Originally posted by arturohernandez
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Interactive Forum: March 2015: The Racket Edge and Internal Shoulder Rotation
Focusing on the timing of the elbow extension in relation to the internal rotation of the arm, in my opinion, is putting the "emphasis on the wrong syll-a-ble".
Because the arm in attached to the body at the shoulder, and it's natural preloaded position puts the racket behind the trunk as it is, there HAS to be internal rotation to get the racket head back to square up to the ball for a flat serve. And in order to reach this position with the racket at it's highest spot of contact, the elbow HAS to be in extension.
If you look at Nadal, he actually has his elbow in extension way earlier than almost anyone else. And because of this, it takes much more strength to get the racket/arm up into position to hit the serve. And because of this his serve is more inconsistent. I think I read where someone got with him last year and improved his motion, but he went back to the old one.
The later the elbow goes into extension, the lower the moment of intertia is for the racket/arm complex in both internal rotation AND positional rotation around the body from back to front. Lower moment of inertia means less effort to achieve the same objective, which is a consistent, quick, accurate, disguised service motion.
And as usual, Federer is the master at this motion. Compact, efficient, accurate, not particularly speedy, but the pinnacle of concealment.
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