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Racket Head Speed

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  • Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
    Guys, why not start a new thread with a new topic instead of hijacking an existing thread? Also makes it easier to find topics one is interested in...
    Interestingly, I find that movement, and how one does, a tremendous factor in the production (proper) of RHS. That is, if one believes that the major contributor is angular momentum.

    Having said that, I'm not very confident we will get very far with this.


    • Originally posted by 10splayer View Post
      Interestingly, I find that movement, and how one does, a tremendous factor in the production (proper) of RHS. That is, if one believes that the major contributor is angular momentum.

      Having said that, I'm not very confident we will get very far with this.
      Why are you not confident we will get very far with this?


      • Also, 10splayer, and others. I never did get specific commentary from you on the specific athletic issues this individuals was facing in terms of proper athletic setup and foundation.


        These certainly effect his end racket speed, at any pace, and won't go away if he's playing harder (I am sure we all agree on this one).

        So, a few questions for the experts (and 10splayer) - tell me specifically what you assessment thoughts are on these points, and how you propose they get fixed?

        1. Tell me what you are seeing in his hip pointers bio-mechanically?

        2. Are you concerned with the belly button position (pointing down)?

        3. What about his torso elongation?

        4. Are you concerned about the splay and buckling?

        5. Discuss the double torque, and cancellation of power that's occurring here?

        Any thoughts here to specific questions?
        Last edited by hockeyscout; 10-29-2014, 08:04 AM.


        • Originally posted by hockeyscout View Post
          Why are you not confident we will get very far with this?
          Because it's impossible to talk footwork, and how that translates to good ball striking, if one doesn't realize that the game IS about very short stops and starts, (as DB states) AND that there is a very difficult set of skills that one must perform and the end of these bursts..

          I keep coming back to this, but tennis is about changing momentum (from lateral/linear to angular) in relatively short time and space frames ..Ill ask you this again (and then I'm done) why is a player trying NOT to use forced movement (gravity step, crossover) unless they have to? It is the crux of it.

          Just my nonexpert 02 cents.
          Last edited by 10splayer; 10-29-2014, 01:49 PM.


          • Originally posted by 10splayer View Post
            Because it's impossible to talk footwork, and how that translates to good ball striking, if one doesn't realize that the game IS about very short stops and starts, (as DB states) AND that there is a very difficult set of skills that one must perform and the end of these bursts..

            I keep coming back to this, but tennis is about changing momentum (from lateral/linear to angular) in relatively short space and time frames ..Ill ask you this again (and then I'm done) why is a player trying NOT to use forced movement (gravity step, crossover) unless they have to? It is the crux of it.

            Just my nonexpert 02 cents.
            You just don't want to answer. Fine, I know why.


            • Haha, yup you're right again.


              • Originally posted by 10splayer View Post
                Haha, yup you're right again.
                This is what a NFL linebacker runs like by the way out of college (not even close yet to a pro). Do you think your athlete is even close to this seriously? And, these are RAW college kids who are three to four years away from developmentally being all-stars in the NFL. Raw kids with a LOT of mechanical flaws.

                These guys are 6'3" to 6'5", and in the 240 range.

                Last thought, foot work is a complex science and it's best if the experts handle it who have the right certification.
                Last edited by hockeyscout; 11-16-2014, 02:18 AM.


                • The questions ...

                  1. Tell me what you are seeing in his hip pointers bio-mechanically?

                  2. Are you concerned with the belly button position (pointing down)?

                  3. What about his torso elongation?

                  4. Are you concerned about the splay and buckling?

                  5. Discuss the double torque, and cancellation of power that's occurring here?

                  Any thoughts here to specific questions?


                  • Originally posted by hockeyscout View Post
                    This is what a NFL linebacker runs like by the way out of college (not even close yet to a pro). Do you think your athlete is even close to this seriously? And, these are RAW college kids who are three to four years away from developmentally being all-stars in the NFL. Raw kids with a LOT of mechanical flaws.

                    This is what a coach in another sport see's EVERY day.

                    These guys are 6'3" to 6'5", and in the 240 range.

                    Last thought, foot work is a complex science and it's best if the experts handle it without interference. It's sad watching the "tennis player" in the video. He's got projectable hands. No one did ANY developmental work below the rib cage because they did not know how. His "tennis coaching team" should have turned him over to some more advanced coaches (those who work in MMA, NHL, NFL, NBA and Track - Field), watched, learned and implemented others into their "team"coaching environment.

                    This guys issues (which were outlined very clearly) would have been solved in six months by a NFL level linebacking coach.

                    I guess that is what separates the world number 1300's from the world top ten is good coaching..
                    First of all, this is my fault. I know better then to get into conversations like this, with fathers like you. The kind that has never actually played the game, or developed one. The extent of there experience being introducing their kid to tennis. The kind that doesn't know the difference between how an eight year old girl hits, and a player who reached 1200 in the world. Or for that matter, an inability to even appreciate that kind of skill.

                    It speaks volumes.

                    I hope things work out for your daughter (i really do). You might want to consider a little humility if her success is the goal.


                    • Originally posted by 10splayer View Post
                      First of all, this is my fault. I know better then to get into conversations like this, with fathers like you. The kind that has never actually played the game, or developed one. The extent of there experience being introducing their kid to tennis. The kind that doesn't know the difference between how an eight year old girl hits, and a player who reached 1200 in the world. Or for that matter, an inability to even appreciate that kind of skill. It speaks volumes. I hope things work out for your daughter (i really do). You might want to consider a little humility if her success is the goal.
                      Nice “Tennis Dad” jab. You can't do better than that can you? Doesn’t work with me. 10stennis, I would suggest you get up to speed in proper athletic foundations, and footwork. What you are saying now is so out to lunch it is not even funny.

                      You posted this video and stated:

                      "Here's a buddy of mine hitting. Relaxed, rhythmic in the backswing and really pours it on towards contact. Really knows how to use the tool. Nice action and effortlessly heavy ball."

                      10splayer, this is in no way a nice action, effortless or a heavy ball.
                      As I said before, his torso is way to elongated, he can't load properly, isn't dropping his hips, never once is the racket coming through with the knees and the hips, belly button is pointing down, questionable athletic bowing is occuring and his hip pointers are dropping to the ground way to much! VERY basic stuff. Don't care if it is warmup, practice or a game, these elements will be in place all the time.

                      Please read this SPECIFIC point of my post:

                      "So, what I want all of you to do is think of the torso right now as a spring okay? So, you twist it, and when you release it, you let it go. However, if you drop the hip pointer then what happens the torso splays (like opens up in simple terms) and buckles in a way its not meant to function. Now, take a coiled spring, and twist it laterally, and let it go and you will get a huge slap back. Now, if you take that same spring and bend it, make a C out of it, you will get no power! Aha, magic, that is what is happening here. That is what he is doing in the video. Buckling isn't HUGE, however, he's bending it back in C with the front splaying, and then he tries to rotate, and it doesn't worked because it is double torqued and it ends up ovviously cancelling power."

                      You know, I never even went into anything complex here. I just discussed some real ABC basics.

                      You say: "really pours it on towards contact" -- sorry, that's just laughable. Seriously. Come on, who are you trying to fool. Really, I am not that stupid.

                      I will repeat again, it's so important players get quality coaching.

                      Dramatics aside, it would just be great if you could tell me how you plan to solve these issues:

                      You never did answer the questions.

                      1. Tell me what you are seeing in his hip pointers bio-mechanically?

                      2. Are you concerned with the belly button position (pointing down)?

                      3. What about his torso elongation?

                      4. Are you concerned about the splay and buckling?

                      5. Discuss the double torque, and cancellation of power that's occurring here?
                      Last edited by hockeyscout; 11-16-2014, 02:20 AM.


                      • From the Arch Nemesis...

                        Originally posted by 10splayer View Post
                        I hope things work out for your daughter (i really do).
                        My dear old friend Leon once said to me…"you have to be a man about it." That one comment has served me in many situations in life.

                        Well played 10splayer. I read the whole thing. There is much to say about this and that and the other thing…but we'll just leave it at that. No sense in everyone getting their panties in a snit. No sense in getting into a meaningless pissing contest. But this one comment shows a touch of class…which is all that you could possibly salvage in a conversation such as this. You more than held your own…in case anyone is wondering. Any questions?

                        What a pity too. There were some things that needed to be said about tennis movement and racquet head speed…but they will wait. They will wait for another day. Just as in Ed Weiss' other thread regarding his student. I made the decision that my comments will wait there too. I simply walked away…my ego doesn't need it. There is no point in forcing the play…just let the game come to you. Have patience. Just wait…until the opportunity presents itself. The uniqueness of tennis has taught me much…as has golf. The pursuits of gentlemen. At least it used to be that way.

                        It's a shame too. That one must be discounted as a whole based on a stupid video. The manipulation of the conversation is obvious…it's obvious who is who here. Again…nice play. To leave on a gracious note is commendable.

                        Your arch nemesis…don_budge.
                        Last edited by don_budge; 11-02-2014, 06:33 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...


                        • Originally posted by don_budge View Post
                          My dear old friend Leon once said to me…"you have to be a man about it." That one comment has served me in many situations in life.

                          Well played 10splayer. I read the whole thing. There is much to say about this and that and the other thing…but we'll just leave it at that. No sense in everyone getting their panties in a snit. No sense in getting into a meaningless pissing contest. But this one comment shows a touch of class…which is all that you could possibly salvage in a conversation such as this. You more than held your own…in case anyone is wondering. Any questions?

                          What a pity too. There were some things that needed to be said about tennis movement and racquet head speed…but they will wait. They will wait for another day. Just as in Ed Weiss' other thread regarding his student. I made the decision that my comments will wait there too. I simply walked away…my ego doesn't need it. There is no point in forcing the play…just let the game come to you. Have patience. Just wait…until the opportunity presents itself. The uniqueness of tennis has taught me much…as has golf. The pursuits of gentlemen. At least it used to be that way.

                          It's a shame too. That one must be discounted as a whole based on a stupid video. The manipulation of the conversation is obvious…it's obvious who is who here. Again…nice play. To leave on a gracious note is commendable.

                          Your arch nemesis…don_budge.
                          I appreciate this DB, I really do...As you might suspect, i have opinions about this, and much to say. (and interested in other's take on it) It's a topic that actually really interests me. But alas, not sure that's possible, as I'm not going to get into it. Not now, not worth it. You're right..

                          But yeah, I wish the young lady the very best. She's obviously totally committed and passionate about the game. Love seeing that, and am always rooting for a kid like that!
                          Last edited by 10splayer; 11-02-2014, 09:49 AM.


                          • Originally posted by 10splayer View Post
                            I appreciate this DB, I really do...As you might suspect, i have opinions about this, and much to say. (and interested in other's take on it) It's a topic that actually really interests me. But alas, not sure that's possible, as I'm not going to get into it. Not now, not worth it. You're right..

                            But yeah, I wish the young lady the very best. She's obviously totally committed and passionate about the game. Love seeing that, and am always rooting for a kid like that!
                            A real man would answer the questions, or say, I do not have the technical capabilities to take this athlete any further, and I just don't know.

                            So, a few questions for the experts (and 10splayer) - tell me specifically what you assessment thoughts are on these points, and how you propose they get fixed?

                            1. Tell me what you are seeing in his hip pointers bio-mechanically?

                            2. Are you concerned with the belly button position (pointing down)?

                            3. What about his torso elongation?

                            4. Are you concerned about the splay and buckling?

                            5. Discuss the double torque, and cancellation of power that's occurring here?

                            Any thoughts here to specific questions?
                            Last edited by hockeyscout; 11-16-2014, 02:14 AM.


                            • Talk about doggedness hockeyscout...


                              • 10splayer ... advice ...

                                Form depicts function. No way around it. Anyone who says different is crazy. You can't argue with good science.
                                Last edited by hockeyscout; 11-16-2014, 02:15 AM.


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