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The Serve: Synchronizing the Legs

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  • stotty
    Great questions by seano.

    And how about if the grip is slightly erring towards a forehand grip and if the toss is often to the right? I am talking about Murray here. Do those elements impact his ability to get a full 180?

    I find Murray's serve, technically, the least favourable of the Big 4.
    Last edited by stotty; 12-12-2018, 01:29 PM.

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  • seano
    Brian -

    Even pro players can seem to have a difficult time getting a full 180 degrees of internal shoulder rotation around the contact phase of the serve. Could 1) "too far through the backswing when the legs start to push" and/or 2) "a forward entry" in the backswing, be possible explanations why? Andy Murray is an example to some degree of both and he is known for not constantly getting a full 180 degrees of internal shoulder rotation.


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  • ferli001
    I appreciate so much these videos as someone trying to teach herself to serve --- I would love some practical tips on how to practice/learn this timing of the legs and racket drop. Would starting in the hesitation point up the ball and practicing pushing up be a way to start? Perhaps Dr. Gordon you will be addressing some of my questions in your next video? can't wait.

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  • BrianGordon
    Thanks guys - Kyle, couldn't agree more about the abbreviated and your observations are spot on as usual. Stotty - I'm reading, trying to clean up my act, thanks!

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  • stotty
    I like it. I like having these things explained to me in a way that's easy to understand. It means I can go away and employ it in my coaching with confidence. That's how it should be. The scientist explains the mechanics behind tennis strokes, and the tennis coach trots off with his tool bag and fixes things left, right and centre...then standards go up. Sounds about right to me.

    Brian, if you're reading, it's the reference points that work so well for coaches. If you can tell us what, where and when, as in your latest video series, it makes it easy for coaches to execute.

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  • klacr
    Originally posted by seano View Post
    This series by Dr. Gordon on the serve is the best, most specific information I have found. His knowledge and ability to describe and present his material is unmatched. The fact that the leg drive and torso rotation INDIRECTLY relates to racquet head speed and are only used to set up the rotations in the upward swing is fascinating. Also, that the leg drive initiates the racquet drop and concludes when the leg are straight with the racquet exiting the backswing, is a perfect reference point for checking timing when doing slow motion video analysis. As well as, the leg drive hopefully creates the external shoulder rotation because of a function of inertia and not because of a muscular activity, clearly explains the importance of shoulder relaxation. All this serve material allows for a much clearer understanding of the complexities of the serve and helps with identifying problem areas. Great information.

    I hope all of the tennisplayer subscribers realize how lucky we are to have this sort of expertise at our disposal. Hard to think of another website, for tennis or any other sport that has this breadth and depth of articles and expert coaches. Brian once again showcases his knowledge. The serve is complicated, but good servers make it look easy. It is the fluidity and synchronization from many parts of the body.

    General Observation: I find that players who use an abbreviated motion have an easier time with the swing and toss, but it removes or severely handicaps coordination/rhythm for leg drive and trunk rotation resulting in slow racquet head speed. Students that are lucky enough to get it all together and look amazing. But if they don't it is a horrendous debacle of the athletic form. Teaching a swing or how to toss or any other segment of the motion is easy. However, building or finding that bridge for the student to go to next level with the toss and swing as well as the core/lower body involvement is the holy grail of teaching the serve and its where many coaches get lost or the instructions are convoluted.

    This is an awesome series.

    Kyle LaCroix USPTA
    Boca Raton

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  • BrianGordon
    Thanks guys.


    The 45% value is an instantaneous value near impact. At that time around 43% comes from wrist flexion and the rest from upper trunk twist rotation (10%) and elbow extension. These values are from my dissertation and are composites of several servers - my applied experience backs them up. For periods other than the final instants before contact I'd refer you to "The Serve and Tennis Science" article. My dissertation defined methodology that improved computation of these values around impact - long story.

    Not sure there is an optimal angle. Depends on many other factors including the lateral tilt of the trunk. I try to keep it around 100 degrees max.

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  • seano
    Brian - 2 questions

    1) If Internal Shoulder Rotation makes up to 45% of racquet head speed on the serve, what are the other contributors and what % do they contribute?
    2) At the moment of impact on the serve, Is there an ideal shoulder abduction angle at contact? I'm seeing varying degrees when I look at different pros.
    Thanks, just curious.

    Last edited by seano; 12-02-2018, 03:51 PM.

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  • gzhpcu
    I can only agree. Dr. Gordon’s sequence of video artcles is clear, logical and the best I have ever seen. It should be mandatory viewing for all tennis teachers.
    Last edited by gzhpcu; 12-02-2018, 12:35 AM.

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  • seano
    This series by Dr. Gordon on the serve is the best, most specific information I have found. His knowledge and ability to describe and present his material is unmatched. The fact that the leg drive and torso rotation INDIRECTLY relates to racquet head speed and are only used to set up the rotations in the upward swing is fascinating. Also, that the leg drive initiates the racquet drop and concludes when the leg are straight with the racquet exiting the backswing, is a perfect reference point for checking timing when doing slow motion video analysis. As well as, the leg drive hopefully creates the external shoulder rotation because of a function of inertia and not because of a muscular activity, clearly explains the importance of shoulder relaxation. All this serve material allows for a much clearer understanding of the complexities of the serve and helps with identifying problem areas. Great information.

    Last edited by seano; 12-01-2018, 10:15 PM.

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  • jeffreycounts
    started a topic The Serve: Synchronizing the Legs

    The Serve: Synchronizing the Legs

    Let's talk about Brian Gordon's article "The Serve: Synchronizing the Legs"

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