middle of the box as they're so used to going wide and "T." Great drill for establishing serve confidence!
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fun drill... i've been doing something similar for years.
recently, since i've been dedicating alot of time to practicing serves (~1000 serves per week), i have to play games with myself, to keep myself interested... eg.
* play out a set, but to score a point, i have to get both 1st and 2nd serve in, to the correct third of the box, if i miss the first, i get a redo, if i miss the 2nd, i lose the point no matter what.... choose different targets combos each time: wide/wide, wide/T, T/T, T/body, etc...
* deuce: serve 1st and 2nd, run to other side of net, serve ad: 1st and 2nd, etc... i find that forcing myself to go to the other side, forces me to "find my rhythm" again... ie. serving 10 first serves in a row is not the same as serving for game/set/match point after a previously long point.
in general i love jorge's drills on yt.
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Jorge has so many great games and drills. Glad he could share this exciting one with us. Serves are not practiced enough and this is a great game to play with a partner or have you students battle it out.
Kyle LaCroix USPTA
Boca Raton
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Ultimate Drill Games: Service Boxes 6 Target Game
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