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Tennis Fun Games

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  • Tennis Fun Games

    Hi all,

    Have a summer camp soon. I only have a few fun games. Would love some new ideas that work really well for you with groups of 8/10.


  • #2
    How many kids per court and how old?


    • #3
      8 and ages from 6-12


      • #4
        great game for groups...
        ground dodge ball.

        same idea as regular dodge ball (don't get hit) but safer and great footwork drill.

        scenario: Group makes a large circle. expand or shrink as you see fit and for difficulty level. one player gets picked to go in center of circle. Call him/her "it". Players forming circle roll a ball (soccer ball size) across center of circle where "it" is standing. "it" must dodge rolling ball and players in circle catch catch ball and roll it back across circle trying to get "it". They can speed up roll and even use teamwork to figure out strategy to try to get "it" out. If they start to advance in this game, add a second ball. Now "it" must avoid two balls rolling at once. Circle then begins to plot and think of strategy to get "it" out.

        Try it with any age. I do this with adults and they have a blast. Players with good footwork will be obvious in this game and will last a long time as "it". This game helps players practice balance, steps, pivots, quick feet and anticipation. Split steps become commonplace and most importantly, it's fun!

        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
        Boca Raton


        • #5
          Originally posted by klacr View Post
          great game for groups...
          ground dodge ball.

          same idea as regular dodge ball (don't get hit) but safer and great footwork drill.

          scenario: Group makes a large circle. expand or shrink as you see fit and for difficulty level. one player gets picked to go in center of circle. Call him/her "it". Players forming circle roll a ball (soccer ball size) across center of circle where "it" is standing. "it" must dodge rolling ball and players in circle catch catch ball and roll it back across circle trying to get "it". They can speed up roll and even use teamwork to figure out strategy to try to get "it" out. If they start to advance in this game, add a second ball. Now "it" must avoid two balls rolling at once. Circle then begins to plot and think of strategy to get "it" out.

          Try it with any age. I do this with adults and they have a blast. Players with good footwork will be obvious in this game and will last a long time as "it". This game helps players practice balance, steps, pivots, quick feet and anticipation. Split steps become commonplace and most importantly, it's fun!

          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
          Boca Raton

          That's a super game

          Keep em comin!!!


          • #6
            Hold a tournament, and offer a new racquet, signed by the great Geoff Williams, stringer to the stars.


            • #7
              I'd suggest you bring animals to the court. We have a dog, and its name is Wimbeldon Dogitova. He picks up balls and assists us in running drills.

              Last edited by hockeyscout; 06-10-2015, 01:04 AM.


              • #8
                Tennis Volleyball.

                great for large groups. Split groups evenly by numbers or by skill level. 1/2 on one side of court, the other 1/2 on the opposite side of net. spread players out as much as possible to cover whole court. The pro feeds a ball to one team, that first player hits it high over the net to other side, that side must then absorb and hit the ball back up to set up their teammates for a smash. The ball can only bounce once per side, after the bounce the ball must be kept in air for a amaximum of three hits before it gets sent over to other team.

                If a team misses a shot, that player gets one strike against them. two strikes and they are out of the game. Any player that hits a winner gets to choose which player on the other team will be eliminated from the game. A team wins when no players are left on the other team.

                I've played this game where there were 7-8 players on one side and just a single player on the other side. It gets pretty fun. Try it and good luck.

                Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                Boca Raton


                • #9
                  caterpillar game
                  coach rolls a ball and everyone in line must let it go through their legs. If the ball doesn't go between your feet you lose and go to the end of the line.

                  blob tag
                  All players must stay within the lines of a tennis court. A person starts as the it player. Once the person who is It tags another player they join hands. This goes until everyone is holding hands to make a large blob

                  circle tag for 4 players
                  3 out of the 4 players join hands w/ their backs facing out to make a circle. The player who is out of the circle is "It" and It picks one person out of the three they must tag to win. The circle players works together to keep their teammate safe.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lobndropshot View Post
                    caterpillar game
                    coach rolls a ball and everyone in line must let it go through their legs. If the ball doesn't go between your feet you lose and go to the end of the line.

                    blob tag
                    All players must stay within the lines of a tennis court. A person starts as the it player. Once the person who is It tags another player they join hands. This goes until everyone is holding hands to make a large blob

                    circle tag for 4 players
                    3 out of the 4 players join hands w/ their backs facing out to make a circle. The player who is out of the circle is "It" and It picks one person out of the three they must tag to win. The circle players works together to keep their teammate safe.
                    Yes, This is a great game. I use this for my juniors all the time. Good one lobndropshot! I approve

                    Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                    Boca Raton


                    • #11
                      Crocodile creek:

                      -ideal for 6 and 7 year olds (mini red)

                      Using throw down lines, make two lines 25 feet long and 10 feet apart. This is crocodile creek.

                      Line the players up on either side of the creek. The coach must WALK down crocodile creek while the players shove balls along the ground with their rackets and try to hit him. Players get ten points per hit. To add difficulty, the coach can jog down the creek.

                      This is a hugely popular drill amongst the very young.


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