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Can a 5'3" 110lb 20 year old female hit a 100mph serve? video

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  • #16
    Originally posted by don_budge View Post

    If you and the newyorkcitykid want to have a private conversation why don't you get a room? Or just private message? Otherwise you are addressing a group which is a different which is a different proposition. But back on thread as the newyorktennisaddict likes to say...what is your fundamental approach to serving? What are the fundamentals to developing a service motion?

    It's a great thing that you two have worked out here on the forum. You both are new but you act like you own this place. Trust me...there are posters that have been here for years. Neither of you has showed the least amount of respect to the group. Self awareness is not so easily taught once you are past the formative years. But try to intelligently express what you think are the fundamental components to teaching the service motion.
    "get a room"... lol, what's the matter, don't like seeing public displays of 2 passionate tennis fans sharing tennis ideas? while the thread maybe have been inspired by questions i was asking, surely contributions from a wider audience would make the conversation more interesting.

    "like i own this place"? jy aside, how does one act like they "own" a public forum? when i don't like what i'm hearing (news, yt channel, preacher, whatever,...) i just decide with my feet to leave and stop listening.

    "not show respect"... how so? just because i answered your question of what is meant by "staying on topic"...
    "Self awareness is not so easily taught"... "try to intelligently express"... you're the one being disrespectful and throwing shade.
    since you're throwing out insults... let's go back to your comment:
    i should have realized, that you probably find it hard to stay on topic... and in the end, like my grandfather who doesn't get to talk to many people... will start spouting on, about whatever he's been thinking about and bugging him to whoever will listen. for you it seems, oversized racquets has been bothering you for 30y... and so you decided to bring it up in an "underhand serve" thread. i guess if it's gotta come out, it's gotta come out. so let it off your chest, sir.
    Last edited by nytennisaddict; 04-20-2019, 08:29 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by nytennisaddict View Post

      yeah i appreciate you creating the thread... definitely in the wheel house of what i was looking to discuss, serve wise.
      i was interesting in the process of learning that others (especially high level juniors like your daughter) are doing.
      one thing i've been missing in my (serve) development, is just the raw reps...
      given the numerous vids, articles, this site, etc... i have a decent mental model of what is *supposed* to happen, but converting that into muscle memory is another thing...
      so changing my practice sched (and how i practice) to serving at least 1000 balls a week, has made a huge difference in little things like:
      * timing
      * synchronization of the parts
      * developing rhythm,
      * getting back into rhythm between points (eg. hitting 10 solid first serves down the T in a row, after hitting 50, is waaaay different that opening up a match serving first)
      * getting my heart rate down...
      * or being able to serve, when my hear rate is up..

      i appreciate the thread, and discussion.
      I just served for an half hour and felt like it was one of my best practices, Almost effortless, clean contact, timing was really on. The ball seemed to travel faster than I hit it, There was a pretty good wind behind me but we wont talk about that. My daughter is away so I stole her Pure Drives to try out on serve but they went so good with my racket that I didn't even try hers.


      • #18
        Originally posted by stotty View Post

        She is a little unusual with her lateral pinpoint stance. It's a method that has all but disappeared in the men's game and no doubt the women's game too.
        Slotty, I honestly dont know what you're talking about. She uses a pinpoint stance, Literally every other WTA and ATP player uses this stance or a version of it. Its' not disappearing at all. Also I've never heard the complete term "lateral pinpoint stance" and I've been around tennis for a long time so I searched for it on google and it gave me four results, three of them having nothing to do with tennis and one of them linked me to this website.LOL!


        • #19
          Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
          Can not see the video... link provided gives invalid page. Also, if reps is the solution to tennis, why join
          I dont't understand what you're saying. "Reps" are the solution to many things like playing scales on my guitar but I join classical guitar forums.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Error View Post

            I just served for an half hour and felt like it was one of my best practices, Almost effortless, clean contact, timing was really on. The ball seemed to travel faster than I hit it, There was a pretty good wind behind me but we wont talk about that. My daughter is away so I stole her Pure Drives to try out on serve but they went so good with my racket that I didn't even try hers.
            it's crazy how a smooth swing that "doesn't feel like you're trying" can be both effortless, and MORE effective. my mind is stuck on "muscling" everything.
            personally i switched to the sw104 (28" length) for a bit more serving oomph.


            • #21
              You might want to take a look at this:

              I am going to be diplomatic and just say what passes for knowledge in the general tennis world can be inaccurate. You can hit a good even great serve with any stance, but the extreme pinpoint--what Stotty correctly call the lateral pinpoint--is the least likely way to do it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Error View Post
                Slotty, I honestly dont know what you're talking about. She uses a pinpoint stance, Literally every other WTA and ATP player uses this stance or a version of it. Its' not disappearing at all. Also I've never heard the complete term "lateral pinpoint stance" and I've been around tennis for a long time so I searched for it on google and it gave me four results, three of them having nothing to do with tennis and one of them linked me to this website.LOL!
                Most of my life I used lateral pinpoint. I don't recommend it. After watching the Ben Kibler video articles I experimented with platform and pushing up with the rear leg, which you cannot do with lateral pinpoint. After a month of doing this the difference became very clear. It wasn't that I was gaining all the much in extra power, it was more that serving became physically easier because my whole right side was more engaged and the load was better spread along the the kinetic chain. Pushing up with the rear leg greatly benefitted my kick serve because I managed to get a tad more work on the ball and more clearance over the net, and all for less effort.

                The best way to go about uploading a player for others to observe is to have an open mind. I have posted players many times. Someone is bound to notice something you have haven't and you can either take onboard on disregard comments you feel are or aren't relevant to your player.

                The first thing that sprung to mind when I watched your daughter's serve is that it could be improved. She's talented and with a few simple adjustments her serve could be better.

                The good thing is you Googled lateral pinpoint, so you didn't disregard my comments entirely, at least you were curious. There are so many good articles on the this website and people who will genuinely try to help develop your daughter's serve. Why don't you give it a go? You have nothing to lose? You'll find it way better than bursting into the saloon with a cocked pistol.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by nytennisaddict View Post

                  yeah i appreciate you creating the thread... definitely in the wheel house of what i was looking to discuss, serve wise.
                  i was interesting in the process of learning that others (especially high level juniors like your daughter) are doing.
                  one thing i've been missing in my (serve) development, is just the raw reps...
                  given the numerous vids, articles, this site, etc... i have a decent mental model of what is *supposed* to happen, but converting that into muscle memory is another thing...
                  so changing my practice sched (and how i practice) to serving at least 1000 balls a week, has made a huge difference in little things like:
                  * timing
                  * synchronization of the parts
                  * developing rhythm,
                  * getting back into rhythm between points (eg. hitting 10 solid first serves down the T in a row, after hitting 50, is waaaay different that opening up a match serving first)
                  * getting my heart rate down...
                  * or being able to serve, when my hear rate is up..

                  i appreciate the thread, and discussion.
                  Not one word about tactics. With your handicap in size you need to be making up with "clever". Any idea what that means in your case?
                  Performance Analyst


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by nytennisaddict View Post
                    "get a room"... lol, what's the matter, don't like seeing public displays of 2 passionate tennis fans sharing tennis ideas? while the thread maybe have been inspired by questions i was asking, surely contributions from a wider audience would make the conversation more interesting.

                    "like i own this place"? jy aside, how does one act like they "own" a public forum? when i don't like what i'm hearing (news, yt channel, preacher, whatever,...) i just decide with my feet to leave and stop listening.

                    "not show respect"... how so? just because i answered your question of what is meant by "staying on topic"...
                    "Self awareness is not so easily taught"... "try to intelligently express"... you're the one being disrespectful and throwing shade.
                    since you're throwing out insults... let's go back to your comment:
                    i should have realized, that you probably find it hard to stay on topic... and in the end, like my grandfather who doesn't get to talk to many people... will start spouting on, about whatever he's been thinking about and bugging him to whoever will listen. for you it seems, oversized racquets has been bothering you for 30y... and so you decided to bring it up in an "underhand serve" thread. i guess if it's gotta come out, it's gotta come out. so let it off your chest, sir.
                    But I did ask you the sixty thousand dollar question and once you are done insulting anyone who doesn't go along with the myth you are creating here (you've even managed to insult your poor old grandfather) perhaps you might enlighten us...what are the fundamentals of building a service motion and to what end is the motion built for?

                    Performance Analyst


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by nytennisaddict View Post
                      since you're throwing out insults... let's go back to your comment:
                      i should have realized, that you probably find it hard to stay on topic...
                      By the way...just out of curiosity. Where were you in 1989? How old were you then?

                      Performance Analyst


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by don_budge View Post

                        Not one word about tactics. With your handicap in size you need to be making up with "clever". Any idea what that means in your case?
                        i don't have a consistent enough serve (for the 4.5+ to 5.0 level), to be thinking overly about tactics.
                        typically my "tactics" consistent of pointing it to the weaker wing, and a) seeing if it went it b) seeing if it went where i wanted it to go...
                        in the rare occasion i'm feeling on... i'll follow the typical patterns..
                        * serve to weak side 3 of 4 times, serve body/strong side to 1x to keep them honest.
                        * go wide, run around bh, looking for a fh
                        * change up timing by mixing pace... flat body, followed by spinners (slice or kick) out wide or T
                        * s&v a bit if they are chipping/blocking floaty returns

                        i definitely have a pitcher's mentallity out there, especially because i don't have a 120 mph bomb


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by don_budge View Post

                          But I did ask you the sixty thousand dollar question and once you are done insulting anyone who doesn't go along with the myth you are creating here (you've even managed to insult your poor old grandfather) perhaps you might enlighten us...what are the fundamentals of building a service motion and to what end is the motion built for?

                          that's what i'm hear to learn... to make sure the thing i'm practicing is the right thing. regarding fundamentals, i'd just point to one of the many great articles on this site.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by don_budge View Post

                            once you are done insulting anyone who doesn't go along with the myth you are creating here
                            not sure what myth you're talking about... i don't claim to be an expert... i joined/payed for this site, to read/learn from the articles. but on the forums i am sharing my progress, even posted a vid of my playing for critique. i am however, willing to call a truce to our little spat, if you can manage to stop throwing shade.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by don_budge View Post

                              By the way...just out of curiosity. Where were you in 1989? How old were you then?
                              lol, you first.
                              i can say that i did start playing with wood growing up, probably even had a budge racquet, later got the prince woody... evolved to steel (t2000), aluminum (prince pro), graphite (i forget: prostaff? definitely the radical at some point), even boron (yonex rd something), etc...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by stotty View Post

                                Most of my life I used lateral pinpoint. I don't recommend it. After watching the Ben Kibler video articles I experimented with platform and pushing up with the rear leg, which you cannot do with lateral pinpoint. After a month of doing this the difference became very clear. It wasn't that I was gaining all the much in extra power, it was more that serving became physically easier because my whole right side was more engaged and the load was better spread along the the kinetic chain. Pushing up with the rear leg greatly benefitted my kick serve because I managed to get a tad more work on the ball and more clearance over the net, and all for less effort.

                                The best way to go about uploading a player for others to observe is to have an open mind. I have posted players many times. Someone is bound to notice something you have haven't and you can either take onboard on disregard comments you feel are or aren't relevant to your player.

                                The first thing that sprung to mind when I watched your daughter's serve is that it could be improved. She's talented and with a few simple adjustments her serve could be better.

                                The good thing is you Googled lateral pinpoint, so you didn't disregard my comments entirely, at least you were curious. There are so many good articles on the this website and people who will genuinely try to help develop your daughter's serve. Why don't you give it a go? You have nothing to lose? You'll find it way better than bursting into the saloon with a cocked pistol.
                                I still dont know what a lateral pinpoint stance is but I'm going to take your word that its' an actual tennis term that I've somehow missed throughout the years but more to the point.....

                                You and I are worlds apart in our perspectives. You see someone serving a tennis ball and look at the stance and whatever else catches your intention and ignore the ball. I look at someone serving and look at the ball and what its doing and if the serve is a good one I dont look for things to fix.

                                If someone can serve with consistency, pace, spin and placement they have everything they need and it will continue to improve on its own. The mind and body have a way of finding more effective and efficient ways to do things through repetition of fundamentals. If you are practicing the correct things the universe slowly unfolds for you, Things certianly change over time as you become enlightened through the process. Federer had a significantly different forehand ten years ago then he does today.

                                If the player in the video, who happens to be my daughter, had a very obvious deficiency that caused inconsistency, lack of spin or pace etc your response would make sense but when any 5'3" female can serve like her it boggles the mind (at least my mind) why you would suggest changing things. You've seen a single serve from her which happens to be a very good serve and you're ready to rebuild her serve simply because you dont like the way she stands.. I'm unable to find the logic in that.

                                At any rate I'm beating a dead horse. You're entitled to your perspective no matter how illogical it is.. Just kidding Slotty!

                                My daughter is tentatively scheduled to play a match next week against a former top 80 WTA player who is still in her late 20s or early 30s. I plan on recording it and if you're interested maybe I'll post it so you can see how her serve holds up... and then we can argue some more about her stance being ineffective or whatever else you want to argue about.


                                Last edited by Error; 04-21-2019, 06:23 PM.


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