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You can't say a thing these days...

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  • You can't say a thing these days...

    It's getting so you cannot say a thing these days. Anything can get taken out of context and magnified. It's a shame we can only think things privately and never publicly.

    Russian tennis boss Shamil Tarpischev is fined £15,500 for referring to Serena and Venus as "the Williams brothers".

    "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever." From the book 1984 by George Orwell

  • #2
    Remember Hingis said, of Mauresmo, "She's half a man."

    More like 9/10s of a man. It's an off handed compliment. When a woman plays like a man (Henin), she's more powerful. There are too many weak serving, no over heading, no volleying, no one handed back handed women actually making money at not playing.


    • #3
      The Williams Brothers…er Sisters

      Originally posted by licensedcoach View Post
      It's getting so you cannot say a thing these days. Anything can get taken out of context and magnified. It's a shame we can only think things privately and never publicly.

      Russian tennis boss Shamil Tarpischev is fined £15,500 for referring to Serena and Venus as "the Williams brothers".

      "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever." From the book 1984 by George Orwell

      Joan Rivers made the following comments about you know who...

      …she's dead now.


      • #4
        Yes, fine, everyone is overly sensitive, however, it's stupid to pick the woman. No excuse for that when you are a man. Real men don't fight, yell, mock or bother our mothers, sisters and wives (the woman). I'd like to see him make that comment to Serena's face, or Mama Williams. He'd get a well deserved pounding.

        My wife is 6'3", and bigger than the Williams sisters or Sharapova (she is Ukrainian), and when she was young her mom would refuse to feed her because she would grow up to be to big, and never find a husband.

        So, Russian's and Ukrainian's are a bit strange when it comes to athletic woman and not generally cool and accepting.

        Everywhere my eight year old daughter goes people say she is a man. It's gotten to the point where people are spiteful. We've chosen to take it as a compliment. When she beats the hell out of the boys in the MMA I see some dad's and mom's get upset. They will never say anything to me of course because I am a prick, however, a few have said it to the kids face. My young one handles it like a pro, and does not get upset because we've had a lot of talks about this, and we've always stated the bench mark for success as a woman athlete is getting the respect of the men, and holding you own, or beating them.

        My young one is eight, and looks like twelve and is about 90 pounds now, and that is how god created her! I am glad she's not petit and passive like Eugenie Bouchard, and she has a goal of being a tennis player and being big, strong, heavy and aggressive is actually a positive thing for what she wants to do.
        Last edited by hockeyscout; 10-18-2014, 03:15 PM.


        • #5
          A dead Joan Rivers is better than a gay Obama/tranny Michelle! What a prick she was. A walking poster child for bad plastic surgery.


          • #6
            The Big Picture...

            Originally posted by licensedcoach View Post
            "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever." From the book 1984 by George Orwell
            Uh oh! Somebody else quoting Orwell.

            "Telling the truth in times of mass deceit is a revolutionary act."-George Orwell.

            Originally posted by GeoffWilliams View Post
            A dead Joan Rivers is better than a gay Obama/tranny Michelle! What a prick she was. A walking poster child for bad plastic surgery.
            A poster child for Orwell's vision. A world gone horribly wrong.

            Joan Rivers was a comedian who made people laugh for a living. She made fun of everything…including herself.

            Barak Obama won, or rather was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and in his acceptance speech began rambling about "the just war". That was just the beginning…of Orwell's nightmare.

            So Joan Rivers never actually killed anyone…unless somebody died laughing at her or something that she said.
            Last edited by don_budge; 10-19-2014, 01:32 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...


            • #7
              I'm still not saying…but

              There is something wrong with the picture. For this man to say the "Williams Brothers"...he is only stating the obvious. There is not one hint of femininity in these two. Not one. If you think about their odd interviews after a match…they seem chauvinistic win or lose. It is as if no woman belongs on the same court as them…in their minds. Never a hint of graciousness. Not one. Something is oddly missing in all of their behaviour. Could it be…a chromesome?

              "Telling the truth in times of mass deceit is a revolutionary act."-don_budge

              Take a look at your wives index finger and her ring finger. Now take a look at your fingers. I hope that there is a difference between yours and hers….for your sake.

              Last edited by don_budge; 10-19-2014, 01:30 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...


              • #8
                The Concept…of Political Correctness

                The whole concept of restricting free speech regarding statements as the Russian trainer's comments is strategic in general. It all started only some 20? years ago with the concept of political correctness. Political correctness has evolved to this point in restriction of free speech where David Cameron…the British Prime Minister…last month suggested that to not be in lock step with the governments version of events around the world was to be a "terrorist".

                Sexual issues and racial issues have been great recruiting points and training ground for the political correct crowd. These are sensitive issues and it makes it easy to use a one lock step solution in muzzling the masses from thinking freely. Human relations and human behaviour has suddenly been transformed into barely recognisable remnants of the species…fast forward twenty years. Even eight years…to 2020. What will life be like then? What are the chances that there will be some earth shattering event that will change the whole paradigm? Thing of how life here on earth has changed from 1919…until that measly eight years in the future in the year 2020. Enter the Orwellian vision of 1984. It's possible.

                If this Russian trainer had some real questions about the Williams sisters…is there some way that he could pursue the question? Afterall wouldn't it be illegal for a person with the chromosomal makeup of a man to compete with women? What does the legal term "reasonable doubt" mean? Surely that is a subjective term. But what if? What if a slim but viable possibility actually turned out to be the truth? Is that any good reason to suppress the truth?

                Tennis has been a real Orwellian trip in itself. Considering that in 1984 it was the first year that all four semifinalists at Grand Slam events were using oversize racquets in a huge departure from traditional roots. Only thirty years hence…there is no such thing as traditional thoughts about tennis. That is what this is all about too…killing traditional roots. Killing the memory and the thoughts. Even here on the forum there are those who are so annoyed to hear of anything traditional. They would just as soon be done with it. Be dead and gone. It's a sign of the times. Modern times. Orwellian times.

                ("Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." Ingsoc (Newspeak for English Socialism or the English Socialist Party) is the political ideology of the totalitarian government of Oceania in George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.)

                "When your beliefs are challenged fear and anxiety are created."

                Of course it is very popular these days to vilify the Russians too. The Ukranian issue. The shoot down of the Malaysian airliner. Western media has turned into a propaganda tool whose function is to obfuscate the issues…news stations beaming the sound bites 24/7 until the impact wanes. Then the search is on for the next sound bite. It's Orwellian alright. Why are there sacred cows when it comes to questions? What is the harm in being curious…intellectually wise or other wise? It starts off with banning "Huckleberry Finn" and then it proceeds to David Cameron addressing the assembly at the United Nations regarding intellectual terrorists. You can draw the logical conclusion yourself…it's the heel of a boot crushing the human skull. But can you speak about it?
                Last edited by don_budge; 10-19-2014, 08:54 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...


                • #9
                  Red tape...

                  My favourite line from Orwell's 1984 is, “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”

                  What a book. I first read it in...well...1984. The opening few paragraphs were so compelling I continued to read the book until I had finished one sitting. I found Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Kafka's The Trial equalling compelling and prescient. What makes Orwell's book so prescient is that Big Brother is all around us today in ways so subtle...yet unsubtle. It's out of control because no one can control it. Everyone is as vulnerable as the man next to him. Even those in control are not in control. Fascinating...where's it all leading.

                  It's a pain. If anyone who is anyone...or just anyone come to that, says anything racist or sexual it gets Tweeted around the planet like a virus. A person can be ruined (many have) by saying just one throw away sentence. It can happen to any man anywhere who has a loose tongue, or anyone anywhere who gets drunk one night and lapses into speaking honest thoughts...scary.

                  Who set all this rules and laws...all this red tape? Where did it all start? Where's the root? This never happened in my day. How did it all get spirited in? All of a sudden it was there. How did it get by me?
                  Last edited by stotty; 10-19-2014, 01:38 PM.


                  • #10
                    Political big brother correctness has its roots in those who feel as if the weak need to be given an advantage over the strong: big brother then gets to save: women, minorities (unless you are Asian), etc. So the strong who champion the weak can feel righteous about helping those under them. If we went by test scores, every university in america would be filled with Asians.


                    • #11
                      Serena makes someone like Fabio Fognini look like a gracious sportsman.


                      • #12
                        She's had sex with both her hitting partner and her married coach. So much for 7th day adventist religion.

                        Where sex is concerned, character is thrown into the trash can for those who bow to the gonads. Watch her twerkin video. It is revealing in more ways than one. So very happy to expose herself in a disgustingly low brow filthy way.

                        Athletes of power and fame are let off the hook more often than not. Too many people sticking up for them. Just win baby, and all is forgiven, even Tilden.

                        As soon as she starts losing, all those endorsements will go. She will become as over weight as her sisters. Not looking forward to seeing a 58 yr. old Serena at 260lbs.
                        Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 10-19-2014, 09:35 PM.


                        • #13
                          LBGT…T for Tyranny

                          Originally posted by licensedcoach View Post
                          My favourite line from Orwell's 1984 is, “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”

                          What a book. I first read it in...well...1984. The opening few paragraphs were so compelling I continued to read the book until I had finished one sitting. I found Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Kafka's The Trial equalling compelling and prescient. What makes Orwell's book so prescient is that Big Brother is all around us today in ways so subtle...yet unsubtle. It's out of control because no one can control it. Everyone is as vulnerable as the man next to him. Even those in control are not in control. Fascinating...where's it all leading.

                          It's a pain. If anyone who is anyone...or just anyone come to that, says anything racist or sexual it gets Tweeted around the planet like a virus. A person can be ruined (many have) by saying just one throw away sentence. It can happen to any man anywhere who has a loose tongue, or anyone anywhere who gets drunk one night and lapses into speaking honest thoughts...scary.

                          Who set all this rules and laws...all this red tape? Where did it all start? Where's the root? This never happened in my day. How did it all get spirited in? All of a sudden it was there. How did it get by me?
                          Here Stotty…this should give you an idea where it's going. Tennis is leading the way…by the way. Tennis already has a precedent just in case there are any "tranny's" discovered on the woman's circuit. His/Her name was Richard Raskind/Renee Richards. He/She was allowed to play on the woman's tour back in the 70's…just before they ushered in the big equipment. You see…there is method in the madness. They were paving the way. Subtly? Naw…it's in your face. Just open your eyes. Eyes Wide Shut.

                          Would you believe that the Williams Sisters act was conceived in the Renee Richards fiasco? That is a stretch isn't it? But it seems that you must be just a little bit mad yourself to perceive these things. Otherwise it is only cognitive dissidence. That is…you cannot perceive it because it totally messes with your belief system. Afterall…they wouldn't do that, would they? Guess again. It's all good everyone. It's all in the game. Go back to sleep.

                          Last edited by don_budge; 10-20-2014, 01:06 AM.


                          • #14
                            The Reply…From Serena Williams

                            Serena Williams slammed Russian tennis chief Shamil Tarpischev for his “insensitive, sexist and racist” remarks in describing her and sister Venus as the “Williams brothers” on a late night TV chat show.

                            There are questions that are not being asked. Look at the picture of Serena. Is that her real hair? Is that her real voice? Why is it that she appears to be so contrived…so unnatural? So utterly and despicably fake? You can sense it even if you cannot convince yourself to believe your eyes.

                            “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”

                            Cognitive dissonance. This guy is on the Olympic Committee…perhaps he knows something. Perhaps this story is not over. Look for Serena and her sibling to retire very soon to escape the heat and scrutiny with their millions and billions of dollars.

                            For starters…take a look at the fingers. But there already has been a precedent in tennis. Back in the 70's. Renee Richards. So why not just answer the questions…jerk!!!

                            Originally posted by stroke View Post
                            Serena makes someone like Fabio Fognini look like a gracious sportsman.
                            Here is my favourite Serena performance of all time. The proper questions were never asked or answered. Was a drug test done? Strangest behaviour ever that I have seen at Wimbledon on a tennis court. That is, it's the strangest behaviour since her father hoisted the sign…"It's Venus' party and you're not invited".

                            Listen to the commentary. These people have seen everything there is to see on a tennis court and they are not able to make heads or tails of the behaviour of Serena Williams. They cannot believe their own eyes. It is really queer behaviour from any normal point of view. But if you really question it…you are a racist!!! A sexist!!! Call the thought police!

                            There is not a single feminine trait between the two of them that I can see…not a single trait that cannot be contrived with makeup, hair pieces, jewellery, beads. Trust me…don_budge knows women if he knows anything. But I'm still not saying…anything. I'm only asking the obvious question about the elephant standing in the middle of the living room.

                            Last edited by don_budge; 10-20-2014, 01:35 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...


                            • #15
                              Drugs for sure. I think related to her married coach not breaking with the wife. Meant to punish him imo. A most ugly and bizarre performance. Stuck it to her sister as well. Anyone sticking up for them as good people is just being PC. Look at the recent gloat screaming against the super model Ivanovic. As far as them being men, that's just as bizarre. If Ray man had her fire in the belly he'd be winning more. Damaged people have more fire than normals.
                              Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 10-20-2014, 07:12 AM.


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