Time staggering.
There is a similar ability to stagger time, slow down perception of time, so that they seem to be moving faster, yet slower than anyone else around them, and they experience time as if it's taking a longer amount of time to occur. I call it "time staggering". Quarter backs talk about it. So do others in violent sports. It feels as if the ball is seen in your field of vision, as if it's bigger, and moving more slowly than normal speed/s.
Two ways to time stagger:
#1: Results after a heightened emotional response, such as: need, fear, anger, hatred, attacking outbursts of one kind: adrenalized bursts into the blood stream.
#2. Relaxed bursts of adrenaline, which result in quicker than normal physical ability, reactions which are heightened, sight which is changed and focused, higher amounts of physical speed which come from a practiced relaxed bursting.
The emotional bursting is stiffer feeling, more energetic feeling. The relaxed burst is felt more as if you are cracking a whip, and that whip is you. It's a smooth application of ultimate transition, from a coiled position, to a very quickly uncoiled one.
Gloat screaming, fist pumping, face making, are all attempts to reach the heightened time staggered state through emotional bursts. Guys like Borg, Fed, SAmpras, all had the ability to do it through relaxed bursts. Serena, Nadal, McEnroe, all had the ability to do it through vicious bursts. The result is the same: heightened vision, time slows down, they have more time than normals do to set up and apply huge pressure.
Some carry a "pin" to stick themselves with during matches, so that it punctures their skin, or they slap/hit themselves, or curse/yell/smash frames.
Some concentrate on coiling sideways very fast and smoothly, so they can unleash the "whip" burst.
There is a similar ability to stagger time, slow down perception of time, so that they seem to be moving faster, yet slower than anyone else around them, and they experience time as if it's taking a longer amount of time to occur. I call it "time staggering". Quarter backs talk about it. So do others in violent sports. It feels as if the ball is seen in your field of vision, as if it's bigger, and moving more slowly than normal speed/s.
Two ways to time stagger:
#1: Results after a heightened emotional response, such as: need, fear, anger, hatred, attacking outbursts of one kind: adrenalized bursts into the blood stream.
#2. Relaxed bursts of adrenaline, which result in quicker than normal physical ability, reactions which are heightened, sight which is changed and focused, higher amounts of physical speed which come from a practiced relaxed bursting.
The emotional bursting is stiffer feeling, more energetic feeling. The relaxed burst is felt more as if you are cracking a whip, and that whip is you. It's a smooth application of ultimate transition, from a coiled position, to a very quickly uncoiled one.
Gloat screaming, fist pumping, face making, are all attempts to reach the heightened time staggered state through emotional bursts. Guys like Borg, Fed, SAmpras, all had the ability to do it through relaxed bursts. Serena, Nadal, McEnroe, all had the ability to do it through vicious bursts. The result is the same: heightened vision, time slows down, they have more time than normals do to set up and apply huge pressure.
Some carry a "pin" to stick themselves with during matches, so that it punctures their skin, or they slap/hit themselves, or curse/yell/smash frames.
Some concentrate on coiling sideways very fast and smoothly, so they can unleash the "whip" burst.