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Pathological Losers: My Vic Braden Interview

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  • I Mis-Spoke (Mis-Typed) bottle...

    because I meant to say Politically Incorrect--not "Politically Correct." You probably knew that--I suspect--but nevertheless drooled over the opportunity to smack me down--again. As is your wont. As it is also Watchers wonton way. As it is also Stotty's slightly more subtle way--as he operates with a classic British reserve and decorum--much to his credit, I may say. And, of course, there is the spiritual leader of your hyper-critical cabal--that maestro of philosophic mayhem and know to whom I refer I is non-other than the arch McEnroe-phile, Nastase-phile, Montano--phile and Manson-phile (that's Bruce Manson of USC fame, by the way, the lesser known of the brothers Manson) who lives to be different, contrary, and iconoclastic as budge travels his "Road Less Travelled" which leads to God only knows where.

    I know none of you foreign born, Central American gentlemen knows anything about American politics and never watch Fox news--the high cannon of political science. If you did you would be familiar with the "Bridge To Nowhere." There is a theory being bandied about that budge's road actually connects inexorably to this very bridge.

    And the maven of wood has turned you all against me!!budge loves his wood racquets every bit as much as the Pople loves his morning wood. Only Phil likes me and reads my posts. The rest of you are known to delete my posts--but only after you have savaged me again and again with vicious key stroke after vicious keystroke.

    I now sense that you are also trying to turn that former high school middle line-backer turned tennis coach Kyle L.C. against me as well. You know Kyle. The French guy who says he co-starred in Driving Vic Braden but can't even give us one witty, entertaining anecdote of his tenure because--apparently--everything my best friend, mentor, secret pen pal, and confidante--VB--said must have gone zooming over his young head at about three hundred miles per hour! But Kyle, forget the movie and buy the book. Books actually. Many of them. Borrow them from budge because he doesn't want them; believing, of course, that they have little value--save as perhaps toilet paper.

    Now back to you bottle...I am not yet finished with you. Not by a long shot. You are a contemporary master of the art of the masterful and artistic micro-aggressive arts masterfully and artistically rendered. Like that Donald Trump guy that you love to denigrate, you love to make fun of disabled persons such as myself. Just so that you can go on a week long guilt trip, I want you to know that I have been diagnosed with three neurological diseases--and there may be more coming along in the pipeline. And when they are discovered I will certainly let you know.

    But that's O.K. I'm undaunted by your gratuitous assault on my nervous system, psyche, character and typing skills. But I was good in high school!

    As an Emily Post acolyte I am sure that you are familiar with that old quip? She said, "Living well is the best revenge."

    And when the current Republican front-runner is coronated as King of the World that will be the song that we can all sing together as we stand on the steps of the capital building together. Say Halleleujah!!

    Originally posted by bottle View Post
    True, you are too politically correct, just like Donald Trump, you guys with your angry etiquette speeches, Emily Post if not a pursed mouth Miss Manners in drag.


    • Wtf?

      Originally posted by JeffMac View Post
      because I meant to say Politically Incorrect--not "Politically Correct." You probably knew that--I suspect--but nevertheless drooled over the opportunity to smack me down--again. As is your wont. As it is also Watchers wonton way. As it is also Stotty's slightly more subtle way--as he operates with a classic British reserve and decorum--much to his credit, I may say. And, of course, there is the spiritual leader of your hyper-critical cabal--that maestro of philosophic mayhem and know to whom I refer I is non-other than the arch McEnroe-phile, Nastase-phile, Montano--phile and Manson-phile (that's Bruce Manson of USC fame, by the way, the lesser known of the brothers Manson) who lives to be different, contrary, and iconoclastic as budge travels his "Road Less Travelled" which leads to God only knows where.

      I know none of you foreign born, Central American gentlemen knows anything about American politics and never watch Fox news--the high cannon of political science. If you did you would be familiar with the "Bridge To Nowhere." There is a theory being bandied about that budge's road actually connects inexorably to this very bridge.

      And the maven of wood has turned you all against me!!budge loves his wood racquets every bit as much as the Pople loves his morning wood. Only Phil likes me and reads my posts. The rest of you are known to delete my posts--but only after you have savaged me again and again with vicious key stroke after vicious keystroke.

      I now sense that you are also trying to turn that former high school middle line-backer turned tennis coach Kyle L.C. against me as well. You know Kyle. The French guy who says he co-starred in Driving Vic Braden but can't even give us one witty, entertaining anecdote of his tenure because--apparently--everything my best friend, mentor, secret pen pal, and confidante--VB--said must have gone zooming over his young head at about three hundred miles per hour! But Kyle, forget the movie and buy the book. Books actually. Many of them. Borrow them from budge because he doesn't want them; believing, of course, that they have little value--save as perhaps toilet paper.

      Now back to you bottle...I am not yet finished with you. Not by a long shot. You are a contemporary master of the art of the masterful and artistic micro-aggressive arts masterfully and artistically rendered. Like that Donald Trump guy that you love to denigrate, you love to make fun of disabled persons such as myself. Just so that you can go on a week long guilt trip, I want you to know that I have been diagnosed with three neurological diseases--and there may be more coming along in the pipeline. And when they are discovered I will certainly let you know.

      But that's O.K. I'm undaunted by your gratuitous assault on my nervous system, psyche, character and typing skills. But I was good in high school!

      As an Emily Post acolyte I am sure that you are familiar with that old quip? She said, "Living well is the best revenge."

      And when the current Republican front-runner is coronated as King of the World that will be the song that we can all sing together as we stand on the steps of the capital building together. Say Halleleujah!!


      • Huh?

        Right! Of course you don't get it. That's why you're a chiropractor and I'm a satirist. Carry on bone crusher!

        Originally posted by tennis_chiro View Post


        • Originally posted by JeffMac View Post
          because I meant to say Politically Incorrect--not "Politically Correct." You probably knew that--I suspect--but nevertheless drooled over the opportunity to smack me down--again. As is your wont. As it is also Watchers wonton way. As it is also Stotty's slightly more subtle way--as he operates with a classic British reserve and decorum--much to his credit, I may say. And, of course, there is the spiritual leader of your hyper-critical cabal--that maestro of philosophic mayhem and know to whom I refer I is non-other than the arch McEnroe-phile, Nastase-phile, Montano--phile and Manson-phile (that's Bruce Manson of USC fame, by the way, the lesser known of the brothers Manson) who lives to be different, contrary, and iconoclastic as budge travels his "Road Less Travelled" which leads to God only knows where.

          I know none of you foreign born, Central American gentlemen knows anything about American politics and never watch Fox news--the high cannon of political science. If you did you would be familiar with the "Bridge To Nowhere." There is a theory being bandied about that budge's road actually connects inexorably to this very bridge.

          And the maven of wood has turned you all against me!!budge loves his wood racquets every bit as much as the Pople loves his morning wood. Only Phil likes me and reads my posts. The rest of you are known to delete my posts--but only after you have savaged me again and again with vicious key stroke after vicious keystroke.

          I now sense that you are also trying to turn that former high school middle line-backer turned tennis coach Kyle L.C. against me as well. You know Kyle. The French guy who says he co-starred in Driving Vic Braden but can't even give us one witty, entertaining anecdote of his tenure because--apparently--everything my best friend, mentor, secret pen pal, and confidante--VB--said must have gone zooming over his young head at about three hundred miles per hour! But Kyle, forget the movie and buy the book. Books actually. Many of them. Borrow them from budge because he doesn't want them; believing, of course, that they have little value--save as perhaps toilet paper.

          Now back to you bottle...I am not yet finished with you. Not by a long shot. You are a contemporary master of the art of the masterful and artistic micro-aggressive arts masterfully and artistically rendered. Like that Donald Trump guy that you love to denigrate, you love to make fun of disabled persons such as myself. Just so that you can go on a week long guilt trip, I want you to know that I have been diagnosed with three neurological diseases--and there may be more coming along in the pipeline. And when they are discovered I will certainly let you know.

          But that's O.K. I'm undaunted by your gratuitous assault on my nervous system, psyche, character and typing skills. But I was good in high school!

          As an Emily Post acolyte I am sure that you are familiar with that old quip? She said, "Living well is the best revenge."

          And when the current Republican front-runner is coronated as King of the World that will be the song that we can all sing together as we stand on the steps of the capital building together. Say Halleleujah!!

          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
          Boca Raton


          • White Hats, Black Hats, Valhalla and Ragnor

            budge...for you to continually imply that human nature and/or the "system" is corrupt, evil, conflicted and mercenary is hardly front page news. It is redundant redux ad infinitum. As a fledgling, probing and accidental existentialist you might consider another "path." What about tennis instruction?

            As a devout student of the Bible and a former traveling junior evangelist with the Billy Graham crusade in my youth, I say verily, verily unto you that yes, indeed, that evil must be driven out of the hearts and minds of Man, by the Son of Man. But, as this is quite obviously impossible--according to no less an authority on the matter as C. Darwin--for you to continually beat this drum of incessant perpetrative alarmism, and an implicit reactionary redemption through forgivable deviance is becoming a bit tiresome.

            Indeed, you must eventually acknowledge that it is dangerous and subversive. What if everyone flipped out like the guys who get top billing in life's various psychodramas? It would result in nothing less than that infamous Hobbesian "war of all against all." Anarchy is the natural outcome. Do you really want that? I'm really not sure that you wouldn't prefer it.

            That said, McEnroe is a prime example of someone who needs to have a "come to Jesus moment." It would be appropriate for him to fall on his microphone on a national tennis broadcast. Don't you think? He must repent for his outrageous tennis court sins, just as Montano must do a long overdue life review from the crypt to which he has been righteously consigned.

            As an anti-hero Tony is compelling in an ordinary sort of way. But, so is the Uber guy. What exactly caused him to snap? "Bad guys" who succumb to the pressures of the human condition are a dime an efen dozen. This is the life's blood of satirists and novelist.


            These are all just guys who wear the black hats and become natural foils for the guys in the white hats. Spiritual leaders are all in agreement that life is merely an eternal Western movie with no beginning and no ending precipitated by the Big Bang. It is the age old story of good versus evil, isn't it? Billy the Kid--RIP. The Lone Ranger too.

            But the real mystery is why you need to continually deify these malefactors. They are your kindred spirits, I suspect. You feel and understand their pain like Bill Clinton. O.K...I suppose...but...? Would you be willing to try affirmative cognitive therapy under my guidance for a few months? We can communicate telepathically like I often do with Rod Laver and Vic Braden

            That book about the tennis anti-Christ does sound interesting. I will read it. Now let me ask you: Have you ever read that book penned by Texan Bill Scanlon about McEnroe? He takes it upon himself to voice the consensual opinion of the ATP community circa the 80's about the most objectionable and narcissistic player ever minted by the big fella upstairs.

            This masterpiece is lost to the annals of tennis history and deprived of validational critical analysis because the author is ordinary, well-behaved and law abiding. With a largely forgettable record. (Although I saw him beat McEnroe in the 1983 U.S. Open. And the crowd was for Scanlon). Crazed people are far more interesting, and marketable aren't they?

            But I'll take Scanlon over McEnroe everyday of the week. The Texan had a very simple, clean, efficient game. It was orthodoxy vs. the unorthodox, quirky game of McEnroe.

            I'm currently in touch with Borg's people regarding interviewing the Swedish genius on his home turf. Turns out he is a fan of Hunter Thompson and "gonzo." He liked the Laver article. When I come to town I want to interview you as well budge, incorporating elements of your interview into the Borg piece, especially with respect to the changing racquet technology in the 70's and 80's. Does he really think it was critically important? Or was it insignificant? We must have the truth once and for all--so that the great Sphinx can get a day off.

            I'm looking forward to meeting you face to face. I picture you as tall and thin with short dark hair. Would that be accurate?

            When I arrive can you please come to the airport with Lennert Bergelin and Stefan Edberg, and hold up a card board sign that says JEFFMAC? Welcome to the land of Ragnor and Valhalla?

            Originally posted by don_budge
            Probably the only solution to your inability to make heads or tails of what I am trying to get across in solving the sphinx like riddle of John McEnroe. It has nothing to do with wayward Uber drivers but Tony Montana may have just had some invaluable insight into the workings of the system…but of course dead men don't talk.

            Being in the lower third may not have been an accurate assessment come to think of it. I reread you article and it gets better with a reread. Much like Dostoyevsky. But anyways…considering the rather high quality of articles even the bottom third has considerable merit.

            I don't suppose you took a look at that match with Connors and McEnroe with Vic Braden commentating did you? See post #160. In spite of your doubts…I have no doubts. Not about my sanity or my path. I am where I should be when I should be…it has been this way all of my life. At any given time my glass is relatively full and relatively empty. It fluctuates…I won't lie. But all in all…it's brimming.

            Thanks to you though I have come a long way in my assessment of John McEnroe. As much or as irritating as you have endeavored to be with me…you have provoked me…to write and to write provocatively.

            Please try and read "Being John McEnroe" by Tim Adams. I promise you it will be worth your while and it must may change your attitude with regards to John McEnroe and possible Tony Montano. I read that Al Pacino watched a clip of McEnroe outbursts to get into character for that role. Or was that Tom Hulce getting into character for "Amadeus"?

            We will have to have some kind of agreement going into an interview situation…some ground rules. Imagine that…coming from me. The Student.

            I am what you might call…available at all times.


            • The Real Piparoo in Kalamazoo

              My graduate school mentor at Hollins College now Hollins University, William Golding, espoused "an individual approach and a refusal to go along with the crowd." That belief or faith seems to have later led him to a Nobel Prize.

              He was a philosopher however, a man who almost by definition can think his way out of a paper bag.

              "I have a Kalamazoo" and some stupid person who randomly shoots people in Kalamazoo are hardly the same.

              The thinker may solve how to extract the gal he met at a campus dance in Kalamazoo from Kalamazoo, while the shooter who can't fathom anything lashes out like Donald Trump although I do give Trump credit for the expression "stupid person."

              But Trump is the guy who thinks he's special. Profoundly ordinary if you ask me.

              There once was a man named Trump
              Whose mind was a toxic stew
              He strained all day
              To screw to the view
              Of America as a Hump.
              Last edited by bottle; 02-23-2016, 12:43 PM.


              • This Glorious Day in U.S History

                Boone's Farm bottle--Still pimping for those unrepentant Jacobites, I see. The only "Bern" you're gonna feel is the one when Trump smokes those felons in November. It's tough to run for president when you're in the hooskow.

                Now, let's examine the political genius of Donald Trump a.k.a "The Great White Hope." Or acronymically as George W. Bush would say, GWH.

                Here is a guy who is a beginner--much like budge's entire Ladies Aide Society. You know who you are. First there's the Watcher whose user name on every website is vaselineking.

                Then there's Stotty who speaks to us reverentially of "Wembly." Four times a day he sneaks into the backroom of his pro shop and prays to porceline statues of Fred Perry, Andy Murray and John Lennon.

                And then there's you bottle. We are sorry that you had to retire to that little Appalachian hamlet where the famous Bill Scanlon Tennis Club was forced to close. The anti-McEnroe picked up his toys without screaming or yelling, and headed on back to Dallas when his weekly lesson schedule had plummeted to nine hours.

                By the way Ladies, I will soon inaugurate a interminable series of posts that you will hate explaining why Bill Scanlon is a far better model for an aspiring tennis player, or an aspiring coach to emulate--which brings us squarely to...

                Kyle "Boom-Boom" La QWA as we say in le Francais, who is secretly pondering an NFL career if the tennis thing doesn't work out. You know, over the dozens of days I spent worshipping, prostrating and salivating at the thrown of The Great One whose birthday we still celebrate every May, he never once mentioned your name to me. What's up with that? Are you sure it was The Great One you taxied around. Maybe it was Tim Heckler. They look so much alike that they were often confused for one another.

                That reminds me...of the last time I saw The Great One, which was in 2010. He had offered to take me out to lunch at the site of his former tennis academy in Coto De Caza in order to commemorate my forthcoming retirement. I walk in to a Denny's type of set-up, he's sitting there waiting for me because I had gotten lost, and was late. He stands up slowly and with great effort. I stick out my hand to shake with the secret handshake that only the tennis shadow government and Illuminati know.

                He had a funky, blood and ooze soiled patch over his left eye. I say, "Hi, Great One, how are you?" He replied, "I'm blind in my left eye." Not knowing quite what to say to that, I politely probed. "Oh well..." I stammered awkwardly, "I guess you mean that you can't see much today." "No," he continued, "I'm never going to be able to see out of my left eye again. I just had surgery and..." He left that sentence hanging. I lower my voice and say in my holiest tone, "Geez, I'm really sorry." He looks at me for a very long moment out of his one good eye before stating affirmatively, "You can't win 'em all."

                Shortly thereafter he informed me that he was going to drive all the way into the Santa Anna ghetto to teach little black kids reading, writn' and rithmetic, driving on the freeway with one eye. I offered to drive him. I say,
                Can I take you there?" He says, "No, I can handle it myself. And besides you're no Carl." Was that a reference to you, Kyle?

                Now may or may not have gone to graduate school at the Hollins State University (I'm checking on this!), but on that day in October of 2010 I took a crash seminar on humility and perseverance. And yes, the lesson only effected me for a couple of days before I regressed to my personal mean of being a self-centered, self-serving tennis business functionary, a mere two weeks from hobbling off of center court for the last time--myself. And I do mean the last time. I have not hit a tennis ball since. Like Vic said, "You can't win 'em all," which I believe is an old Leo Durocher sport psychology lesson.

                Adam Smith--my direct Scottish forebear on my Dad's side--said that the Wealth of Nations lies in its "ingenuity," and subsequent "productivity." I would contend--as does the GWH--that the Wealth of Nations is also inextricably associated with the "Health of Nations." For how can a nation be fruitful if people are ill because they do not have available health care?

                GWH will win because he has something for everyone. This is just a part of his native political savantship. For example, he advocates the classic Trotskyite position favoring Universal Health Care. Unreconstructed hippies love it! They can't wait to vote for him

                So, today in U.S. history GWH will roll to another huge victory in Nevada, bringing him ineluctably closer to the hallowed confines of the Oval Office.

                In forthcoming posts, in addition to the Scanlon Manifesto, I will continue to enumerate the ways in which GWH truly is The Second Coming of fellow New Yorker Teddy Roosevelt. I believe that when I have fully explicated Trumpism, even you bottle will be lining up in the cold Appalachian autumn wind, snow and sleet in order to cast your vote for the GWH.

                By the way, I am taking any and all bets of any amount that the GWH wins in November against a weak and severely compromised opponent. Any takers ladies? No, because suddenly you're not so sure anymore, are you?


                Originally posted by bottle View Post
                My graduate school mentor at Hollins College now Hollins University, William Golding, espoused "an individual approach and a refusal to go along with the crowd." That belief or faith seems to have later led him to a Nobel Prize.

                He was a philosopher however, a man who almost by definition can think his way out of a paper bag.

                "I have a Kalamazoo" and some stupid person who randomly shoots people in Kalamazoo are hardly the same.

                The thinker may solve how to extract the gal he met at a campus dance in Kalamazoo from Kalamazoo, while the shooter who can't fathom anything lashes out like Donald Trump although I do give Trump credit for the expression "stupid person."

                But Trump is the guy who thinks he's special. Profoundly ordinary if you ask me.

                There once was a man named Trump
                Whose mind was a toxic stew
                He strained all day
                To screw to the view
                Of America as a Hump.


                • Originally posted by JeffMac View Post
                  Boone's Farm bottle--Still pimping for those unrepentant Jacobites, I see. The only "Bern" you're gonna feel is the one when Trump smokes those felons in November. It's tough to run for president when you're in the hooskow.

                  Now, let's examine the political genius of Donald Trump a.k.a "The Great White Hope." Or acronymically as George W. Bush would say, GWH.

                  Here is a guy who is a beginner--much like budge's entire Ladies Aide Society. You know who you are. First there's the Watcher whose user name on every website is vaselineking.

                  Then there's Stotty who speaks to us reverentially of "Wembly." Four times a day he sneaks into the backroom of his pro shop and prays to porceline statues of Fred Perry, Andy Murray and John Lennon.

                  And then there's you bottle. We are sorry that you had to retire to that little Appalachian hamlet where the famous Bill Scanlon Tennis Club was forced to close. The anti-McEnroe picked up his toys without screaming or yelling, and headed on back to Dallas when his weekly lesson schedule had plummeted to nine hours.

                  By the way Ladies, I will soon inaugurate a interminable series of posts that you will hate explaining why Bill Scanlon is a far better model for an aspiring tennis player, or an aspiring coach to emulate--which brings us squarely to...

                  Kyle "Boom-Boom" La QWA as we say in le Francais, who is secretly pondering an NFL career if the tennis thing doesn't work out. You know, over the dozens of days I spent worshipping, prostrating and salivating at the thrown of The Great One whose birthday we still celebrate every May, he never once mentioned your name to me. What's up with that? Are you sure it was The Great One you taxied around. Maybe it was Tim Heckler. They look so much alike that they were often confused for one another.

                  That reminds me...of the last time I saw The Great One, which was in 2010. He had offered to take me out to lunch at the site of his former tennis academy in Coto De Caza in order to commemorate my forthcoming retirement. I walk in to a Denny's type of set-up, he's sitting there waiting for me because I had gotten lost, and was late. He stands up slowly and with great effort. I stick out my hand to shake with the secret handshake that only the tennis shadow government and Illuminati know.

                  He had a funky, blood and ooze soiled patch over his left eye. I say, "Hi, Great One, how are you?" He replied, "I'm blind in my left eye." Not knowing quite what to say to that, I politely probed. "Oh well..." I stammered awkwardly, "I guess you mean that you can't see much today." "No," he continued, "I'm never going to be able to see out of my left eye again. I just had surgery and..." He left that sentence hanging. I lower my voice and say in my holiest tone, "Geez, I'm really sorry." He looks at me for a very long moment out of his one good eye before stating affirmatively, "You can't win 'em all."

                  Shortly thereafter he informed me that he was going to drive all the way into the Santa Anna ghetto to teach little black kids reading, writn' and rithmetic, driving on the freeway with one eye. I offered to drive him. I say,
                  Can I take you there?" He says, "No, I can handle it myself. And besides you're no Carl." Was that a reference to you, Kyle?

                  Now may or may not have gone to graduate school at the Hollins State University (I'm checking on this!), but on that day in October of 2010 I took a crash seminar on humility and perseverance. And yes, the lesson only effected me for a couple of days before I regressed to my personal mean of being a self-centered, self-serving tennis business functionary, a mere two weeks from hobbling off of center court for the last time--myself. And I do mean the last time. I have not hit a tennis ball since. Like Vic said, "You can't win 'em all," which I believe is an old Leo Durocher sport psychology lesson.

                  Adam Smith--my direct Scottish forebear on my Dad's side--said that the Wealth of Nations lies in its "ingenuity," and subsequent "productivity." I would contend--as does the GWH--that the Wealth of Nations is also inextricably associated with the "Health of Nations." For how can a nation be fruitful if people are ill because they do not have available health care?

                  GWH will win because he has something for everyone. This is just a part of his native political savantship. For example, he advocates the classic Trotskyite position favoring Universal Health Care. Unreconstructed hippies love it! They can't wait to vote for him

                  So, today in U.S. history GWH will roll to another huge victory in Nevada, bringing him ineluctably closer to the hallowed confines of the Oval Office.

                  In forthcoming posts, in addition to the Scanlon Manifesto, I will continue to enumerate the ways in which GWH truly is The Second Coming of fellow New Yorker Teddy Roosevelt. I believe that when I have fully explicated Trumpism, even you bottle will be lining up in the cold Appalachian autumn wind, snow and sleet in order to cast your vote for the GWH.

                  By the way, I am taking any and all bets of any amount that the GWH wins in November against a weak and severely compromised opponent. Any takers ladies? No, because suddenly you're not so sure anymore, are you?

                  I met Mr. Braden and drove him in 2003. You met him at a convention in 1993. He didn't know me back then. No career in the NFL for me, I think this tennis thing is working out just fine.
                  Confident it wasn't Tim Heckler. There's a "big" difference.

                  Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                  Boca Raton


                  • The Case of Bill Scanlon…first the John McEnroe interview

                    Originally posted by JeffMac View Post
                    budge...for you to continually imply that human nature and/or the "system" is corrupt, evil, conflicted and mercenary is hardly front page news. It is redundant redux ad infinitum. As a fledgling, probing and accidental existentialist you might consider another "path." What about tennis instruction?

                    That book about the tennis anti-Christ does sound interesting. I will read it. Now let me ask you: Have you ever read that book penned by Texan Bill Scanlon about McEnroe? He takes it upon himself to voice the consensual opinion of the ATP community circa the 80's about the most objectionable and narcissistic player ever minted by the big fella upstairs.

                    Bill Scanlon is an interesting name to bring up in this discussion. It is interesting in the context of a number of things that we (actually I) have been discussing. You are more interested in your playing with yourself style of writing. You call in satire…it appears to be masterbatory. Self pleasuring…completely narcissistic and going virtually nowhere. It's gonzo alright…whatever that means.

                    Scanlon was an excellent player from virtually the same era as McEnroe. He's two years older than "young" Johnny and much less successful as a tennis player overall…he once reached a ranking of number nine in the world. As an excellent all court player Scanlon had wins over Borg, McEnroe, Connors, Lendl and Becker. He too had some real ambivalence towards the equipment change that was nearing completion in 1983 when he upset John McEnroe at the U. S. Open when you graced Flushing Meadows with your presence. He talks a bit about it in his book. He talks about the equipment change…not about your being present at one of the biggest upsets in tennis history.

                    Funny that you should mention that book…I read some excerpts on line and contemplated buying the book. So far I have put it off…being somewhat of a selective reader. Scanlon has escaped being one of my literary heroes much as Vic Braden has escaped being included in my teaching paradigm. But that doesn't mean that I lack respect for either of these two meaningful individuals…it is only that I have so much time. It is the essential that I strive for…perhaps that makes me an "essentialist".

                    Listen to Bud Collins and John Newcombe rake young Johnny over the coals about not attending a post match interview…then McEnroe shows up as both commentators pull their huge shoes out of their mouths and immediately start to backtrack. Newcombe is at a point in his career where he is trying to make his legacy even more "romantic".

                    Bud Collins reminds me of you Dolly Llama and The Church Lady. His condescending and parental well meaning criticism. Epic jerk.

                    At the 1978 Island Holidays Pro Tennis Classic in Maui, Bill Scanlon defeats John McEnroe 6-2, 3-6, 6-3. Here is a bit of the transcript where Bud Collins is "labelling" young Johnny which only makes him want to fulfil his "label" even more. This is a process that goes on for years. The press never lets up of course but McEnroe will never give in and will continue to push the envelope at every opportunity to the very end. To the very last point. Its in his DNA. It is what makes him who he is. He is no quitter and he is no loser. This isn't so hard to figure out but he makes a great target for the weaker and the jealous. Bill Scanlon fits neatly into this description.

                    Bud Collins..."I'm told we won't be talking to both players…that John McEnroe declined…he's a bit of a hot head…that surprises me. He's upset naturally but it's not a professional attitude. What do you think as former president of the Association of Tennis Professionals…are they not so supposed to attend interviews."

                    Newcombe laughing…"Well I think you have some sort of an obligation…if he is feeling very upset then I feel perhaps he may say something that he doesn't mean to…but he's won 14 straight matches and I am sure after every one of those matches he has only been too happy to go and talk to the press…

                    Bud Collins (interrupting)…"That's what I'm asking you John…is that a professional attitude to avoid the interview?

                    Newcombe…"I can only answer for myself that I felt I had an obligation win or lose that I had to go to the press…many times after you've won you are very happy to go and talk to the press when they are going to praise you and it is much harder to go before the press when you have had a loss..."

                    Bud Collins…"Well that's it and that is the professional outlook."

                    John Newcombe…"…except there have been two or three times when I was upset on losing matches…". (read "nobodies perfect…not even me")

                    Bud Collins…"Maybe you were upset with what you said…"

                    John Newcombe…"No, I said I would be there in half an hour. I gave myself half an hour to calm down." (he is perfect afterall)

                    Bud Collins…"Well anyways…we aren't going to take anything away from Johnny McEnroe…even though the we disapprove the way he spurns the interview. He's a tremendous young player and we are going to be seeing a lot more of him…his winning streak ends…and Billy Scanlon..." (Now he sees McEnroe entering the interview area and he gets a look on his face like he has eaten a huge plate of his own shit.)

                    John Newcombe…"Here's John now."

                    Bud Collins…(fake surprise…sheer embarrassment) "Ohhh! John McEnroe…come up here and hit me on the head will you. Johnny…I was just criticizing you…and I am glad to see you. Thank you John McEnroe…I just said that I thought you should arrive because that was the professional thing to do. We were told that you weren't coming and I was disappointed. Thank you for coming…I take it all back." (Bud sucking up hard and fast…backtracking from his backstabbing comments.)

                    John McEnroe (mumbling barely audible)…"Since I am a professional…"

                    Bud Collins (shit eating look on his face)…"Just what we were talking about…he said "since I am a professional I thought I had better be here."…and here he is."

                    Very interesting interview…not in the sense of Bud and Newk are asking poignant thoughtful questions…but interesting and fascinating in the articulate and honest responses that a very young and inexperienced McEnroe responds to a couple of two faced snipers. After a tough loss…after winning 14 matches in a row. He's a kid. It's the tenth week in a row…including Davis Cup in Chile…he is understandably tired and worn yet he is only talking about the necessity of the hard work that is needed to compete at the highest level.

                    The two commentatoes are poking negativity at his service motion…the two faced crows don't realize just how great this kid is destined to become. Just how great that service motion will become. A completely original concept in serving…invented by the young Amadeus of tennis…John McEnroe. john defends himself with some interesting spin and return…without malice. Awesome stuff. He's honest and shooting straight from the heart. He isn't perfect…he doesn't try to come off perfect. He isn't sucking up either. Not to Bud and not to Newk. He is just being himself…he is being a man about it. The same cannot be said of Bud Collins and to a lesser extent John Newcombe. They are stacking the deck. Trying to feel superior but they just can't summon the real thing. Another "Dolly Llama and The Church Lady" syndrome?

                    Quite possibly…from the "essential" view point of don_budge.
                    Last edited by don_budge; 02-24-2016, 03:38 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...
                    Performance Analyst


                    • The Bill Scanlon Interview…Johnny Boy leaves the stadium

                      Originally posted by JeffMac View Post
                      But I'll take Scanlon over McEnroe everyday of the week. The Texan had a very simple, clean, efficient game. It was orthodoxy vs. the unorthodox, quirky game of McEnroe.
                      You can have him. Bill Scanlon was a really nice player and it's interesting to hear him in this interview with Bud Collins and John Newcombe. If you ask me…McEnroe stole the spotlight here. Even in defeat. Bill in this interview is revealing that the tour life is a tough life and he is struggling to come to grips with the ups and downs. He also reveals that he struggles with his forehand at times.

                      I haven't read Scanlon's book…just some excerpts. One thing that I did gloss from his book is an ambivalence about the racquet changes. Scanlon to his credit is a classic wood racquet player and a very, very good one. As far as his book goes…I understand that he takes some shots at McEnroe and it is understandable. John left himself open for criticism with his no backing down attitude. Sometimes it goes astray in the heat of the moment and some of it has to do with flaws and imperfections. It is interesting how closely his flaws are investigated and highlighted…it makes me thankful that some of my less "prouder" moments haven't made it to youtube. I am flawed and imperfect and therefore make allowances for my fellow human beings. To an extent. At the same time I am onboard with Donald Trump and John McEnroe…there are certainly a lot of morons out there. There are one or two on this forum…perhaps.

                      The interview begins as John McEnroe exits the interview booth. He is holding what looks like five Wilson Pro Staff racquets. No overnight bags. When McEnroe leaves the air goes out of the balloon of the interview booth. While Bill Scanlon is a fine tennis player and the insights into his feeling and thoughts are interesting…he is far less compelling. But he goes on to write a book. In the book he criticizes John McEnroe from what I hear.

                      Here is the McEnroe vs. Scanlon head to head record. Scanlon gave McEnroe fits…at times. But on the other hand the record shows McEnroe was the winner in 9 of 12 matches. Could it be a bit of sour grapes on Scanlon's part. Scanlon is making and made a pretty good living off of a game that he was pretty much burned out on at the time of this interview. I wonder how much of his notoriety can be on account of McEnroe…directly or indirectly. Just because Scanlon wrote a book doesn't mean that he is the consensus of anything…including John McEnroe. He is biased too. Like everyone else.

                      Carry on JeffMac. Let's see what the next rabbit looks like that you pull out of your hat…or out of your ass.
                      Last edited by don_budge; 02-24-2016, 05:25 AM.
                      Performance Analyst


                      • Fate

                        I liked both of these interviews. Tennis player and other athlete interviews are predictably awful-- back then and now and forever-- so McEnroe and Scanlon here are remarkable exceptions.

                        As the result of the usual fare I have come to detest ballboys and ballgirls. They simply have been thanked too much. So let's put them in a rocket and send them to the Andromeda Galaxy, but eating them will be less expensive.

                        Now as to Trump: That last post of JeffMac is pretty great. (I loved the energy of it and therefore had to read it out loud. Try it, reader, I dare you.) But JeffMac brings up the pending presidency of Donald Trump, throws it in my face as it were.

                        But is Trump's election news? Of course he is going to win. Because his name is Trump. No other explanation is as good.

                        But who cares? The world had to end sometime, didn't it? We who still are alive will simply look for small amusements to pass the time-- which won't be long-- until the end of the Roman-- I mean American empire-- and with it the relegation of Earth...

                        Well, there won't be any historian around, but if there were, Doris Kearns Goodwin would write, "First there were Kochroaches. Then there were cockroaches."
                        Last edited by bottle; 02-24-2016, 10:05 AM.


                        • Bill Scanlon won a golden set against Marcos Hocevar of Brazil in the first round of the WCT event in Delray Beach in 1983. Scanlon won the match, 6–2, 6–0. Pretty freakin' cool.

                          One of just four players to accomplish it at Pro level.

                          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                          Boca Raton


                          • Originally posted by klacr View Post
                            Bill Scanlon won a golden set against Marcos Hocevar of Brazil in the first round of the WCT event in Delray Beach in 1983. Scanlon won the match, 6–2, 6–0. Pretty freakin' cool.

                            One of just four players to accomplish it at Pro level.

                            Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                            Boca Raton

                            And the other three are....?


                            • Comment

                              • Originally posted by lobndropshot View Post

                                Thanks, lobndropshot.


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