Stanley Pagenhoef in his book "Fundamentals of Tennis", 1970, shows a graph of ball velocity (first serves) in function of striking mass in grams (dependent on grip firmness) for numerous top players using wooden rackets in the late 1960's.
Note that 100 mph was considered fast and John Newcombe hit some first serves only around 70 mph. Gonzales hits around 95 mph, Laver around 100 mph. These are not representative for the players, of course, but it does show that 100 mph was close to the top speed in the late 60's.
Roscoe Tanner, departing from wood, using the aluminum PDP Open racket was close to 140 mph.
So, give the top servers a wooden racket today, and I don't think they would be serving much more than 100mph...
Would be really interesting to have a tennis tournament with top players and wooden rackets. I think Roger would beat Rafa on clay with a wooden racket...