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Lethargy, heavy legs

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  • #16
    The Deer….

    One cannot argue the importance of diet. It isn't practical for the average player/person to believe or partake in a science of diet. It becomes a question of practicality and resources. What about the paleo-diet?

    The Paleo diet is the healthiest way you can eat because it is the ONLY nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic! Research in biology, biochemistry, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and many other disciplines indicate it is our modern diet, full of

    But perhaps this is more a case of "deer in the headlights" syndrome than anything else. The propensity of over analysis and the need to think through infinitesimal details leave the mind and brain so befuddled that the things it
    should be thinking about in match play…moving the feet and knowing the score…gets lost in the shuffle.

    Most or all of the thinking needs to be sorted out on the practice court or in the training room. Once you take the court you should be only thinking about watching the ball, moving the feet and turning to the ball early and your relative strengths and weaknesses as opposed to your opponent. Perhaps a tactical game plan.

    Focus on the score…that should stimulate those feet to start churning.
    Last edited by don_budge; 05-05-2016, 02:30 AM.


    • #17
      It is highly practical for the average player and person to believe and partake in "the science of diet ... its how you get better.

      And its not about sports, it will help you in life.

      I surprisingly outperformed a lot of people in my life because I was in control of my diet, pennies, costs and details.

      You are right don_budge, many people do get befuddled by details.

      But, I cannot say I am one of them.

      The things others believe are mundane, over analysed and infinitesimal details are the ones that turn early losses in life into wins later.

      When I was nine I was sitting beside my VERY rich Ukrainian grandma Anastasiia night and day. I was the only child - grandchild that was willing to listen to her, and not question why office floors were scrubbed by hand, and tooth brushes were used once a week to clean between the tiles. I believed it was normal. That proved to be a huge advantage later on.

      Different strokes for different folks.

      I would get bored if I was not doing complex things for twenty hours a day.

      Hell, fishing and hunting are even a science for me.

      I tell you, I learned a lot from some very smart native Indians in the north when I was a kid. They always said they had great instincts, but, that wasn't the case. They worked, slept, talked and dreamed about the kill.

      Days are short when you are learning, studying and evolving for me, but, for others, they get burned out quick.

      I like to compete, compete, compete, win, win and win 24-7.

      Everyones different.
      Last edited by hockeyscout; 05-05-2016, 09:16 AM.


      • #18
        And, I never focus on the score. Ever. Its irrelevant. In anything you just need to be better in that moment than who you are up against. The current score of anything is irrelevant because its not an indication of what the end game is going to be for your situation.

        I like to win, but I am thankful when I lose. Its an opportunity.

        When you lose you have been given a chance to learn how to prepare better for that poor soul the next time you meet up.


        • #19
          Thanks for the advice guys. I'll look into those things. I think warming up properly definitely helps and diet is an important aspect too.


          • #20

            I'm no nutrition maven, but I listen to good players' favorites.

            Martina Navratilova states that during her singles career she always ate five eggs in the morning on the day of a match. I assume they were scrambled.


            • #21
              Laver was steak and eggs. Pete was in the grips of the carbo loading mindset and thought meat was the kiss of death--probably why he had his energy problems.

              There is a whole literature on protein/paleo diets for athletes. I am with Martina but usually hold it to just 2 eggs but maybe with some cheese.


              • #22
                Borg hits it on the head for me. Go to 5:00 on this clip.

                Borg feels it's mental. He ate steaks back then before matches but prefers lighter meals now. Now he says a steak would make him feel heavy and slow. This can be a typical effect of eating too big a steak before a match. Tests over here showed people physically slowed down after a steak lunch, with people more likely to feel sleepy rather than more energetic.


                • #23
                  Björn speaks and we listen...

                  Originally posted by licensedcoach View Post
                  Borg hits it on the head for me. Go to 5:00 on this clip.

                  Borg feels it's mental.
                  Largely it's mental. Today's players have themselves all tied up in knots with their belief systems. You find what works for you and you repeat it…refine it.

                  When a student comes to practice and they play exceptionally well on a given day, I ask them what they had to eat that day. Then I tell them to eat the same thing the next time they practice.

                  It's nice to hear Björn speak so casually about his relationship with the great John McEnroe. He is speaking not only about a dear, dear friend now but his nemesis from the past. It's actually quite touching to see the amount of respect that they have for one another.

                  These two were the climax and the final scene for what was to become known as "The Classic Era" of tennis. Everything that followed was a contrived version.

                  It was interesting to hear him talk about the McEnroe game…it was "one of the best serves ever", "some of the best volleys ever"…etc. He isn't compelled to overly drool with the superlatives. Suffice it to say his game was really, really complete.

                  Björn is not reputedly the sharpest tool in the shed but it's interesting that when he speaks it is so compelling…in a Swedish sort of way. In Sweden they call it "lagom". It means moderate…not given to extremes.

                  Great post Stotty and thanks for the sweet video…heavy legs are most likely a mental condition that may sort of be a derivative of "the deer in the headlights" syndrome.


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