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  • Thanks Rob!


    • "Still, for the vast majority of players the key elements of this stroke are far more attainable than the key elements of a straight(er) arm stroke." The final quote from Brian Gordon's analysis of Sinner's forehand. I would love to give every athletic kid in my program Sinner's forehand elements!!!!
      My suggestion is this: if the vast majority of players can't hit a straight arm forehand I would love to see a series dedicated to ultimate fundamentals of the the double bend forehand. The best forehand for the rest of us. I'm fine conceding the straight arm is the optimum way to hit the shot, but I'll take Nick, Sinner, or Novak's forehand all day long. John I love the way you present things and I believe an updated double bend fundamentals from the man who coined "double bend" and probably understands it better than anyone would be a valuable resource on this site. No pressure obviously, just a suggestion. Thank you for all that you do for the Tennisplayer community!


      • Yeah good idea. Not sure I would have anything new to say compared to the articles in Advanced Tennis but some new pictures maybe. I have to agree that you can be great at any level with the double bend...


        • In my opinion it would be interesting to dive into the different ways players are using it in the unit turn and backswing phase. I think you’d agree the double bend that we are seeing now looks different than the classic Roddick, Novak, Agassi, and Nalbandian time from the previous double bend article. I’m sure the common threads remain and the last thing I would ask for is something that’s redundant, it just looks a little different as if it has evolved. Just my two cents. Thanks for your consideration John.


          • Ok!


            • Noticed a small error: in Advanced Tennis > Your Forehand and the Modern Forehand > Grip and Contact Height, the link takes you to Backswing Part 1.

              I clicked on Backswing Part 1 hoping they'd just been mixed up, but no, you get Backswing Part 1 again.

              I was trying to check what a continental grip is using the 2/1, etc notation (2/1 being a classic ohbh grip, for example).


              • Thanks we will correct!


                • Originally posted by glacierguy View Post
                  Noticed a small error: in Advanced Tennis > Your Forehand and the Modern Forehand > Grip and Contact Height, the link takes you to Backswing Part 1.

                  I clicked on Backswing Part 1 hoping they'd just been mixed up, but no, you get Backswing Part 1 again.

                  I was trying to check what a continental grip is using the 2/1, etc notation (2/1 being a classic ohbh grip, for example).
                  The content is actually correct, but the title was wrong. I just fixed it the title. Thanks for catching that!

                  We might have other articles on grip - this one is specifically on grip and contact height. If you search you'll find several. Here are a few that came up for me:
                  Last edited by johnyandell; 09-14-2022, 05:52 PM.


                  • Thanks Jeff


                    • Originally posted by jeffreycounts View Post

                      The content is actually correct, but the title was wrong. I just fixed it the title. Thanks for catching that!

                      We might have other articles on grip - this one is specifically on grip and contact height. If you search you'll find several. Here are a few that came up for me:
                      Thanks! That last article by Brent Abel was exactly what I needed.


                      • Alright!


                        • It would be awesome to have high speed archive for some of the newer players like Holger Rune (his backhand). Also I would love to see people's analysis of Tommy Paul's forehand. This seems to be a new technique, that I think Joe Gilbert has had success with at the JMG academy. Also it would be cool to see analysis on brooksby's backhand and forehand, as he seems to be so consistent with those two shots, was wondering if there is something to learn from that.


                          • Here's Holger:
                            Holger Rune Backhand So here are a few preliminary clips of Holger’s backhand. Hopefully more to come. But we can see a few things for sure. Unlike so many other top players, Holger has a bent/bent hitting arm structure, instead of the more typical bent front arm and straight back arm like Djokovic, Zverev and others.

                            Hope to get Brooksby eventually


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