Have we opened a pandora’s box?
When I was a teenager and took up tennis, one of the things that gave me hope was that I could distinguish myself and become successfull, because of my perseverance to figure out the complexities of the strokes.
I was never going to be a championship powerlifter or a sprinter because I didn’t have the right genes for those endeavors. Not enough fast twich fibers, not anabolic enough, etc. No matter how hard I trained there was no way around those genetic factors in these much more simple sports.
Sure, there is some technique involved in powerlifting and sprinting, but, a Gustavo Kuertan, despite winning three French Open's would never be a world class or even a regional class powerlifter or sprinter, those sports place too much an importance on muscular genetics.
But with tennis, I could use my brain…
I could figure out what most didn’t have the persistence to figure out. I could learn the anatomy of the human body and figure out the best way to use it to make the ball do what I needed it to do.
So I could “stand out” in tennis because of my character (that is, the persistent part anyway). And likewise anyone else with that persistence could become successful as well. This is one of my favorite qualities of tennis.
But as the information that I and others like myself have worked so hard to discover, floods the internet, I wonder have we done some harm to the sport?
If we all have easy access to perfect technique, what will separate competitors in the future?
Will it all come down to muscular genetics, like bodybuilding, powerlifting and sprinting?
Or will some quality of character still make the difference in who lifts the trophy?
When I was a teenager and took up tennis, one of the things that gave me hope was that I could distinguish myself and become successfull, because of my perseverance to figure out the complexities of the strokes.
I was never going to be a championship powerlifter or a sprinter because I didn’t have the right genes for those endeavors. Not enough fast twich fibers, not anabolic enough, etc. No matter how hard I trained there was no way around those genetic factors in these much more simple sports.
Sure, there is some technique involved in powerlifting and sprinting, but, a Gustavo Kuertan, despite winning three French Open's would never be a world class or even a regional class powerlifter or sprinter, those sports place too much an importance on muscular genetics.
But with tennis, I could use my brain…
I could figure out what most didn’t have the persistence to figure out. I could learn the anatomy of the human body and figure out the best way to use it to make the ball do what I needed it to do.
So I could “stand out” in tennis because of my character (that is, the persistent part anyway). And likewise anyone else with that persistence could become successful as well. This is one of my favorite qualities of tennis.
But as the information that I and others like myself have worked so hard to discover, floods the internet, I wonder have we done some harm to the sport?
If we all have easy access to perfect technique, what will separate competitors in the future?
Will it all come down to muscular genetics, like bodybuilding, powerlifting and sprinting?
Or will some quality of character still make the difference in who lifts the trophy?