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How to solve the PED problem

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  • How to solve the PED problem

    Richard Gasquet: "I kissed a girl with cocaine on her lips."

    Mac: "I didn't know they were feeding me steroids for six years."

    Petr Korda: "There must have been nandrolone in my cough medicine."

    Nadal: "His doctors' records were sealed by the spanish government."

    Solution: Take blood and urine samples of every player at slams, A and B samples, and freeze them until technology catches up to the slight molecular changes chemists make to the peds so they don't test up positive. Offer large rewards for docs, chemists, agents, etc. for proof that the players are using. If caught, strip them of all titles, all prize money sued for, and ban them from competition for life. That and only that will stop the abusers from cheating and ironically killing themselves off at an early age. Now, all a player has to do is appeal their suspension (unless absolute proof has been obtained, ala Odesniks' hgh in his baggage), and they are rubber stamped back in. 50 out of 50 appeals recently granted. All you have to do is lie. So what is wrong with peds anyway? They provide more powerful players (Nadal at his weight and height going 5 hrs. straight), making for more interesting matches. Major leagues all over the world are filled with cheaters, ala bike racers, whom Nadal has learned from with platelet blood cell enrichment. Lance armstrong was stripped of all tour de france victories. He was given an exception for use of testosterone due to his testicular cancer (caused by earlier ped abuse), and then stripped for it. Who cares anyway? Let them kill themselves if they want to? Because it's cheating outrageously. Those who don't cheat lose. Win at all costs, even if the players die an early death. How many pro athletes have died due to ped abuse? Thousands. The truth is, fans don't care if players cheat. They don't want to know the truth. Dont' ask, don't tell. And the rubber stampers are helping kill the players. Talk to lance armstrong's sponsors, and see if they feel cheated. Same will go with Nadal in time. Why seal his records other wise?

    So why should we care about ped abuse? It's killing the players, that's why.

    For the rubber stampers: shame on your souls, for the awful pain you result.

    Make all top players take the tests regardless of whether they play or not, all 128. So that those who don't play dodging tests will be caught anyway. Eliminate ped execeptions for injury, ala knee injury etc., missing testicles, etc.

    Hey, Nadal, it's only a matter of time before you are forced to face the music.
    Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 07-23-2014, 02:11 PM.

  • #2

    The IOC doesn't even have a drug test for say, Full Size MGF. It has been on market for close to half a decade. Works better than steroid or growth hormone. It's being used by Russian athletes, however, it's fair to say other scientists in other places have developed their own magic potions (the Chinese and Jamaican's) that will never be uncovered.

    And, when they are uncovered explain to me how they will punish athletes for taking something that was not on a banned substance list in the first place?

    I am a bit of a computer geek, so let me put it in these terms. The drug program Lance Armstrong - Balco and all the rest were like the Rabbit or Wabbit virus of 1974, and the programs players are on now are kind of like the Flame or the CryptoLocker trojan horse.

    What about the new (and ten years ahead of its time) Chinese Entomophagy food engineering programs. Are Bio-engineered (and modified) Enteromorpha intestinalis, Porphyra umbilicalis and Monostroma latissimum foods from Asia food, or cheating?

    Even the "legal" programs players are on now are not "legal." When you gotta hire people to read and interpret doping laws for you, and "get educated" you know everyone's breaking the system.


    • #3
      Its a joke what individuals are doing these days, and everyone knows they are cheating, however, what they are doing is all legal because the testers are lost in space and every athlete and coach knows it. Hell, the IOC knows it.

      Good luck dealing with the gene manipulations coming down the pipeline. It's crazy.


      • #4
        This shit by the way ... SCARY!

        Legal and not banned.

        Holy shit.

        I know a MMA fighter who uses it. He boarded a plan for Turkey, he likes the high he gets from it, so he orders a few shots of vodka, mixes it, lands, gets to immigration, beats up a police officer and spends three days in jail. He says when he takes it he never wants to stop, and I have told him one day he will stop and drop dead. Serious. How they sell this stuff to humans is beyond me.
        Last edited by hockeyscout; 07-24-2014, 11:00 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by hockeyscout View Post
          This shit by the way ... SCARY!

          Legal and not banned.

          Holy shit.

          I know a MMA fighter who uses it. He boarded a plan for Turkey, he likes the high he gets from it, so he orders a few shots of vodka, mixes it, lands, gets to immigration, beats up a police officer and spends three days in jail. He says when he takes it he never wants to stop, and I have told him one day he will stop and drop dead. Serious. How they sell this stuff to humans is beyond me.
          I've been training in MMA for the past 5 years. Some of the guys I train with are obsessed with this stuff. It's scary stuff. I'm all natural and although I probably won't be heavyweight world champion because of it, I will live a long and relatively prosperous life and still manage to keep my cool, calm composure on the tennis court and up at net.

          And by the way, as an avid traveler and appreciator of various cultures, I can tell you that no matter how many juice drugs you are pumped up on, ain't nothing gonna make you tough in a Turkish prison or jail cell for 72 hours or more after beating up an officer. Not fun. Trust me on this.

          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
          Boca Raton


          • #6
            Don't give into the ped temptation. It will cause health issues long after you leave the ring. Better to lose, than to get immune system cancers and die horrible from it.


            • #7
              I hear you and agree. Never been a victim of peer pressure.

              You are talking to me, a guy that takes no medicines. No advil, no tylenol. Nothing. Don't touch cough syrups or creams or gels or rubs or anything with ingredients on the label that I can't pronounce, never heard of or need a chemist to manufacture. Full blown Neurosis. I do not drink alcohol or caffein of any kind. Some say I'm boring. I say I'm smart or healthy or maybe both. PED free.

              Kyle LaCroix USPTA
              Boca Raton


              • #8
                A lot of under arm deodorant has aluminum, which causes alzheimers. Tooth paste is also full of sugar, and other things not so great. Shampoos also have lots of poisons, as doo many soaps.


                • #9
                  What has helped become aware of unhealthy foods/products is an iPhone app called "Codecheck". It scans the barcode and delivers information on ingredients, and those which are unhealthy. Scanned my toothpaste now and saw it has a lot of assugrin... Wasn't aware that this type of products have to be checked as well. Thanks for the heads up Geoff.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gzhpcu View Post
                    What has helped become aware of unhealthy foods/products is an iPhone app called "Codecheck". It scans the barcode and delivers information on ingredients, and those which are unhealthy. Scanned my toothpaste now and saw it has a lot of assugrin... Wasn't aware that this type of products have to be checked as well. Thanks for the heads up Geoff.
                    Holy shit, thanks for that sir !!!!!!

                    That will come in handy when my eight year old is discovered by Nick Bolletieri on his next scouting trek out to small villages in Ukraine, and we have to make the move to his academy.

                    I am just playing around here guys, and being funny.

                    My young one believes every person who walks by the tennis court is a talent scout from IMG. Kids. Active imaginations and dreams.

                    In a year or two when we do leave, it will be tough on the food front.

                    Right now, I get our honey right from the source, the wife literally chased down the chicken before we eat it, our eggs come out of a group of chickens we like, and our hemp hearts, quinoi, seaweed come in bulk from Germany and are of top quality.

                    When I first came to Ukraine I went to a market, and their were live chickens all over the place on leashes. I thought it was CRAZY.

                    Now, I see the value in it!


                    • #11
                      No fake sugar is good for anyone. Neither is real sugar: one of the four white deaths: fat, flour/starch, salt, sugar. Talk to Dj about that.
                      Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 07-25-2014, 11:04 AM.


                      • #12
                        and milk ... I like that Geoff ... white death.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GeoffWilliams View Post
                          No fake sugar is good for anyone. Neither is real sugar: one of the four white deaths: fat, starch, salt, sugar. Talk to Dj about that.
                          Who is Dj?


                          • #14
                            Djokovic, who hired Igor Cetkovic, at the start of his run in 2011.

                            For water filtering:
                            Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 07-25-2014, 11:06 AM.


                            • #15
                              Interesting.... thanks...


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