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Interactive Forum January 2015: Grigor Dimitrov Perfect Forehand?

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  • Interactive Forum January 2015: Grigor Dimitrov Perfect Forehand?

    Grigor Dimitrov Perfect Forehand?

    Is this the perfect model? Perfect turn? Perfect extension? Perfect, full windshield wiper? Easternish grip! Perfect semi-open stance? Had the chance to film Grigor practicing recently in LA. I love this clip. But what does everyone else think?

    Last edited by johnyandell; 07-01-2016, 09:47 AM.

  • #2
    Grigor Dimitrov Perfect Forehand?

    Last edited by johnyandell; 07-01-2016, 09:48 AM.


    • #3
      It's about as good as it gets if you ask me. I really cannot fault anything about it.


      • #4
        That really is beautiful. We would be splitting hairs if there was an issue. Trying to find anything...He doesn't keep his head down and eyes locked on the contact point as long as Federer. But seriously, this is an awesome forehand. Great model for all players.

        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
        Boca Raton


        • #5
          I love the way that left arm floats down with the right arm in parallel as the whole structure follows the ball before contact. A thing of beauty indeed.


          • #6
            Beautiful forehand. I like the high elbow finish. I think just watching it over and over again should improve my forehand! (Visual Tennis!!)


            • #7
              Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
              Beautiful forehand. I like the high elbow finish. I think just watching it over and over again should improve my forehand! (Visual Tennis!!)
              In total agreement Phil. I am watching this clip as well as the new Berdych clips in the High Speed Archives.

              They are fabulous. Best quality filming I've ever seen and the subjects are great models.

              John has a propensity for showcasing players that go on to do special things. Could 2015 be the year of Berdych and Dimitrov? I hope so. For Berdych's sake and for John's intuition.

              Kyle LaCroix USPTA
              Boca Raton


              • #8
                great forehand close to Federers

                Hi john, love Grigor's game. I couldn't find the thread about your article about when the racquet is turning over during contact, but here is my theory: When we teach the basic forehand we are having our students push out and extending to give direction and pace. If the contact point, when hitting topspin is below center, and you are pushing and extending out, the bottom part of the racquet head will deflect down or backwards. The effect is not going to make the ball go down, because the racquet is traveling up and through. It will just take off some pace, and give more spin. (I think!) I've felt it myself while hitting. I also think that contact point has everything to do with Federer and others hitting both with straight arm or bent arm, and that they adapt to different situations on court accordingly. What do you think? Tim


                • #9
                  Hey John,

                  Did you use the Sony FS700 to record this?



                  • #10
                    Yes below center will tilt the head forward. I doubt it increases spin but that would be hard to prove one way or the other. I think the article you are referring to is in advanced tennis on hand and arm rotation?


                    Nope that is a Phantom Miro. Some of these clips are going to in ATP Uncovered, Justin G.'s TV show so we went full 1080hd and then compressed for Tennisplayer.


                    • #11
                      Where is his stencil? Is he leaving Wilson?


                      • #12
                        He is still playing with Wilson in Brisbane this week. His Wilson contract expired Dec.31 and rumor was he was going back to the Head Prestige. But he stuck with Wilson.

                        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                        Boca Raton


                        • #13
                          Gorgeous forehand

                          Girgor's stroke here is indeed a thing of beauty. He looks so wonderfully relaxed.

                          I love how his rear foot ends up on it's toe, reminding me of how Federer and a lot of the one-handers end up with their back foot on their toe.

                          I would love to see this clip as it starts from his split step to see how he gets to this starting point.


                          • #14

                            More on that later when we put him up in the archives. But it's what you would expect. A unit turn and a left arm stretch.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by klacr View Post
                              That really is beautiful. We would be splitting hairs if there was an issue. Trying to find anything...He doesn't keep his head down and eyes locked on the contact point as long as Federer. But seriously, this is an awesome forehand. Great model for all players.

                              Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                              Boca Raton
                              I think Kyle pretty much nailed it. Grigor's forehand, as great as it is, is not as perfect as Roger's. Even though their strokes look so similar, as you watch Grigor matches, you really notice he does not take the ball consistently early as Fed. To me, Grigor tends to fall back too far behind the baseline in rallies. You never see Rodger do that.


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