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Perry T. Jones: Dictator, Sadist, Genius

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  • Perry T. Jones: Dictator, Sadist, Genius

    Let's get your thoughts on the Ed Atkinson article - Perry T. Jones: Dictator, Sadist, Genius

  • #2
    Control is power...ask don_budge.

    An informative article. I just love to hear about the history of things...especially tennis.

    Amazing how a person can set about gaining control. Control is power. It seems every now and again Jones wanted to test his power, give it some exercise.

    In some ways it reminds me of what has happened to many rock stars and soccer players over the years. Young men driven by their art or sport are oblivious. They sign contracts because they just want to play and do what they are emotionally driven to do. They don't pay much attention. Ten years down the line they suddenly find they have been sucked dry and made no money. Boxers are perhaps the biggest victims. It's better these days, but in the past it's been diabolical.

    I don't care much for people like Jones. I would have cast him out of the game from the get-go given the chance. There is nothing worse than a control freak who exercises humiliating and petty control.

    I am not sure I could have stomached what Jones did to Ed, but then I would have been so desperate to succeed and play at that age, I may have reacted in the same way. You never know until you are in that position yourself.


    • #3
      Originally posted by licensedcoach View Post
      Boxers are perhaps the biggest victims. It's better these days, but in the past it's been diabolical.
      No, its still diabolitical. The industry is still the same - its set up to make the promoters rich, and not the boxers. The protocals set up now are simply in place to protect the owners from legal action. Guys like Perry Jones were small timers, and all that occured was a much more organized crop of mafia came in and took over things. Like really, its insane players cannot dictate their own price and maximize their earnings by requesting top dollar to appear. That serves the Federations, sponsors and tournament owners nicely, but, certainly not the players interest. That's a weak, weak, weak Players Union at work allowing those rules to be set. I still cannot believe hockey players were bullied into a salary cap either! The powers that be prefer atheletes to be very stupid individuals, and not empowered. You gotta know you worth, and maximize it at every opportunity. This MMA fighter I have Donald, its always amazed me how he does not know the powe of his brand (anyways, he knows now at 23 as he's learned to be a hardassed business man by watching me all day). Kids practicly lived at my house, and spent way to much time if you ask me with the old man (-: Its tough for athletes to come over into the world of businessmen, because, we are competitive, experienced and like to win. Its a big learning curve, and its important to have the right mentors along the way who are going to tell you what you don't want to hear when it comes to money, woman, work hours, passion and all the rest.
      Last edited by hockeyscout; 05-05-2016, 09:10 PM.


      • #4
        I liked that article a lot by the way.


        This about sums it up.

        Jock Ewing. Dallas.

        I got one regret in my life, and its I wish i would have been more willing to put myself out their more and dream bigger.

        I can't really fault the guy they wrote about in the article because he dreamed big and did great things for the development of the game.

        But, I think he started it, but didn't fight hard enough to keep it, expand it and bring it to an even bigger and better vision.

        The guys who came after this PERRY T JONES did - trust me, they were bigger, badder and worst for the game.

        Thats what happens, you build it, and others will come in and steal, lie, cheat, innovate, out promote and leave you in the dust.

        Thats always a problem. We start out and we want a business. Then we get it, and we want it profitable. And, then we want clothes, woman, car, house, 50 employees, a boat, ect ... and its a mistake.

        The guy who is focused truly on the end outcome will come and kick the shit out of you every time.

        Its best to focus on a bigger and better goal, like industry dominance and do whatever you need to do to get their, and keep that dream alive.

        This PERRY T JONES did not do that I think, and it was his undoing.

        I have lost businesses over the years because I misunderestimated how badly my competitors wanted to beat me, and how they were not willing to cave to the fact I was so much better at that specific moment or point in time then they were. As you get older you learn to keep pushing ahead, and never look back at everyone trying to catch up. When people are trying to catch up to you they have two goals in mind - stick it up your ass as they chase you, and (b) leave you in the dust, and not allow you to catch back up and stick it in their ass (no one likes that unless you are one of those guys who likes to get beat and have the world feel sorry for you, and trust me, there are plenty of those people who don't place winning at the top of their imprortance lists of wants in life, which is fine as everyone is different).

        Tennis, business or marriage is like a small baby, their are no days off and you need to nourish, pamper and pay attention to it 24-7 with heart and soul.

        This guy PERRY T JONES - he just did not have the ability to close the deal, and win. He peaked and was happy with what he had. And, he got run over.

        He lacked the nutsack and brass balls needed to win.

        Its like Hilary Clinton. World class politician. But, I have no confidence in her what so ever. She just doesn't have the winners instinct to close the deal like her husband did. Bill was a shitty person, but, he competed in every facet of life. Hilary is intelligence, cunning, tough, but, she lacks that vision (and instincts) to get down in the mud and win through whatever means necessary. Trump will manhandle her, and its not going to be pleasant to watch.

        Clinton, like how the hell do you sleep in after Bengazi. Man, you should live for that, and want to be a big leader and at the forefront.

        Some people cave under pressure, and some thrive on it and become very controlled.

        Its a pretty vital trait for a president to have, or a businessman, or sportsman, and if you don't have it you will never go to that all-important make or break next.

        Thats all true power and control.
        Last edited by hockeyscout; 05-05-2016, 10:19 PM.


        • #5
          And, of course the guy in this story did not look after his people, and they left for a bigger piece of the pie. How tough is it to explain to a young player what the company image is, and what your expectation are of him in the first place instead of letting his hair grow for months? Thats why you have player contracts and agreements. And being late with a cheque, thats not good either. Money is a commitment. He threatens the kid? Yikes. If you ever threaten you'd better be a man and follow through with it with an iron fist, or no one will respect you. This guy wasn't clear in his dealings, and if that happens your brand won't inspire much loyalty. I like how the young man stayed calm, got his haircut and had the emotional intelligence to deal with this type of individuals, who obviously lacked some leadership abilities and did not have the brains to hire a good manager to deal with these types of things.
          Last edited by hockeyscout; 05-05-2016, 10:30 PM.


          • #6
            Well, let's just say it was a different time...


            • #7
              Thank goodness the era of these Dicken's type tyrants is gone forever...


              • #8
                I see worse tyrants in MMA. Definately, in politics. Look at Russia and China. Those guys, they don't play games. One wrong move, and they'll slit your throat. This Perry T Jones is a pussycat compared to the guys who took over tennis, trust me.


                • #9
                  That's funny. Having had some dealings with ATP board may have a point.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
                    That's funny. Having had some dealings with ATP board may have a point.


                    • #11
                      Perry T. Jones…The Organizer of The Organization

                      Perry T. Jones…Dictator, Sadist…Genius? Why not just leave out the dictator and sadist innuendoes. He was a genius at organization…a rare breed.

                      Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
                      Thank goodness the era of these Dicken's type tyrants is gone forever...
                      Pure and utter nonsense. We need more characters like Perry T. Jones. The current mamby pamby, pussy footing momma boy's don't quite cut the mustard. The PC crew. Good article…but totally subjective.

                      Question...What is the key to any organization? Answer…Its organization. This is the fundamental question that I used to ask potential employees interviewing in MY department. You get the square pegs in the square holes and the round ones in the round holes. Perry Jones understood this fundamental approach to organization.

                      Here's a bit of Perry and the Los Angeles Tennis Club from Wikipedia. There was an infamous August 7, 1950 Life Magazine issue that I would just love to get my hands on. Perry T. Jones left his mark on the game and it certainly was steeped in tradition. Controversial…but Classic in every sense of the word. This is when tennis was tennis.

                      Jones was fastidious about education, cleanliness, proper attire and sportsmanship. Yeah…he sounds like a bogeyman to me too…gzhpcu. Not.

                      Writing in his memories about his first meeting with Perry Jones, Don Budge said, “I won my first match and as I came off the court there was Perry Jones waiting for me. I hustled over to pick up a compliment. Instead, with a distinct frown, he looked me up and down. ‘Budge,’ Mr. Jones finally snarled, “those are the dirtiest tennis shoes I ever saw in my life. Don’t you ever – don’t you ever – show up again on any court anywhere at any time wearing shoes like that.’ I nodded and slunk off … I know he made an impression on me. For I’ve never gone on court since that day with even scuffy shoes.”

                      Don Budge was the most impeccably dressed tennis fellow I have ever come across. He came to breakfast everyday looking like the Wimbledon Champion that he was. There he was down on the courts looking like a blast from the past. Absolutely impeccable.

                      I really like Ed Atkinson. Everything he writes resonates of true blue blooded tennis. The real thing. Red blooded if the blue blooded offends you. Ahhh…who cares?
                      Last edited by don_budge; 05-06-2016, 11:26 PM. Reason: for clarity's sake...


                      • #12
                        great post don_budge ... pro standards, its necesary.
                        Last edited by hockeyscout; 05-07-2016, 02:54 AM.


                        • #13
                          Am rereading Rigg's autobography. Perry Jones considered Riggs too short, and tried to not let him go east when he was 18 to play tournaments. Luckily, he found a sponsor, went East and won. He got even with perry and his sycophants.


                          • #14
                            There was some angel in Perry, as well.

                            While it is true that Jones tried to keep control of his protégés as they became champions, it seems to be forgotten that Perry organized the collection of money to sponsor many juniors who could not otherwise have afforded top-level coaching, equipment, and court time.

                            Nearly every influential player who dominated the pro game in the thirties through the early sixties....passed through Jones' machine, including Kramer, the man mainly responsible for breaking fake amateurism and ushering in the Open Era. Arguably the two greatest players ever also passed through his empire, Ellsworth Vines and Don Budge.

                            Any of these players could, if they wished, have sought another patron, as Bobby Riggs proved. And while Jones is excoriated for his treatment of Gonzales, I note that Gonzales willingly served as a paid consultant to Perry in the mid-to-late fifties.

                            Once the Open Era broke out, incidentally, the tournaments and national federations gained the power Perry Jones formerly exercised, and they proved little better at allowing players to earn what they were worth. Only the formation of Players' Unions broke open the cash boxes. Put in this perspective the ATP should be cut some slack.
                            Last edited by curiosity; 07-12-2016, 11:43 AM.


                            • #15
                              Thank you.


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