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Building the modern forehand

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  • Building the modern forehand

    John, many of the links towards the middle of the list do not work!

  • #2
    other MIAs:

    Pro patterns: switching the rally

    doubles playing styles

    timelss principles of winning strategy

    when momentum is neutal

    becoming a great competitier

    What's up, John? Been tinkering with the site? Got the post-wimbledon blues and that's messing with the page?

    Looks like we could use a thread of missing pages.


    • #3
      Easy there Jim.

      But I do appreciate your diligence. We were aware of the link problems. It has to do with the miracle of destroying the Active X thing from Micrcosoft. When the great Manish Mukhergee (our programmer) worked his magic a few links got crushed in the process. You can now use IE and there are only a few pages left where you get the Active X thing--and those will be mercilessly purged as well

      Think you'll find the ones you mentioned are all fnow ine--and a few more you didn't find.

      I like your idea of starting a thread though to point these type of things out--I know the picture is missing in some of the Stroke Archive pages and there are also a few duplicate movies htere, and random other small blemishes here and there.

      So if you guys will report them as you find them, we will be more likely to get them straightened out.


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