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i want my serve to bounce high after it hits the court.

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  • i want my serve to bounce high after it hits the court.


    I wanted to know something. How do i make my serve bounce higher after it hits the court . I mean i see players who when they serve , their ball reaches about more than my shoulder height( my height is 6'1) . but when i serve my ball hardly reaches their hips. so what is the problem here.

    Does the ball bounce higher when i hit it with more power or do i need to put more spin on it??

    please give your valuable suggestions.


  • #2

    Thanks for writing. And now you will hear the refrain I repeat (almost) daily in the Forum. Send in the video! If we can't see your motion, I can't really give you a valid opinion. Check Your Strokes for how to send me actualm tape--or just attach some files here!!

    It could be your racket drop, hand and arm motion to the ball, contact point, toss height, left to right ball position, front to back ball position, your grip, the type and amount of spin--and that's just the simple explanation.

    The best I can say is to go read the Sampras articles--he had the elements for a very heavy serve that bounced over people's heads. His motion is analyzed in complete detail in Tour Strokes. That should give you a few ideas.

    John Yandell


    • #3
      Originally posted by visit_faraz

      I wanted to know something. How do i make my serve bounce higher after it hits the court . I mean i see players who when they serve , their ball reaches about more than my shoulder height( my height is 6'1) . but when i serve my ball hardly reaches their hips. so what is the problem here.

      Does the ball bounce higher when i hit it with more power or do i need to put more spin on it??

      please give your valuable suggestions.

      Think of it this way, if you had a ball and dropped it a foot off the ground, would it bounce lower then one that started 10 feet from the ground?

      If you wer able to have the ball start its decent higher off the ground and increase the spin revolutions on the ball so air pushes harder against it going down, do you thinks it would hit the ground harder and bounce higher?

      If you answered yes to both questions, you have the formula to get a high bounce off your serve. Trajectory, spin, and hieght play an important role.

      The next question is, how do you do it. That is why John is asking for your video. He wants to see you hit the ball. Are you hitting to flat. Are you hitting up on the ball, etc..


      • #4
        If we are posting video of ourselves- which angle will help the most? Maybe from the front because thats where you guys are used to watching people?


        • #5
          Depends on what you are filming. You really need a couple three views. The best one to start on the groundstrokes is 3/4 front. Camera at net post on the side you are hitting you on baseline. Serve actually rear and side.

          Check out the Your Strokes section to get a feel.


          • #6
            i dont have a video camera.

            sorry john and bungalo for the late late reply.

            the problem is that i dont have a video camera now, so i am unable to send u my video. i dont even know which sort of camera should be used and how to send it to you.

            maybe someday if i get a camera . i will send you my video. could you give me a few recommendations as to which camera should be used.

            at current my problem is the position of the base of palm on my continental grip. i dont whether to keep the base of my palm at the top of the handle or on bevel 2( if the top one is bevel 1).



            • #7
              Any miniDV camera with a sports shutter setting will do! The Canon ones are less than $300.

              On the serve, you need at least part of your heel pad on the top of the frame--bevel one--before you could call it a continental grip. for most people half the heel pad half on is enough to generate spin. Some players with strength and flexibility can go further.


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