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klacr Strokes

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  • Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
    Something else I noticed Kyle: your toss is in front, look at John's article here:
    I have read this article multiple times. A real hidden gem. Thanks Phil. I don't disagree.

    Originally posted by GeoffWilliams View Post
    It's no fun to take criticism and advice from people who don't have as good a serve as you do. Sort of destroys the "buy in" feel. The whole reason K and Sampras toss so far out in front, and so high, is the double bow allows it. They arch/bow back, out over the base line with their left hips/curved back, and they arch/bow forwards, way out after leg driving out there!
    Criticism from who? It's all good Geoff. Not fair to only want the compliments and not handle criticism. Makes me better. Makes us all better. My serve is better than majority of my fellow players, but I'm not looking for majority, I'm looking for the one and only. Pursuing excellence one day at a time. Besides, I take criticism every day in my multiple day jobs. Trust me, I can handle it and embrace it as much as I embrace the net

    Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
    Look at Roscoe's serve here. His tossing arm stays low and in front... again, my guess: fast concerted motion. (like yours Kyle...)

    To sum it: you have a great serve, wouldn't change anything...
    Thank you Phil. Glad you like my serve. I'm not looking at it as so much of a change, more of an "adjustment" or "evolution". It's all about getting better. I can't take a bow today for yesterday's performance. Not resting on my laurels or my serve. I do wish I could visit everyone on this forum and have a chance to hit with them so they get a chance to see it first hand and deal with it from across the net. Now that would be fun. Phil, you'll get that opportunity next Summer.

    Kyle LaCroix USPTA
    Boca Raton


    • The search for perfection is an endless quest...


      • Chuck Darwin…again

        Originally posted by klacr View Post
        I'm not looking at it as so much of a change, more of an "adjustment" or "evolution". It's all about getting better.

        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
        Boca Raton
        Originally posted by charlesdarwin View Post

        "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."
        The one that is most adaptable to change.
        Performance Analyst


        • Originally posted by klacr View Post
          I have read this article multiple times. A real hidden gem. Thanks Phil. I don't disagree.

          Criticism from who? It's all good Geoff. Not fair to only want the compliments and not handle criticism. Makes me better. Makes us all better. My serve is better than majority of my fellow players, but I'm not looking for majority, I'm looking for the one and only. Pursuing excellence one day at a time. Besides, I take criticism every day in my multiple day jobs. Trust me, I can handle it and embrace it as much as I embrace the net

          Thank you Phil. Glad you like my serve. I'm not looking at it as so much of a change, more of an "adjustment" or "evolution". It's all about getting better. I can't take a bow today for yesterday's performance. Not resting on my laurels or my serve. I do wish I could visit everyone on this forum and have a chance to hit with them so they get a chance to see it first hand and deal with it from across the net. Now that would be fun. Phil, you'll get that opportunity next Summer.

          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
          Boca Raton
          Take a vacation to san fran and you can play me, and see JY. He lives near there and has a court/office there.
          Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 12-02-2014, 01:33 PM.


          • Originally posted by klacr View Post

            I do wish I could visit everyone on this forum and have a chance to hit with them so they get a chance to see it first hand and deal with it from across the net. Now that would be fun. Phil, you'll get that opportunity next Summer.

            Kyle LaCroix USPTA
            Boca Raton
            I'll be sure to wear a suit of armor...


            • Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
              The search for perfection is an endless quest...
              That's what makes it fun. Success is a journey, not a destination.

              Kyle LaCroix USPTA
              Boca Raton


              • Originally posted by GeoffWilliams View Post
                Take a vacation to san fran and you can play me, and see JY. He lives near there and has a court/office there.
                Yup. San Francisco is on my bucket list of places to visit. Personally, I'm more interested in the food scene there for business reasons. But playing tennis could fit on the itinerary as well. No doubt.

                Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                Boca Raton


                • Originally posted by don_budge View Post
                  The one that is most adaptable to change.
                  I need to adapt, but its just the word "change" I don't like to use. I never use it when I'm teaching on court either with my students. It gives people the wrong idea. Call it whatever you want, It's happening. Failure and extinction is not an option

                  Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                  Boca Raton


                  • Every match is a fluid adaptation. When it's easy it's boring. When it's hard it's not. The biggest gain you can make is in the double bow and a farther out front contact/toss.


                    • Easier said than done. Going to the source.

                      Did some filming today. Added a few slices, some lower volleys and played a few points.

                      And then there was the forehand and serve. These adjustments. Wow. Need some more reps. Forehand is taking one step back to take two steps forward. Just feels weird. Huge variance of shot quality today. Gotta keep at it.

                      The serve I saw some progress. Actually, I could feel the progress. Posture was better and didn't feel as cramped. Then it hit me. Let me go to the source. Last few posts we mentioned a certain player, one who happens to be former world top 4. A Wimbledon Champ. And a 6-4 H2H record vs. some guy named Sampras.

                      I reached out to Mr. Krajicek earlier today via a few close Dutch tennis contacts. Had a few questions. Will see what response I get. If any. I'm optimistic but also realistic. Will keep you posted. If there is a success, the tennis journalists can feel free to use this alliterative verse...
                      "Kyle Courts Coach Krajicek For Crown at SW19"

                      Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                      Boca Raton


                      • For a Measly Buck…the best Bang for the Buck

                        Originally posted by klacr View Post
                        And then there was the forehand and serve. These adjustments. Wow. Need some more reps. Forehand is taking one step back to take two steps forward. Just feels weird. Huge variance of shot quality today. Gotta keep at it.

                        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                        Boca Raton
                        Forehand first. One thing at a time. More than likely you are trying to get yourself lined up like Roger Federer. This represents a huge change in the rhythm of your stroke and it sort of makes sense with the comment that you make about huge variance of shot quality.

                        In order to dial in on the "consistency" and rhythm of the stroke…that is, repeating the same motion over and over identically without variation please try the following.

                        In Sweden the word for bounce is "studs" and the word for five is "fem". So here is the six step process for hitting the "Federfore". Look at the Roger Federer video clip to verify the various positions of feet and body and racquet as you get your ducks in a row to move forwards into the shot and finish:

                        1 Ready position…in your case you know it is a forehand so cheat to the side of forehand with your grip, your racquet and your body balance.

                        2 Set the racquet…turn with the shoulders so that the racquet face is facing the oncoming ball that has just left the face of your opponents racquet. The strings are the eyes of the racquet and they are searching for the ball just as your own eyes are.

                        3 Bounce position…turn your shoulders so that the racquet face is facing the wall or fence ninety degrees to the net. You already do this very nicely.

                        4 Get in position…this is the position where you are ready to go forwards. Merely sit a bit more into your seat and allow the racquet to come down from you high backswing…some say "pat the dog". I do not…I go with the Ben Hogan explanation for using the lower body. Pay attention to where you place your feet.

                        5 Racquet meets ball…there is one point in time and space where it will be perfect for all of your motion to meet the ball for that "sweet" shot feeling. Super important that you recognize this magic moment. Another issue that you have created by altering your swing…there is a new sweet spot. You might want to experiment with strengthening your grip here in order to find this new sweet spot. The old grip tends to encourage a less than forward ball impact position.

                        6 Follow through…Keep your eye on the ball for a count of one after you hit the ball so that your shoulder will stop turning and your arm and racquet will come swinging through the ball. Holding that back foot down or doing the Welby Van Horn Swivel.

                        The Nike Swoosh…you know the symbol. That symbolizes the swing in any sport. At the point just before your racquet meet the ball the racquet should be making that "swooshing" sound…that is where you want to meet the ball every single time. When the racquet has maximum acceleration through the path of the ball.

                        For the rhythm end of it you are going to say out loud or say to yourself if you feel self-conscious…but you don't and you are going to be passing on this great advice to every single student.

                        When the ball bounces you shall say "studs" and have your racquet at least back in position 3 where the racquet face and your shoulders (and hips) are perpendicular to the net. Then when you find the "magic moment" you are going to say "fem" every time your racquet comes into contact with the ball.

                        You will be surprised how this will help to train you to watch the ball. You want to say "studs" precisely at the moment when the ball strikes the court. You want to say "fem" precisely at the moment when the ball meets your racquet. The verbal confirmations will mark these beats in the swing and shortly you should find yourself with a nice repeating "swoosh" through the ball. You can further take this verbal reminder to another step with the student by having them say "split" when the opponents racquet meets the ball. This is a big challenge to the student to "keep their eye on the ball" during the entire flight and path of the ball. Also a higher level of concentration is reached when you try to be more and more precise with the timing of the audio and the timing of the impact of the ball on the ground and on your racquet. don_budges inner tennis.

                        I find that a very interesting aspect of this exercise is that it has really helped me to stay with the ball when it bounces and after that to my racquet. I tend to lose sight of the ball when it bounces…almost as if I flinch. Particularly on my backhand. But after doing this exercise it has helped me to train my eyes on the ball throughout the whole process.

                        People are different. For instance…for some reason I am able to make a swing change in my golf swing on the practice tee and able to take it directly to the course. Others have to practice a bit more. The key is to understanding what is to be accomplished before you begin to work on something. Visualization…imagination. This will enable you to find the goal quicker.

                        I have tried to explain as best I can…but often the words must be accompanied with demonstration in which case you might want to book a private lesson with me when you make it to Europe. Maybe you can make do with the Federer clip. Food for thought…Bro. It will cost you one American dollar.
                        Last edited by don_budge; 12-05-2014, 03:45 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...
                        Performance Analyst


                        • Thanks don_budge. Great stuff. I was attempting to get myself lined up like Roger. The foot thing is not tricky, but it does need to be precise. I was able to get my racquet below the ball a few times but it feels so damn awkward and unnatural. Not to mention the few shanks I produced sent chills down my spine. I normally don't shank the ball like I did when I attempted getting that racquet head below the ball. I usually am a clean ball ball striker.

                          Studs and fem will help.

                          Switzerland, Sweden, San Francisco are on the itinerary for 2015. Maybe Rotterdam if RK gets back to me

                          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                          Boca Raton


                          • New Video...

                            A few new videos for those that have asked about my slice backhand and volleys. As well as some baseline rallies. Notice my shirt? it's H&M Tomas Berdych collection. Delivered to me directly from Sweden, home of H&M and a good pal of mine.

                            Slice backhand: Much like my regular backhand, I like it. Comfortable with it. feel like I can do anything with it. All day. Every day.

                            Slice Side view

                            Slice Front View

                            A few regular backhands in slo-mo
                            Side view

                            Front view

                            Forehand volleys. The look of utter surprise and disgust when I miss. Glad the camera was able to catch my misses. Now my opponents have proof that I am capable of a miss once in a while.

                            and backhand volleys.

                            How about some rallies? I am after perfection, even if it can't be attained, it will be fun seeing how close I can get. I get a bit frustrated with the 1st clip. 2 and 3 are good.

                            Rally 1 slo-mo

                            Rally 2 slo-mo

                            Rally 3 slo-mo

                            As for my forehand and serve...Frustrating...but I know what I have to do. It's just a matter of getting my body to break certain habits. It's weird...I feel like I am doing all many of the key elements. I'm really concentrating. But then I see it on video and it's still the same damn thing. Same damn thing. Same damn thing. I'm not that old of a dog am I? I'm 32. I can still learn new tricks right? Failure not an option. Wimbledon trophy still in my sights. Not giving up. Weird though, I would swear up and down I was doing it right. Gotta get more reps. Way more.

                            Forehand Front slo mo

                            Forehand Side slo mo

                            Forehand Reg speed

                            Serves? Tougher than forehand. WAY MORE REPS. The serve I felt I made the most changes to. By looks of video, I made very little if any. The body and mind are weird things. Tricky.

                            The potential for my game is there...on the cusp of greatness.

                            Toss Toss Toss

                            Serve back

                            Serve side

                            Serve Rear

                            serve slo-mo

                            I apologize if there are too many videos to digest. Go at your own pace.

                            Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                            Boca Raton


                            • You added an inverted edge, and a wrap around neck finish on the fh. Now more snap back ala Tberd and an angled/chest to the net post for more coil.


                              • Move back, baby.

                                Originally posted by klacr View Post

                                As for my forehand and serve...Frustrating...but I know what I have to do. It's just a matter of getting my body to break certain habits. It's weird...I feel like I am doing all many of the key elements. I'm really concentrating. But then I see it on video and it's still the same damn thing. Same damn thing. Same damn thing. I'm not that old of a dog am I? I'm 32. I can still learn new tricks right? Failure not an option. Wimbledon trophy still in my sights. Not giving up. Weird though, I would swear up and down I was doing it right. Gotta get more reps. Way more.

                                Forehand Front slo mo

                                Forehand Side slo mo

                                Forehand Reg speed

                                Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                                Boca Raton
                                You could swat forehands like that until you are a 132 Kyle but unless you move back and "receive" the ball you ain't going to learn the feeling of lowering the racket head, buddy. This adaption is very doable for a player of your ability in my view.

                                Baby steps...give yourself a chance. Let the ball drop to your knee and drop the head and shaft of the racket much earlier in the swing. Ditch the ball machine...bottle's self feeds might be a better way to start.

                                The rest of your game is good. If we can build you a forehand we've got ourselves a darn good player.


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