Hot and Heavy Navratilova fans...
For the hot and heavy Martina Navratilova fans. I've never been a big fan. But that service motion may just have been the best for a woman. She is heavy into the LBGT movement or whatever it is. She had a transexual for a coach for a while. His/Her name was Richard Raskind or Renee Richards. Martina is certainly on the cutting edge alright.
Here's Richard/Renee. See the cast of characters lining up to comment. Martina is right up there…of course. My favorite is Howard Cosell…but you guys are too young to remember him. He wrote a book called "I Never Played the Game" that was quite good. The one line that I remember was him saying…something to the effect that tennis players and golfers were like thoroughbred race horses…they were bought and paid for. You have to admit the wisdom in that little nugget.
Chris Evert used to gripe that she was playing against someone who was on PED's. I wonder who that may have been. When the first oversized racquets came out it seems that Martina was one of the first of the top players to jump over. Opportunist? Someone that is a bit more willing to stretch the rules than others? Who am I to judge?
I saw her defeat Chris Evert in 1984 at the U. S. Open in the best woman's match that I have ever seen. The whole stadium was pulling for Chris. I guess I am not the only one…again.
For the hot and heavy Martina Navratilova fans. I've never been a big fan. But that service motion may just have been the best for a woman. She is heavy into the LBGT movement or whatever it is. She had a transexual for a coach for a while. His/Her name was Richard Raskind or Renee Richards. Martina is certainly on the cutting edge alright.
Here's Richard/Renee. See the cast of characters lining up to comment. Martina is right up there…of course. My favorite is Howard Cosell…but you guys are too young to remember him. He wrote a book called "I Never Played the Game" that was quite good. The one line that I remember was him saying…something to the effect that tennis players and golfers were like thoroughbred race horses…they were bought and paid for. You have to admit the wisdom in that little nugget.
Chris Evert used to gripe that she was playing against someone who was on PED's. I wonder who that may have been. When the first oversized racquets came out it seems that Martina was one of the first of the top players to jump over. Opportunist? Someone that is a bit more willing to stretch the rules than others? Who am I to judge?
I saw her defeat Chris Evert in 1984 at the U. S. Open in the best woman's match that I have ever seen. The whole stadium was pulling for Chris. I guess I am not the only one…again.
