I've been studying your website for several days now and I have to confess that you are brilliant! Your use of high speed video for analysis is a great idea, but that's not what I'm talking about. Your insight into differentiating between key elements of a tennis stroke and the non-key elements that are merely a result of key elements lends so much insight into truly understanding the principles of tennis versus the practices that so many players and teaching pros mistakenly focus upon.
My game has improved tremendously in the past week alone simply by becoming more aware of the elements you emphasize on your website.
Thank you for creating the best learning tool I have ever witnessed. I tell every tennis player that I know about your website.
I've been studying your website for several days now and I have to confess that you are brilliant! Your use of high speed video for analysis is a great idea, but that's not what I'm talking about. Your insight into differentiating between key elements of a tennis stroke and the non-key elements that are merely a result of key elements lends so much insight into truly understanding the principles of tennis versus the practices that so many players and teaching pros mistakenly focus upon.
My game has improved tremendously in the past week alone simply by becoming more aware of the elements you emphasize on your website.
Thank you for creating the best learning tool I have ever witnessed. I tell every tennis player that I know about your website.