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My Forehands/Backhands 240fps

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  • My Forehands/Backhands 240fps

    Hey Guys,

    appreciate any feedback of my shots.

  • #2
    Pretty damn good! Nice snap back atp type III fh.
    Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 02-22-2015, 06:28 PM.


    • #3

      one of my coaches good player


      • #4
        Nice strokes. Try to line up the original clips side by side on your monitor and look at the SSC on his forehand vs yours. You will see that you go a little further behind you in the horizontal plane. If you can do a tracing of the racket head in the SSC in both strokes, I think you will see what I am talking about. The tracing of your coach's SSC will be a little more in a vertical plane as the racket head drops below the ball.

        But in general, good looking strokes. I thought you could both benefit from staying behind the ball a little more through contact on the backhand. And he could get a lot more internal rotation on his followthrough for his serve; check the racket face, the great servers get about 90 degrees more internal rotation until the racket face is vertical.



        • #5
          thanks for the feedback don especially on the internal shoulder rotation.

          Whats SSC?


          • #6

            one of the best 16 and under players in Australia


            • #7
              Originally posted by bowt View Post
              thanks for the feedback don especially on the internal shoulder rotation.

              Whats SSC?
              Stretch Shortening Cycle - talked about a lot on this site and in the work of Brian Gordon and his articles on the Type III ATP forehand.



              • #8
                Originally posted by bowt View Post

                one of the best 16 and under players in Australia
                In the Advanced Tennis section to your left, check The Myth of the Toss and The Myth of the Wrist Snap as well as under the Pete Sampras Serve, Hip and Shoulder Rotation.

                It looks like your junior has been indoctrinated with Pat Rafter's FYB tossing instructions, or maybe Rafter's developmental coach's instructions. Not a good thing.



                • #9
                  Nice, solid strokes bowt.

                  Boisen demonstratess the jump on the forehand that has been discussed in another thread.


                  • #10
                    So Tim could improve his toss and turn trying to throw the ball more parallel to the baseline.

                    I wanted a rick macci serving video and he said an important position is being lined 12-6 at the trophy and the action being more like a cartwheel rather than rotation.

                    Hewitt is a serve that seems to have too much rotation


                    What do you think of tims hitting arm structure on the backhand


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bowt View Post
                      So Tim could improve his toss and turn trying to throw the ball more parallel to the baseline.
                      John wrote about this here:

                      I don't think Hewitt has too much rotation. He just rotates his shoulders more than others, like Wawrinka for example. He has a good cartwheeling action. One does not exclude the other.


                      • #12

                        Wow man! Great clips. Like the strokes. Especially your backhand, and I'm not a fan of the two handers that much, but it works for you. I think tennis_chiro already pointed out some things that I'm in agreement with.

                        Mighty big of you to post your strokes. I gained a lot from doing it a little while back. I wish the same feedback and care for you.

                        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                        Boca Raton


                        • #13
                          You are doing something funny with that left arm though on the forehand at impact. More aesthetic than anything. It pulls out and away but wildly in a contorted fashion. But I'm just splitting hairs here.

                          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                          Boca Raton


                          • #14
                            bot to bowt

                            Originally posted by bowt View Post
                            Brian Gordon told the reporter from the New York Times to keep pointing across with opposite arm until his hips cleared. They were working on the reporter's forehand.


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