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2016 Wimbledon Championships...ATP 2000...London, England

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  • #61
    Kerber emulates Steffi Graf. Good win over Venus. She will play the final with confidence agaist Serena. May the best player win.


    • #62
      Roger Federer vs. Steve Johnson...John McEnroe and Jack Nicklaus

      Originally posted by licensedcoach View Post
      I had a great day at Wimbledon.
      One of the things that I have never said on this forum besides "I agree" or "I disagree" is I'm sorry. But nobody cares anyways. Didn't anybody notice that I was gone??? Just kidding...I had to see a man about a dog. More on that later. What a man...what a dog.

      My feelings about Wimbledon and tennis haven't change at all. My teaching paradigm will never is etched in stone. Bill Tilden is the book. Richard Gonzales is the model with the Don Budge backhand. Harry Hopman is forever the coach. Last but not least and perhaps most importantly for any budding or future tennis aficionado...Roger Federer is the Living Proof.

      After Roger it is over and more and more you are beginning to realize that I never lie. I always tell the truth...just like Tony Montana in "Scarface". I always tell the truth...even when I lie. But you see him and then you won't. Soon it will be poof and he will disappear. It might even happen this afternoon. Two o'clock in the afternoon against Godzilla serving Milos Raonic. It could...but I pray that it won't. I believe that it won't. The possibility of Raonic beating Roger doesn't even occur to me. Because if he does...Wimbledon is over. Quite possibly for good. This is the reality of my life. Not yours.

      Roger managed to resurrect himself didn't he? I'm not talking just about that match the other day against Marin Cilic. More on that in another post. But once again it was the mantra...preparation, preparation, preparation. He has managed to get himself into position. Head forwards...butt back. Balanced for an attacking stroke. It's only a game of balance and energy, isn't it? But how on Earth did he get himself into this position? Through a trail of meaningless losses on a trail of meaningless tournaments Roger set his sights on the prize at Wimbledon and now he is in take a swing at the title. Just one more match and he is where he has set his play for all of the marbles.

      On the trail to the destination if he did his own version of a Google Map Quest he arrived in the round of sixteen against a very good modern day tennis player named Steve Johnson. Johnson had ironically dispatched of a now fading star who used to be referred to as "Baby Fed". Grigor Dimitrov is finding out what the announcer said during his might have been Brad Gilbert...the imitation is never as good as the original. Dimitrov may as well have been a hologram in modern day linguistics...his lack of fundamental substance is costing him dearly just when the after burners should be kicking in. Last year Dimitrov beat Johnson in straight sets and this year he lost to him in four. You are going the wrong way Grigor...get the nose up. He apparently doesn't have any better taste in women...going for image as opposed to substance. That's only a guess by the way. You never now about boys and girls.

      Steve Johnson is no slouch these days on the ATP Tour. He is ranked #29 as opposed to Dimitrov's #37. He is eating his way up the food chain. In fact he had eaten his way all the way up to Roger Federer in the round of sixteen and he found out why Roger has been there all of these years. He met the original full head on and discovered exactly why it is that I have designated him as what I call "The Living Proof". Roger started to vibrate once again with the tennis universe. It was only a sputter compared to his next round but you could see that he had the engine beginning to purr once again. His preparation started to kick in just in the nick of time. He put the pedal to the metal and routinely delegated Johnson back to the locker room with his tail tucked neatly between his legs. He can now say that he played against the great Roger Federer and he played him in fine form. Johnson was in form...and Roger once again became Roger. He hit his stride during this match and it gave him enough confidence to do what he needed to do later. More on that later.

      Perhaps the most beautiful and the most poignant moment of the tournament occurred during this match and nobody else picked it out except me. It happened in the announcers booth where it in normally a couple of idiots full of sheer and utter nonsense trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip. Trying through hyperbole and hype to elevate this mediocre of a sport to heights that it considered normal in the past. In the booth for the match between Johnson and Mr. Living Proof we had "The Great" John McEnroe with his little brother Patrick as his sidekick...but the kicker was that their guest was none other than "The Great" Jack Nicklaus. You see that I don't use that term lightly.

      The two great ones had a discussion that I hope one day appears on youtube. It will be worth watching a replay of Federer's rehearsal with Johnson just to witness this conversation alone. As Stotty would testify, and he is no golfer, the conversation was a golden moment. A precious moment. It was a moment that I wish that all of you could have been present and accounted for. All of you. It was John McEnroe and Jack Nicklaus discussing tennis and golf. Two titanic icons discussing God's greatest gifts to mankind in terms of and golf.

      Sometimes in life you are treated to a gift...a divine present and here it was. John and Jack talking about things like the grass engineering at Wimbledon and the golf course. They were talking about the similarities between the psychological games in the two great sports. They touched on tactics. They launched into equipment...don't get me started here. These two great iconic geniuses did nothing more that validate what I harp on ad infinitum. Nicklaus chimed in that the "new and modern" golf ball goes fifty yards further. I went to a party later on in the afternoon and my dear old best friend from years gone by had seen the same discussion. Although he was less bowled over by it than I was. But that can be attributed to by perception...and perspective.

      I wish you all had heard it. They spoke the truth about a number of things. They dealt with it delicately too. Like an insider if only the blessed could have understood what they were saying. Because what they were talking about and saying could only be taken as blasphemy and dangerous by the current entities ruling both the tennis world and the golf world. The rest of the world as well. I think that Donald Trump would have had enough sense to keep his mouth shut while these two were speaking. So that he could listen...and learn something. I am sure that he would use it later...when trying to deliver the truth to an audience of unbelievers. Unbelievers in anything of substance. Like the tennis world. The World of Tennis. That hologram of a sport.

      More later about the man and the dog...about Federer and Cilic. Shhhh...I didn't mean to interrupt. But notice that I didn't say that I was sorry. God bless you all...each and every one of you.


      • #63
        Originally posted by don_budge View Post
        One of the things that I have never said on this forum besides "I agree" or "I disagree" is I'm sorry. But nobody cares anyways. Didn't anybody notice that I was gone??? Just kidding...I had to see a man about a dog. More on that later. What a man...what a dog.
        We noticed. You have had sabbaticals before so we didn't panic. Love of the game was always going to bring you back, of this we were sure.

        Roger is a set down and 4-4 as I write. Raonic just pulled off an excellent low volley...first time I have seen that this tournament and maybe the one before that. It's a dull game though. Roger will just have to bide his time and take what opportunities turn up. Let's hope some do.


        • #64
          Stotty and McEnroe...

          Originally posted by licensedcoach View Post
          We noticed. You have had sabbaticals before so we didn't panic. Love of the game was always going to bring you back, of this we were sure.

          Roger is a set down and 4-4 as I write. Raonic just pulled off an excellent low volley...first time I have seen that this tournament and maybe the one before that. It's a dull game though. Roger will just have to bide his time and take what opportunities turn up. Let's hope some do.
          My good man!!! One set all...McEnroe should have recused himself from doing this match. I sense some indecision in his voice. Conflict of interest. It seems to be a minor situation but somehow once again tennis metaphors life. The American court system is rigged.


          • #65
            John McEnroe and his dilemma...

            Originally posted by don_budge View Post
            My good man!!! One set all...McEnroe should have recused himself from doing this match. I sense some indecision in his voice. Conflict of interest. It seems to be a minor situation but somehow once again tennis metaphors life. The American court system is rigged.
            Terrible dilemma for McEnroe. He is a bit tongue tied. He has put himself in a position of conflict of interest and he is finding that he cannot serve two masters. On one hand he has a vested interest in Raonic but on the other and more importantly he has a deep emotional interest in Federer. His heart is with Federer. You see...Federer is the Living Proof of what McEnroe once was. McEnroe cannot help himself for the feeling in his heart but the deal with Raonic is a financial one. He should have recused himself. It was either stupid or ignorant. I am leaning on a stupid verdict.


            • #66
              Serving for the Set...Federer Style

              It looks like Roger will be serving for the second set. Let's see how he does in his mission.


              • #67
                Merlon on Wizardry...and serving out the set

                Originally posted by don_budge View Post
                It looks like Roger will be serving for the second set. Let's see how he does in his mission.
                No fuss. He serves it out at love. He has summoned the Merlin used to say. Now watch what he does in the fourth set.


                • #68
                  For the Marbles...

                  One set now for all of the marbles. No tie-break. Federer had chances to break at 2-2 and 3-3. He failed to convert. To win must break the other man's serve. Advantage Federer?


                  • #69
                    Tight match for Federer, no second Houdini act, but Raonic played and moved well. Lots of serve and volley too by Milos!


                    • #70
                      I missed the last three sets...had to go to work. I am assuming Roger started running out of gas in the fifth set? I just felt if he could bunt enough serves back he would be in with a good chance in the rallies.

                      I still feel Roger plays really well but going to five sets twice would be a hurdle too far.

                      Milos seemed to be reading Roger's game really well. He seemed to know exactly where Roger's backhand was going and was getting into position to receive it ahead of time.


                      • #71
                        To his credit, Raonic played well, composed and methodical. He's being coached/consulted by John McEnroe. How much of McEnroe's influence contributed to this victory? Raonic has been much more willing to serve and volley. That's not a bad thing.

                        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                        Boca Raton


                        • #72
                          Andy Murray vs. Milos Raonic...2016 Wimbledon Finals, London, England

                          "You will be interested to know that I am applying for jobs at other websites. Most are unpaid positions, but it's a way for me to promote myself. In fact, I just got "hired" by a new site--the ****** ***** in ****. It wasn't easy, I had to send them samples articles and my full bio. Anyway, I just emailed them asking for permission (which I must do according to company policy) to write a preview of the Murray-Raonic Final. I think this match presents a very interesting dynamic in several different ways pertaining to abilities, experience, temperament and the setting itself. And who are you picking. I'm going to make the case for each of them , but will ultimately probably go with Murray.

                          What points would you stress if you were writing it? I value your opinion immensely, and I'm certain that any feedback that I received from you would be extremely beneficial. If you could email me your thoughts today I would appreciate it. Time is obviously of the essence. In fact I am expecting the ****** ***** to call me any minute now to give me the go ahead."

                          A friend of mine in "the business" wrote to me the other could he be so stupid to possibly value my opinion. He's a journalism major from the University of Michigan embarking on a writing career and like me he dabbles in tennis among other things.

                          After watching my worst nightmare yesterday when Roger Federer snatched defeat from the jaws of victory I am suffering from a hangover...the death of tennis as I knew it hangover. Forget about this loose talk about Milos Raonic serving and volleying his way to the finals of Wimbledon. He served his way to the finals. Raonic is essentially a one stroke demolition man...without that Godzilla like serve he is just another "Next Generation" propaganda wunderkind. But as it is Milos looks like a heir apparent to one of the vacant "Big Four" slots in the new and improved sport of "Big Time Tennis". didn't have to die. You didn't have to die.

                          Well that's none of your concern. It's become a promotional game. Afterall Roger has been the big selling point all of these years. He's had top billing with his partners in crime...great imposters all of them. You know who they are...Nadal, Djokovic and Murray. Roger has the status of an Elvis Presley in the music industry. But it's bye, bye Roger. The time has come and gone. Roger, being the Living Proof, of my paradigm for teaching and coaching tennis is on life support. He resurrected himself for Wimbledon. He allegedly had knee surgery and underwent a program that was designed and tailored for him to cast himself in the role of a super make the finals.

                          But here it is. The finals are staring us in the face and what do we see? Why it's the Andy Murray and Milos Raonic show. What a novel idea. MIA is Novak Djokovic. I wonder just what happened to him. It's just as well. Somehow from my perspective he isn't what I would call a classic grass court player. A classic grass court player has a nose for the net. He isn't forced to come to the net. He comes with the slightest opportunity...the smallest of invitations. Raonic and Murray? You have to essentially pry them from the baseline. It's a sad state of affairs.

                          So what is it that is compelling about this Wimbledon final? I tell you what is is the lack of anything compelling. These are two sad sack characters if there ever were any. Murray is so void of anything personally entertaining or likable and the same can be said for Raonic. Murray's on court personna is one of his gaping mouth wide open whenever he does one of two things...when he hits a great shot or when he misses. He's consistently unattractive in either role...winner or loser. When he wins he is almost apologetic in his behavior and his body language. As if he himself understands what a zero he is on the stage of tennis. His own countrymen and women for that matter will have to strain themselves to appear to like him. They'll like him or not though...pulling for him in the wake of their brave Brexit from the European Union. They can bolster there country's image in their own hearts if they can salvage a win on the engineered lawn of Wimbledon. A lawn that has been engineered for the likes of an Andy Murray and Milos Raonic for that matter. It's a lawn of velcro. It slows the game down so the big monstrous racquets don't take on a nuclear aspect. Not that it will do any good. We are all fed up with the tennis...and the politics for that matter.

                          Milos Raonic has to be one of the most boring characters to ever grace a final on the hallowed grass at Wimbledon. Does he emote under his heavily gelled hairdo. I was wondering to myself...does his girlfriend ever run her hands through his hair? I don't know why I thought that...I guess I was bored with his play. I remember the Raonic serve was being critiqued in a thread entitled "Interactive Forum".

                          Originally posted by don_budge View Post
                          Besides all of the questions about the idiosyncratic nature of his service motion, I have just one more the motion conducive to him following it into the net? As it looks now the answer to that question I suggest sending him to the Stan Smith school of serving for some seasoning.

                          140 mph is impressive...but spin, placement and tactics are equally important elements of the service game. His motion may not be appropriate for those more subtler elements of service technique and tactics. That little idiosyncratic move that he makes at the top of his backswing to compensate for the rather unorthodox starting position of his racquet head and wrist is worrisome to me. Those little moves and compensations in a players swing sometimes are the reason things tend to break down under pressure...when things get a little dicey. It also looks like he tosses the ball very high which can be problematic in the wind.

                          It would be a shame to waste this young man's obvious strength and not develop the rest of his game around it, while at the same time continuing to develop the serve. If I were his coach I would not be satisfied with this as the final product. Hopefully he has a thoughtful coach, that is mindful of the potential this young man has, that will point him in the right direction.

                          This player should be developed to serve and volley, to attack the net and to play all court tennis...he is a perfect candidate, designed to offset the advantages of the prototypical modern backcourt player of today.

                          As it stands now, though, this is the perfect modern day serve. Generally the philosophy cannot argue with velocity. Hit as hard as possible with minimal thought devoted to tactics...then retreat behind the baseline.
                          Never being right or wrong I find myself entitled to write stuff like this...but be that as it may that serve is completely out of this world. It is a wrecking machine. It wins matches and it wins a lot of them. But there also some rather inexplicable losses that comes with it. As it is the serve now has carried Milos all of the way to the finals of Wimbledon and now the it enough? Answer...probably not. Murray has the game to blunt the initial onslaught and neutralize it enough to get Milos to play his game which most likely will be a game of exploiting the backhand somehow. Exploiting the mobility and ability to get into position to make aggressive swings for five sets. Milos tends to be prone to some injuries...all athletes are of course...but the "high pockets" build of Raonic may be somewhat less conducive to scrambling behind the baseline than the other baseline wonders playing the modern game of tennis somehow. Murray should be able to get Raonic to play his game more often than Raonic will be able to get Murray to play his game. It's a pretty simple game...the modern game.

                          I was watching Raonic against Federer and he didn't look natural going forwards behind his serve. I thought that the serve and volley aspect of his service game was pretty minimal as a matter of fact. All that I remember of his service game from a serve and volley point of view was that he seemed to miss more of his serves when he was trying to sprint towards the net. I may have been somewhat correct about his serve being designed to retreat behind the baseline as opposed to rolling towards the net like his coach/consultant John McEnroe.

                          The finals? I can never remember a less compelling matchup. It's boring and I challenge anyone to sit through the entire thing. I know what I am going to be doing...I am going to be practicing my golf swing in the yard here. I played four rounds in the past two weeks when I was in the States. It was perfect I tell you. My partners acted as if I was the second coming. It was that good. It felt better and better. For you golfers I highly recommend "The Inside Path to Better Golf" by Peter Kostis. I rebuilt my swing during the winter without hardly hitting a ball. I did it between my ears. Swing, swing...swing. I love the swing know. The quest for the perfect swing. But tennis has become too one dimensional. Milos doesn't necessarily add anything to the game either. He is as one-dimensional as they come. Take away that serve and what have you got...another big lug playing the modern game of tennis from the baseline.

                          It's time for the finals. The "Next Generation" stars of tomorrow have all been laid to bed. It's a snooze alert. It's really a shame. But I could be wrong. It's goodnight Iran for the modern game of tennis. The writing on the proverbial wall. It's a culmination point when push comes to shove. Something must be done...but what is it? You cannot make this stuff up. It's as transparent as the Director of the FBI finding Hillary Clinton innocent of any wrong doing.


                          • #73
                            McEnroe a year(maybe 2) or so ago one time(I only heard him say it once) called Raonic's serve the best in the history of tennis. Then he said and it is getting better. McEnroe as we know is not one to throw aroound accolades.


                            • #74
                              Is McEnroe in his commentaries contracted to love Serena? He is so one-sided toward her compared to all the other matches he commentates on.

                              He says Serena is the best athlete to have ever played tennis. I give that one to Steffi Graf, hands down. Has anyone women ever moved better than Steffi, or been more athletic?

                              Serena doesn't have an opponent out there? She needs a rivalry. She is a great player in terms of ball striking but she certainly isn't a great match player by any stretch.

                              3-3 and deuce in the second set as I write....


                              • #75
                                Johnny McEnroe...and the forked tongue.

                                Originally posted by stroke View Post
                                McEnroe a year(maybe 2) or so ago one time(I only heard him say it once) called Raonic's serve the best in the history of tennis. Then he said and it is getting better. McEnroe as we know is not one to throw aroound accolades.
                                McEnroe serves his masters these days. He says what needs to be said. Besides...Johnny knows full well that you cannot compare serves across the modern era and the classic era. He's slinging a fair amount of bull from his seat in the announcer's booth. He has to...the action will not stand on its own.

                                Suffice it to say Raonic's serve is a huge weapon. Without it he wouldn't be where he is.


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