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Peter McCraw - Player Development -

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  • Peter McCraw - Player Development -

    Great article by Peter. I hope every tennis parent reads it. I really liked the emphasis on the kids just having fun in the early stages of development and being exposed to multiple sports. He also makes you realize what a long process it is. You have to feel sorry for those that go through the whole process and just don't quite have "what it takes." But what the heck, at least they tried.

  • #2
    I forwarded this message to Pete. He's traveling and I think in England at the moment, but hopefully will respond personally.

    Yes it it really helps put the whole thing in perspective--something we could use a lot more of in junior tennis. Since 99% won't ever play pro ball there must be some other reasons to pursue it, right?


    • #3
      Tim has made a terrific point here.

      I know that as a teaching professional dealing with parents, like anything, there are good and bad. Many young kids I know have been put off tennis due to the fact that they were unable to play any fun games and it just had to be stroke after stroke after stroke. And unfortunately as they are paying for it, you must carry out their wishes.

      Kids must learn to love the sport first, and then learn to learn after that.

      Great article Pete.


      • #4
        Long-term focus builds the person and the player

        Thanks for the feedback Tim,

        At the end of the day, what you see on the TV is the person who is the tennis player, hence, taking a long-term view with development creates an environment where the coach can build the person, with tennis being the vehicle.

        When the LT process is achieved we see champions in the competitive arena and in their daily life outside the game. Look back at the champions of every era and you will see they were champion people also. They go hand in hand.

        At the end of the day, given the odds of tennis success, taking a long-term approach to developing people through tennis results in a far greater success rate in the poeple stakes. This is coaching, this is our daily moral and ethical obligation to the children we teach.




        • #5
          look into the past

          Thought this was interesting to see two world class tennis players do battle a few years ago, seems to fit in well with the ideas on player development.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Can't see the attached file

            I can't see the attached file. I have Windows Media Player and Quick Time. Do I need another software?


            • #7
              Right Click It and then Save Target can download it first then watch it.

              Can't see too much how old were they??


              • #8
                The match was played at the International Event in Tarbes, both players are age 11. It is a shame the quality isn't better but I thought it might be interesting to see a bit of how these guys hit the ball at aged 11.


                • #9
                  Somewhere out there is the next 11 yr old future champ...


                  • #10
                    Nadal vs. Gasquet Video

                    Originally posted by ndevers
                    The match was played at the International Event in Tarbes, both players are age 11. It is a shame the quality isn't better but I thought it might be interesting to see a bit of how these guys hit the ball at aged 11.
                    A couple of comments. First of all, they look a lot bigger and stronger than 11. Are you sure they aren't at least 12 or 13? Perhaps their unusual strength even at that age was a sign of their great future. Second, believe it or not, I think Nadal's strokes look even better then than they do today. He seems to excude more power than he does now. Third, while I used to think that Nadal's pension for constantly pulling his pants out of his butt before every point was due to the fact that his longer, knee level pants were too tight, I now see that he does this before the point in the video when he was 11 years old. Perhaps it is not the pants, but some sort of genetic tick that compels him to do this before every point. He needs to do something about this in terms of getting better fitting undergarments, seeing a psychiatrist or something. Doesn't he realize how unflattering this looks every time he does it? Has anyone else noticed this? It could cost him millions in endorsements.


                    • #11
                      Nadel vs Gasguet

                      can only go with what the records say and they put them both at age 11. Gasguet goes on to win the match 6-7 6-3 6-4 infront of an excited french crowd.

                      As for the trouser thing, I'd put it down to a nervous habbit like the Becker cough or the Henman sniff, something thats hardly noticable after a while.


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