It isn't often that we devote a thread to a Challenger Circuit tournament. But you know me...I must have my reason. A devious ulterior motive.
I confess. It's about Stefan pick for the future of American tennis. Whether or not it ever happens is more or less immaterial in my book...unless of course his father contacts me to teach him how to serve properly. Kyle...have you made any inroads?
Last night here in some lonely remote farmland I was watching his match with Ryan Harrison on my iMac. The kid can play tennis and that is exactly what he does. The announcer fumbles around trying to make heads or tails of him and his game with the relative strengths and weaknesses as usual but young Stefan is moving in the footsteps of one you know who. That's right...the Great John McEnroe. He's got some definitely surly Mongolian attitude too to go along with the Mongolian countenance.
Ryan Harrison was once upon a time the American hopeful or so it seems. Now he dwelling in the 170 something echelon in the world whereas once he was up around 40 something in the world. How he got there is beyond me...I was never impressed with him or anything about him. Even his temper seems to be a bit of a charade. He's a pretender...with a strong forehand and an ok serve. A real lack of imagination. Apparently his burst of creativity has been the idea to head to the gym and get himself all pumped up...or who knows. Maybe PED's is the last resort in a case like his...but I'm not speculating.
Ryan sure has endured a lot in his pursuit of the American Tennis Dream. He has hit his peak and descended into mediocrity. At one point in the match he advanced to the net behind a really strong forehand that had Koslov in all sorts of defensiiveness...he cast up a pretty weak lob. But he guessed right or Ryan telegraphed it all the way and he got his racquet on the smash of Harrison and sent another lob over his head sending Ryan scrambling back futilely chasing it down. Since he couldn't return the lob...he smashed his big old blue Babolat to smithereens into the blue court. His work in the gym is apparently paying off but he might want to complement it with some anger management. He had a pretty good looking babe in the stands who was purportedly his girlfriend that he had some kind of running conversation with. The announcers were speculating a foot issue...maybe they were discussing the treatment after the match. Stefan Koslov uses his head on the tennis court. He manages the space and the time.
Remember my post yesterday at the Japan tournament where I called into question the American Dream being eroded into a war nation nightmare. Well it's true and I saw the evidence in a commercial during the Koslov/Harrison match that absolutely sent a shiver down my spine. It was for some organization called JointForce or something like that. Two little eight year old girls playing a match with Andre "Uncle Fester" Agassi serving as a ballboy and his darling Fraulien Steffi Graff serving as a ball girl for one of the little ones in the match. Most sickening of all though was the First Lady serving as a linesMan. Then cut to the's scenes of American military personal and Mrs. Joe Biden spewing wartime propaganda. Joseph Goebbels couldn't have been prouder.
Somebody better get a handle on this stuff quick before the whole thing goes up in flames. I say bring all of the bases home or better yet...let's convert them all to tennis camps and spread nothing but goodwill throughout the world. Make love not war...that sort of thing. I remember the Vietnam War...we were protesting in the streets. Now it is lame tweets. Lame posts like this. Where is the opposition to the war machine? Answer: Trembling in their homes...too scared to say a peep. Sheeple...wake up!
But anyways...Stefan has a lot of really good things going for him. He's a tennis player and he uses the whole court very cleverly. It's difficult to get him by the scruff of the neck as Stotty said. Too bad the game isn't played with wooden racquets because then he would really be making a statement. I spin...he spins...we all spin together.
On a side note the hope of Swedish tennis is on the Sacramento scene...Elias Ymer. He's of Ethiopian descent with a "big forehand and strong serve"...although the service motion looks contrived. Homemade. If this is hope then Barack Obama is about hope too. It has to be a has to be.
Michelle Obama and Uncle Fester and JointForces...teaming up. It is a nightmare isn't it? I'm sorry to break the bad news. Game over.
I confess. It's about Stefan pick for the future of American tennis. Whether or not it ever happens is more or less immaterial in my book...unless of course his father contacts me to teach him how to serve properly. Kyle...have you made any inroads?
Last night here in some lonely remote farmland I was watching his match with Ryan Harrison on my iMac. The kid can play tennis and that is exactly what he does. The announcer fumbles around trying to make heads or tails of him and his game with the relative strengths and weaknesses as usual but young Stefan is moving in the footsteps of one you know who. That's right...the Great John McEnroe. He's got some definitely surly Mongolian attitude too to go along with the Mongolian countenance.
Ryan Harrison was once upon a time the American hopeful or so it seems. Now he dwelling in the 170 something echelon in the world whereas once he was up around 40 something in the world. How he got there is beyond me...I was never impressed with him or anything about him. Even his temper seems to be a bit of a charade. He's a pretender...with a strong forehand and an ok serve. A real lack of imagination. Apparently his burst of creativity has been the idea to head to the gym and get himself all pumped up...or who knows. Maybe PED's is the last resort in a case like his...but I'm not speculating.
Ryan sure has endured a lot in his pursuit of the American Tennis Dream. He has hit his peak and descended into mediocrity. At one point in the match he advanced to the net behind a really strong forehand that had Koslov in all sorts of defensiiveness...he cast up a pretty weak lob. But he guessed right or Ryan telegraphed it all the way and he got his racquet on the smash of Harrison and sent another lob over his head sending Ryan scrambling back futilely chasing it down. Since he couldn't return the lob...he smashed his big old blue Babolat to smithereens into the blue court. His work in the gym is apparently paying off but he might want to complement it with some anger management. He had a pretty good looking babe in the stands who was purportedly his girlfriend that he had some kind of running conversation with. The announcers were speculating a foot issue...maybe they were discussing the treatment after the match. Stefan Koslov uses his head on the tennis court. He manages the space and the time.
Remember my post yesterday at the Japan tournament where I called into question the American Dream being eroded into a war nation nightmare. Well it's true and I saw the evidence in a commercial during the Koslov/Harrison match that absolutely sent a shiver down my spine. It was for some organization called JointForce or something like that. Two little eight year old girls playing a match with Andre "Uncle Fester" Agassi serving as a ballboy and his darling Fraulien Steffi Graff serving as a ball girl for one of the little ones in the match. Most sickening of all though was the First Lady serving as a linesMan. Then cut to the's scenes of American military personal and Mrs. Joe Biden spewing wartime propaganda. Joseph Goebbels couldn't have been prouder.
Somebody better get a handle on this stuff quick before the whole thing goes up in flames. I say bring all of the bases home or better yet...let's convert them all to tennis camps and spread nothing but goodwill throughout the world. Make love not war...that sort of thing. I remember the Vietnam War...we were protesting in the streets. Now it is lame tweets. Lame posts like this. Where is the opposition to the war machine? Answer: Trembling in their homes...too scared to say a peep. Sheeple...wake up!
But anyways...Stefan has a lot of really good things going for him. He's a tennis player and he uses the whole court very cleverly. It's difficult to get him by the scruff of the neck as Stotty said. Too bad the game isn't played with wooden racquets because then he would really be making a statement. I spin...he spins...we all spin together.
On a side note the hope of Swedish tennis is on the Sacramento scene...Elias Ymer. He's of Ethiopian descent with a "big forehand and strong serve"...although the service motion looks contrived. Homemade. If this is hope then Barack Obama is about hope too. It has to be a has to be.
Michelle Obama and Uncle Fester and JointForces...teaming up. It is a nightmare isn't it? I'm sorry to break the bad news. Game over.
