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Interactive Forum July 2018: Hyeon Chung Two Handed Backhand

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  • Interactive Forum July 2018: Hyeon Chung Two Handed Backhand

    Hyeon Chung Two Handed Backhand

    Hyeon Chung hits his forehand with a true straight armand the same can be said of his upper arm on the two-hander. Very straight! Ive heard it said this backhand is the best technically on the tour. What do you guys think? I caught him mainly in neutral and slightly closed stances in this footage but also several open stances. Not sure which predominatesyet. But stances are versatile!

    Last edited by johnyandell; 05-15-2021, 03:30 PM.

  • #2
    I love the start of new months with new editions of material. I like the rear view shot the most. You can really see how quickly he straightens his top arm (left) after the pull/push of his hands. Beautiful stroke, relaxed and acceleration thru contact. His very straight left arm is what sticks out to me the most.

    What I really appreciate about tennisplayer is the knowledge that is passed on. On display are aspects of Brian Gordon's ATP technique, David Bailey's different footwork patterns & Kerry Mitchell's true alignment, cool stuff.
    Last edited by seano; 07-01-2018, 09:29 AM.


    • #3
      What impresses me most with his technique is just how linear the extension through the shot seems. I can only assume that this is not simply a case of cause and effect of straightening the arm while hitting the shot but has to also be the focus and intent of the player. It just seems to be more emphasized here.


      • #4
        Straight arm certainly allows contact in front and maybe more spin. Noticeable are his legs - strength as his tree trunks have always stood out since he has arrived on tour.


        • #5
          All good stuff( posture, coil, balance, linear extension, relaxed right hand) is impressive -that being said- I am really impressed with the "repeatability factor."


          • #6
            It's an awesome shot


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