Oscar Wegner on the Open Stance…below I am paraphrasing what Oscar is advocating in his open stance video. He advocates this because the pros play like this…he ascertains. But I am not convinced. His analogies with baseball and golf are counter intuitive. It seems to me that the same laws of physics, if not metaphysics apply here.
eaglesburg has the same Oscaronian idea about the way that the game is played. In fact…this is the cult that is tennis nowadays. In teaching it seems to me that it is important to teach the Fundamentally Correct (FC) stance first as in slightly closed and basically neutral before proceeding into open stance.
It seems that once the open stance is ingrained in the player it is next to impossible to change it whereas it is quite a simple matter to transition from closed to open. Many of the shots that are played in the course of a match are played from less than perfect circumstances so accommodations must be made in the stance. Then when you begin to discuss the transition game from the backcourt to the net the whole open stance as default stance becomes unraveled. Not that anybody is interested in coming to the net these days.
Recommends going to the side with the weight…instead of forwards. It helps the whole kinetic chain.
The pros are doing it so I would recommend that the amateurs do it as well. I recommend going to the left with the weight so that he learns to play like the pros.
In closed stance you even cross the foot…then the kid is getting the idea of going forwards which occurs in baseball all the time. But I am trying to teach tennis not baseball. The kids learn to incorporate what they learn from baseball to tennis.
If you put him open stance and coming to the left they feel they are going to the ball and across to the left instead of going forwards like they do in baseball.
So it's very important that with kids with baseball experience to make tennis different. It's a new sport…it's not a combination of baseball and tennis. The same for golf…you play sideways. Ok…that's not applied to tennis. So I wouldn't try to assimilate those other things because its a different purpose in the game. A completely different purpose.
Sometimes I find Oscar interesting in his simplistic approach to parts of the game but this take on the stance I cannot buy into at all…particularly when you are discussing starting beginners in this stance. Baseball players and golfers swing from a sideways position all of the time…they don't have much of a choice. Tennis players should swing from a sideways position more often than not if it is all possible. Fundamentally speaking.
Any thoughts or other ideas?