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Where Are We Now? The Forehand Part 2

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  • Where Are We Now? The Forehand Part 2

    Would love to discuss my latest article, "Where Are We Now? The Forehand Part 2"!

  • #2
    Simply put, master good preparation and the rest can fall into place. What starts in chaos ends in chaos, tennis swings included.
    Great stuff John. You hit all the checkpoints and many myths are debunked. Once again, required reading for all tennis coaches.

    Kyle LaCroix USPTA
    Boca Raton


    • #3
      Great summarization of forehand key points within variant styles! This article is so important because it gives a good baseline for further study. I would love to see an experiment with one group of junior players given 10,000 hits with verbal instruction only by using these key points exclusively and another group given 10,000 hits with ONLY video feedback of these key points( instant, on demand, side by side video review as they stroke and compare their stroke with these video checkpoints). A permanent on court, user-friendly technology setup, however, might be problematic.
      Interesting questions would be generated. Which method might prove to be better or is some percentage of blend of the two methods perhaps more appropriate across the groups? Or is the learning method just too specific to an auditory versus visual learner to generalize across a group? Would the findings apply to ability level? Would the findings apply to adults?


      • #4
        John -

        As always, the information you provide is second to none, great stuff.


        • #5
          That would be interesting. But I believe you use all those variants but especially the on court video. I use a casio high speed camera and a mac and models from Tennisplayer.

          Much appreciated! Thanks for all your posts.


          • #6
            Part 2 as good maybe better. Thanks.


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