Great to find you online again. I was very disappointed when your articles disappeared off that other tennis website a little over a year ago. I happened to be going through my junk email folder today (a task I have been trying to remember to do periodically) and found your message. Signed up immediately. It consatantly amazes me what people will pay for private lessons and walk away with little more than a few verbal clues to work on. Your site represents one of the biggest bargains in tennis instruction. Now all I need is the high speed video camera to capture the grim reality of my strokes.
Thanks for putting together a great site that can get the real truth out to all us hackers.
Great to find you online again. I was very disappointed when your articles disappeared off that other tennis website a little over a year ago. I happened to be going through my junk email folder today (a task I have been trying to remember to do periodically) and found your message. Signed up immediately. It consatantly amazes me what people will pay for private lessons and walk away with little more than a few verbal clues to work on. Your site represents one of the biggest bargains in tennis instruction. Now all I need is the high speed video camera to capture the grim reality of my strokes.
Thanks for putting together a great site that can get the real truth out to all us hackers.