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Confessions of a Tennis Disruptor

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  • #16
    At the start of the doubles match, the recently deceased, monitor, Ed at the BTC came out screaming, "You're not a member, you can't play here./!", (referring to me, as he knew me from the old Rose Gardens, losing every time we played, ) at which point, Brian M graciously said, "He's my guest!", and Ed, then waved/through his hands disgustedly down towards the ground, turned his head sharply to the right, and jogged off, while BM ran in and listed me, paid the $8.00 guest fee for me, and ran back onto the court to play the set.
    At the end of the doubles set, we went up to the net to shake hands. I put out the "fist bump" with my right fist. IT was refused, and instead, a hand was kept out stretched, in a traditional hand shake mode, and the hand stayed there for a few seconds, to see who would crack first, as my fist bump mode was rejected, as I then relented and shook hands normally, leaving the fist bump mode. After I gave out the name Brian M, BM never returned another call from me. Why ask for it in the first place anyway?

    Tennis is a warrior sport, and I guess part of that is making moves behind the scenes. NIce club, but I would never belong to a club that didn't want me as a member anyway.
    Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 04-14-2015, 02:27 PM.


    • #17
      Nice club…but I wouldn't want to belong there

      Originally posted by GeoffWilliams View Post
      At the start of the doubles match, the recently deceased, monitor, Ed at the BTC came out screaming, "You're not a member, you can't play here./!", (referring to me, as he knew me from the old Rose Gardens, losing every time we played, ) at which point, Brian M graciously said, "He's my guest!", and Ed, then waved/through his hands disgustedly down towards the ground, turned his head sharply to the right, and jogged off, while BM ran in and listed me, paid the $8.00 guest fee for me, and ran back onto the court to play the set.
      At the end of the doubles set, we went up to the net to shake hands. I put out the "fist bump" with my right fist. IT was refused, and instead, a hand was kept out stretched, in a traditional hand shake mode, and the hand stayed there for a few seconds, to see who would crack first, as my fist bump mode was rejected, as I then relented and shook hands normally, leaving the fist bump mode. After I gave out the name Brian M, BM never returned another call from me. Why ask for it in the first place anyway?

      Tennis is a warrior sport, and I guess part of that is making moves behind the scenes. NIce club, but I would never belong to a club that didn't want me as a member anyway.
      The thing to do in a situation like this is to act like you are above it all…as if the whole fiasco is somehow undignified and beneath you. Then as you leave the establishment…backwards with a drink in your hand you audibly announce to everyone…"I've been kicked out of nicer joints than this".
      Performance Analyst


      • #18
        BTC is nice and an historic place and very avid. But a lot of people there are quite, shall we say, tedious.


        • #19
          It would be of interest to hear from Geoff Williams since he has some apparent disdain for the disruption idea.


          • #20
            Disruption is not entirely a polite term for pushing. I don't disdain the method of winning that pushing disruptors use, i disdain the losing to them! I have not personally been able to withstand many such barrages of slow shots, with little risk, and short, weak, low slices they mainly use to win. It's my own weakness that i disdain. Strong players destroy them. Consistent blasters destroy them. I'm just an inconsistent blaster, who uses that to blame the strategy that has often beaten me. It's a lack of practice I guess, and a patient lack of my own abilities. So the anger that I have felt towards the men, is really misdirected self anger towards my own lack of discipline, lack of practice, lack of consitent volleying/over heads, and approach shots you need to beat them. I have done it when I've played two feet inside the base line and taken every shot I can inside the base line and come in on every single weak shot they hit, and then I win, but it's still a battle way harder than it would have been if I were a better player.

            Re: the lack of a fist bump, and lack of allowing me to play there, par for the course for that club, who used to exclude: jews, blacks, women, etc. and people of any color other than lilly rich. Times changed, and now they are better, but history is past. Better to forgive and forget. I've grown up in North Richmond, next to every color in the sun. I've played on teams where I was the only white guy, and I held some of the records for the entire history of the all black/hispanic schools. I've hired every color, and worked for every orientation, and hired every orientation, and been paid by every orientation the world has to offer, after 12,000 clients in 40 yrs., but seldom have I been treated worse than by the BTC and its leadership. Being poor now is worse than being black/etc. used to be. EVery time I drive by there on a daily basis, I see lots of old people, all white, playing egg bert doubles. No good players. No people of color or juniors training for world class play. Sad to see when it could have been a center worthy of world class training, not just beauty.

            If I were a resident coach there, I'd bring in as many black/under privileged, over privileged juniors as I could and make it a center of tough training for driven people, who had the best stringing, technical training, (using this site!), video analysis, character building, heavy cross training that I could suffer upon them, and find the jewels in the dirt. I'd make up for the dreary history of exclusion and white upper class snobbery, that is still running that club now to this day, imo! (Been run out more than once for just watching richer friends play due to my lack of membership!) They can only bring the same guest in once a month, and then have to pay $8.00 each time they do. Angers me to see such a predictably old/white/prejudiced mind set so commonly seen in tennis, when a great leader could turn things around and shine the future for so many, so easily.

            The BTC should have been a shining jewel in American tennis, instead of a home for old/rich/white it appears to be, imo but how much is my opinion worth anyway? Maybe I'm wrong. What could have been a brilliant diamond is an old white pebble.
            Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 04-19-2015, 03:07 PM.


            • #21
              Diversity…or not? The same old shit…Birds of a feather will always flock together

              Originally posted by GeoffWilliams View Post
              Disruption is not entirely a polite term for pushing. I don't disdain the method of winning that pushing disruptors use, i disdain the losing to them! I have not personally been able to withstand many such barrages of slow shots, with little risk, and short, weak, low slices they mainly use to win. It's my own weakness that i disdain. Strong players destroy them. Consistent blasters destroy them. I'm just an inconsistent blaster, who uses that to blame the strategy that has often beaten me. It's a lack of practice I guess, and a patient lack of my own abilities. So the anger that I have felt towards the men, is really misdirected self anger towards my own lack of discipline, lack of practice, lack of consitent volleying/over heads, and approach shots you need to beat them. I have done it when I've played two feet inside the base line and taken every shot I can inside the base line and come in on every single weak shot they hit, and then I win, but it's still a battle way harder than it would have been if I were a better player.

              Re: the lack of a fist bump, and lack of allowing me to play there, par for the course for that club, who used to exclude: jews, blacks, women, etc. and people of any color other than lilly rich. Times changed, and now they are better, but history is past. Better to forgive and forget. I've grown up in North Richmond, next to every color in the sun. I've played on teams where I was the only white guy, and I held some of the records for the entire history of the all black/hispanic schools. I've hired every color, and worked for every orientation, and hired every orientation, and been paid by every orientation the world has to offer, after 12,000 clients in 40 yrs., but seldom have I been treated worse than by the BTC and its leadership. Being poor now is worse than being black/etc. used to be. EVery time I drive by there on a daily basis, I see lots of old people, all white, playing egg bert doubles. No good players. No people of color or juniors training for world class play. Sad to see when it could have been a center worthy of world class training, not just beauty.

              If I were a resident coach there, I'd bring in as many black/under privileged, over privileged juniors as I could and make it a center of tough training for driven people, who had the best stringing, technical training, (using this site!), video analysis, character building, heavy cross training that I could suffer upon them, and find the jewels in the dirt. I'd make up for the dreary history of exclusion and white upper class snobbery, that is still running that club now to this day, imo! (Been run out more than once for just watching richer friends play due to my lack of membership!) They can only bring the same guest in once a month, and then have to pay $8.00 each time they do. Angers me to see such a predictably old/white/prejudiced mind set so commonly seen in tennis, when a great leader could turn things around and shine the future for so many, so easily.

              The BTC should have been a shining jewel in American tennis, instead of a home for old/rich/white it appears to be, imo but how much is my opinion worth anyway? What could have been a brilliant diamond is an old white pebble.
              I can appreciate your thoughts here although I would beg to differ on a whole another level.

              Trust me…there is nobody more qualified to speak on these issues than the likes of me. Good old don_budge. Coming from the wrong side of the tracks is not a sin and it is not necessarily a liability either. It all depends upon on how you look at it.

              I won't bore anybody with my trials and tribulations with this aspect of life other than to say that in 1972 my "best" friends took great delight in calling me "Nigger Toes"…it was a sly way in putting me in my place. You see…a nigger toes is a Brazilian nut. Eventually it was pared down to just "Toes" but the "Nigger" was always implied. I knew it. They most certainly knew it. The hypocrites.

              So in a sense it was a harmless prank…except that I was growing up in Dearborn, Michigan which had a reputation of being a little South Africa. Be that as it may…the name calling and bullying all helped to forge and mold me into what I am today. I am a voice that knows no allegiance to any false gods or false sense of patriotism. A voice in the wilderness is what I have become. To tell you the truth…I couldn't be any happier about it.

              To be a member of a club is one thing but to accept all of its underlying business is quite another. When I was first entering tournaments and playing number one singles in college it seemed that when I was playing more people were watching me than the other matches around. They were watching because I was different and not necessarily apologizing for it. It was my attitude in combination with my looks. I know that underlying current that isn't being said out loud and I learned to deal with it in my own way. It led people to think that I was arrogant or uppity. Well you know my answer to that…joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.

              These days are not better at all. These feelings still exist and maybe there is a reason for it but in our modern times we have obscured the nature of it. You see…it's human nature. It's only that America is the land of the exceptional person…you may well have heard. But they aren't exceptional or even special at all…they are only having a party on the dead remains of the indigenous people that used to live there. That's a fact that makes the holocaust look like Romper Room. Diversity is only an invention that came into every day life in modern times…who knows when it was conceived but quite possibly in the last 30 years or so we have seen the fruits of its birth. I said early on that it was only a gimmick to raise the black peoples to a status of "equality" to stimulate the economy. It's only a guess…an educated guess. A hypothesis if you will. Based on my observations and experiences in my petri dish of experience which is quite diversified as well.

              But I never resented these good old boy terms and clubs. It's good to know who's who. Nowadays it's hard to tell…everyone is starting to look the same and voicing the same old garbage about understanding and the like. Yet somehow the diversity of opinion and perception is dwindling into a prison state where we are all going to be captives…quite soon if the powers that be have their way.

              "To the massive “Jade Helm” military exercise itself, this report continues, it is an 8-week US domestic battle plan scheduled to begin on 15 July, and last until 15 September, encompassing the US States of California (mostly friendly but with an “insurgent pocket”), Utah (enemy State), Arizona (friendly State), Nevada (friendly State), Colorado (friendly State), New Mexico (neutral State), Texas (enemy State), Mississippi (not designated) and Florida (not designated)."

              The government or whoever it is that is pulling the strings will give you the impression that they are looking out for the little guy…the "nigger"…the gay person…the minority. But in reality the gap grows infinitesimally bigger between the haves and the have nots. The power deceives us to concentrate on bad words and eliminating them in the guise that what replaces it is the truth. In fact it is not. The fact that America has a "black" president doesn't change anything when in fact he is more of an "Oreo" than anything else. He is only window dressing to make people believe that somehow things have changed. In reality they are not…he is only doing the bidding like his predecessors did. They are going to lower the boom on you next with a "Bush vs. Clinton" election which in reality is no election at all. Many will vote blindly to next put a woman into the White House to complete the illusion of equality for all. This will be the most fatal of all mistakes…and travesties of justice.

              The reality of the whole fiasco is that human nature is what it is. To manipulate the facade is probably as dangerous as the facade itself. At least at this hoity-toity tennis club you are talking about you know who is who. You know immediately when you walk in and look around you that you are the odd man out. But that's ok…if you can kick all of their collective asses on multiple levels with the first and foremost being on the tennis court you are the winner. After you have done that you do exactly as I mentioned earlier…

              You walk out backwards, preferably with a drink in your hand like Jack Nicholson would. Give them that sly raised eyebrow and maybe a devilish wink. Tell them you have been thrown out of classier joints than theirs…that really hurts them where it counts. They always think that their poop doesn't stink or their breath doesn't smell bad in the morning and when you remind them of that it sort of dashes all of their hopes and illusions. I know the game and I know the score at all times. Play the game…it's fun. It's a lot like the winner of the World Series of Poker one years said…"If you look around the table and you don't see a sucker…you know that you are it". I never forgot that quote and I sort of keep it in mind in traveling around the world. Once you know the score…you simply play the game.

              There are only winners and losers and money has little or nothing to do with it. I kind of like those swanky places. They are nice places to visit…not that I would necessarily want to live their. Trust me…I would rather be out in the back yard messing around with the beaver. But that's just me. Trust me…I know the "Confessions of a Tennis Disruptor". Nothing ever gave me greater pleasure than to humiliate him…and to make him wish that his mother never had him. On the tennis court…of course.

              Tennis is a pretty tough game. Life is even tougher.

              Last edited by don_budge; 04-20-2015, 01:55 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...
              Performance Analyst


              • #22
                Propaganda Alert…Tennis aside for a moment

                Originally posted by don_budge View Post
                "To the massive “Jade Helm” military exercise itself, this report continues, it is an 8-week US domestic battle plan scheduled to begin on 15 July, and last until 15 September, encompassing the US States of California (mostly friendly but with an “insurgent pocket”), Utah (enemy State), Arizona (friendly State), Nevada (friendly State), Colorado (friendly State), New Mexico (neutral State), Texas (enemy State), Mississippi (not designated) and Florida (not designated)."

                Tennis is a pretty tough game. Life is even tougher.

                Well the news is going mainstream…but only in the sense that they are pacifying the masses with the "everything is going to be alright" propaganda. Go back to sleep everyone. Everything is under control…including you and me. Do you trust the three faces in the picture at the top of the article? (Governor Greg Abbott (center) speaks alongside U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) (left), Attorney General Ken Paxton (right) at a joint press conference February 18, 2015 in Austin, Texas.)

                "Don't mess with Texas -- even if it's just an exercise.

                Amid unfounded, Internet-fueled rumors that U.S. Special Operations Forces might be trying to take over parts of the southwest, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered Texas State Guard forces under his control to keep an eye on the U.S. military during a large upcoming training exercise.

                The exercise is called Jade Helm 15.

                "It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed," Abbott said in an April 28 letter to Major Gen. Gerald "Jake" Betty, commander of the guard."

                Game on...

                Last edited by don_budge; 05-04-2015, 09:24 PM. Reason: for clarity's sake...
                Performance Analyst


                • #23
                  I don't even like to fly over that frickin' state. There is a very special room in hell I feel for Jerry Jones. BUT some of my good friends are from Texas...
                  Last edited by johnyandell; 05-05-2015, 07:27 PM.


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