Does anyone know about federer's string tension ..i've heard it's around 52...does he ever go below this...and what about his it a western forehand and an extreme eastern backahand (topspin shot)or does he go a little further left on the bachand.
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federer's grips and string tension
I'm not sure about string tension, but I bet if you go to the TennisWarehouse message boards, you will find plenty of people who do.
As for the grip--read the Federer forehand articles in the Advanced Tennis section which discuss this in detail, and in relation to the other top players.
Backhand? Go to the Stroke Archives and look at Backhand Arm Action. I would say his index knuckle is roughly on top of the frame, are maybe a hair shy of that. That's less than Justine or Guga or Gonzo.
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