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I'm not saying...but

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  • I'm not saying...but

    If you follow tennis at all this has to strike you as least. Truth is often stranger than fiction. Could it possibly be? Of course not most will echo. But...I have never met a conspiracy theory that I didn't at least enjoy mulling over. This one I find particularly interesting. But I am not saying...but I was just wondering if anyone else was curious about these sort of things.

    The Williams Sisters seen in a "different" light.

    Last edited by don_budge; 04-05-2014, 11:45 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...

  • #2
    Originally posted by don_budge View Post
    If you follow tennis at all this has to strike you as least. Truth is often stranger than fiction. Could it possibly be? Of course not most will echo. But...I have never met a conspiracy theory that I didn't at least enjoy mulling over. This one I find particularly interesting. But I am not saying...but I was just wondering if anyone else was curious about these sort of things.

    The Williams Sisters seen in a "different" light.

    I didn't like the video. I found the whole thing rather cruel. I doubt the video is meant to be believed, it's more of a send up. Nevertheless there are those who will believe no matter how daft the content, and that's the shame.


    • #3
      Sorry that is ridiculous and offensive. Who ever went to the trouble to do this is a sick hater.


      • #4
        Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
        Sorry that is ridiculous and offensive. Who ever went to the trouble to do this is a sick hater.


        • #5
          A Different Story...

          Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
          Sorry that is ridiculous and offensive. Who ever went to the trouble to do this is a sick hater.
 is very disturbing. These videos of the sisters are much more palatable. I am sorry if anyone was offended by the above video but it was really intriguing to me as I have never felt that the Williams sisters came off as natural. Something always bothered me about their behavior. It somehow always seems to be incongruent.

          Last edited by don_budge; 04-05-2014, 10:55 PM. Reason: for clarity's sake...


          • #6
            Originally posted by don_budge View Post
   is very disturbing. These videos of the sisters are much more palatable. I am sorry if anyone was offended by the above video but it was really intriguing to me as I have never felt that the Williams sisters came off as natural. Something always bothered me about their behavior.

            Nothing bothering about their behaviour in either clip as far as I can see...were you alluding there was...or were you just posting interesting clips?

            I like both girls in the clips. They seem happy and entirely normal. The father is focused and unwavering which isn't entirely normal...he has no doubts, not one. I like the father's impenetrable belief in his family, which I find incredibly powerful.

            People can say whatever about Richard and his girls, but he's put his money where his mouth is... and the girls...well...they made it.
            Last edited by stotty; 04-06-2014, 07:32 AM.


            • #7
              There was a documentary in the states called Venus and Serena. Wasn't exactly a blockbuster, but gave a real look at them, their family, and their world. It was fabulous. You couldn't doubt for a second if you saw it that they were women. And as people I am a fan. They did it their way.


              • #8
                EVeryone does it their own way. I predict: they will be exposed for ped use. (Some immune diseases are caused by ped use, such as Srjogens.) The only time I've ever rooted against Americans, was against them: cocky, arrogant, disdainful, pulling the R card, etc.


                • #9
                  Williams sisters

                  I found the videos quite insightful. The sisters haven't changed that much, Venus hardly at all. You see the father has no doubts about the decisions he makes nor what he says. You can understand why the girls are so (irritatingly so to some) confident when the father is so indoctrinating. And don't forget he turned out to be right. All the great things he promised the girls came to fruition. So yes the girls think they are great. They've been told they are all their lives.

                  In Marlon Brando's autobiography Songs My Mother Taught Me, Brando alludes if you could wind back the tape of someone's life it would give insightful understanding of where that person is coming from. Once you understand where a person is coming from, you become much more understanding about them. Marlon was right.

                  The Williams sisters don't seem so bad if you look at them in the clips don_budge posted and compare them with how they are today...and look upon the girls with some insight and a bit of understanding.

                  They were happy, confident kids who were certain everyone like them. That's perhaps how it should be when you are a child.


                  • #10
                    Renee Richards or Richard Raskind...Lola-The Kinks, Richard Williams and the Girls

                    Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
                    Sorry that is ridiculous and offensive. Who ever went to the trouble to do this is a sick hater.
                    I can certainly understand why you would say this. Although I never did understand the rather recently coined term..."hater". It seems that it has always been the nature of the beast to be well as hateful. It used to be normal to ask well as birds of a feather flock together. With regards to the sure would be interesting to know who made it and whether or not the Williams know who made it and if the Williams are pursuing legal channels to make remedy thereof...for defamation of character.

                    The questions that have been asked don't seem so ridiculous or offensive to me. The Williams sisters have some very serious masculine traits and the story line that the video suggests is what one might term to be a plausible solution. It's within the realm of possibilities. But calling ones sexuality into question these days is the kiss of death with regards to political correctness. It has been a process to get here to this point. Call it evolution if you's a strange story for guys my age that straddle both time periods...sort of like the question of classic tennis and modern tennis. Once again tennis serves as a very neat metaphor for life. It's not evolution it is only more social engineering.

                    Todays world is not very tolerant to people that ask questions about some really strange events or phenomena. Everyone is expected to accept what is shoveled into their little gold mine that once was called a discerning brain and everyone must be nice and play nice with others.

                    The fact of the matter is that gradually over the past fifty or sixty years the roles of the sexes have been socially engineered so that the lines of distinction have been blurred. Never mind that the traditional nuclear family has been destroyed in the process. These controversies about athlete's chromosomal makeup are nothing new as there are many documented cases of mixed gender being grounds for disqualification in Olympic competition. Recently there has been a "woman" who has been competing in track and field that looks so obviously male she has been the subject of great controversy. The results of her examinations are held in great secrecy as to not violate her/his rights...but it appears that this person is something of a hermaphrodite. She has elements of both sexes. I am always commenting to my wife when there are women competing track and field on television here that a "panty check" is needed in lane 4...or maybe lanes 1 through 6.

                    Richard Williams is a very strange man...and by that I only mean that he is strange by "normal" standards...whatever that means these days. Personally I find him very interesting to listen to as he seems to talk in a sort of riddle jargon that is mostly meant to throw any listener off balance with semi-logical remarks that are mixed together to create a malaise of meaning. When you say black...he says white, when you say white...he says black. He doesn't disagree with what is said to him...but he doesn't agree either. Fair enough. It is a game...much like tennis. He has made many comments about race and white people in generalizations but I certainly don't consider him a "hater". He certainly has his own story to tell and to be honest...I don't care.

                    Tennis some years ago had a very controversial event of their very own with regard to gender and it was one Renee Richards who used to be one Richard Raskind. She/he was a transexual who used to be a man that wanted to play in professional women's tennis tournaments. I believe that eventually she was allowed to.'s the only has to Google these days.

                    In his previous documentary, Manhattan-based filmmaker Eric Drath took a hard look at one of the most storied crimes in boxing history. “Assault in the Ring” chronicles the night paddin…

                    So the question of the Williams sister's sexuality is a question of fair game...I think. They live in the public eye of professional sports making millions of dollars right out in front of everyone and if people are not allowed to ask questions about what they see that is so obviously different from 99.9999% of their opponents across the other side of the net then there is something desperately wrong with our society...with our race. But wait...that has already been established...something is desperately wrong.

                    As the title of the thread says...I'm not way or the other but the question does occur to me. Does that make me a "hater" too? Maybe it does in some peoples eyes...and that is too bad. I am only curious...I don't make any moral judgement. But I do wonder about the truth from time to time.

                    The truth is that sexuality in the traditional sense has been pretty much eradicated. Much to the delight of the LGBT agenda. But the fact of the matter is that historically speaking this is all fairly recent happenings and there are still people alive that may have questions about the whole process...but these are the people that have no rights...because the real haters are in the drivers seat now and questioning is not allowed.

                    Lola...The Kinks

                    I met her in a club down in old Soho
                    Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
                    See-oh-el-aye cola
                    She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
                    I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola
                    El-oh-el-aye Lola la-la-la-la Lola

                    Well I'm not the world's most physical guy
                    But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
                    Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                    Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
                    Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
                    Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola

                    Well we drank champagne and danced all night
                    Under electric candlelight
                    She picked me up and sat me on her knee
                    And said dear boy won't you come home with me
                    Well I'm not the world's most passionate guy
                    But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my Lola
                    La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                    Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                    I pushed her away
                    I walked to the door
                    I fell to the floor
                    I got down on my knees
                    Then I looked at her and she at me

                    Well that's the way that I want it to stay
                    And I always want it to be that way for my Lola
                    La-la-la-la Lola
                    Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
                    It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola

                    La-la-la-la Lola

                    Well I left home just a week before
                    And I'd never ever kissed a woman before
                    But Lola smiled and took me by the hand
                    And said dear boy I'm gonna make you a man

                    Well I'm not the world's most masculine man
                    But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
                    And so is Lola
                    La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                    Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola

                    In this video the interviewer asks a 12 year old Venus Williams what she would like to be if it wasn't a tennis player...she answers "archeologist". When asked what interests her about that, she answers "dinosaur bones" and "and after that Indian civilizations". Even the interviewer thought that was an interesting answer at the time. “Pretty unusual career”, she, one of the interviewers said. Not exactly traditional interests of girls. In this same video looking at both girls...I would say that if you dressed them up as boys that it would be impossible to say that they were not boys. The only thing that looks "girlie" about them are those beads in their hair.

                    But I am not saying anything in regards to any conclusions about the sister's sexuality. The fact that neither is married or that neither has children is not a deal breaker either...lots of people are not married or have not had children. I am asking some rather obvious questions and if the answer is so obvious...forgive me for questioning what I see. I was born on this planet and everything that I learned was on this planet. I see nothing wrong with asking the obvious. Many have questioned whether or not the girls are on PED's...I am not the first person who has questions about the Williams sisters nor am I the only or will I be the last.

                    Our servers are hosted and maintained by Liquid Web. Hosting costs are billed anually at in the first week of the year, we like to keep it simple, secure and reliable. [arrow_list] $15 /mo - Standard Standard server backups and server maintenance by Liquid Web server admin Recommended for static html websites $25 /mo - Advanced Standard server backups and server maintenance...

                    The video shocked me too. Then I started looking at their hands in all other compare their index and their ring fingers. Is it true that a man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger? Mine wife’s is not.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by don_budge View Post
                      I can certainly understand why you would say this. Although I never did understand the rather recently coined term..."hater". It seems that it has always been the nature of the beast to be well as hateful. It used to be normal to ask well as birds of a feather flock together. With regards to the sure would be interesting to know who made it and whether or not the Williams know who made it and if the Williams are pursuing legal channels to make remedy thereof...for defamation of character.

                      The questions that have been asked don't seem so ridiculous or offensive to me. The Williams sisters have some very serious masculine traits and the story line that the video suggests is what one might term to be a plausible solution. It's within the realm of possibilities. But calling ones sexuality into question these days is the kiss of death with regards to political correctness. It has been a process to get here to this point. Call it evolution if you's a strange story for guys my age that straddle both time periods...sort of like the question of classic tennis and modern tennis. Once again tennis serves as a very neat metaphor for life. It's not evolution it is only more social engineering.

                      Todays world is not very tolerant to people that ask questions about some really strange events or phenomena. Everyone is expected to accept what is shoveled into their little gold mine that once was called a discerning brain and everyone must be nice and play nice with others.

                      The fact of the matter is that gradually over the past fifty or sixty years the roles of the sexes have been socially engineered so that the lines of distinction have been blurred. Never mind that the traditional nuclear family has been destroyed in the process. These controversies about athlete's chromosomal makeup are nothing new as there are many documented cases of mixed gender being grounds for disqualification in Olympic competition. Recently there has been a "woman" who has been competing in track and field that looks so obviously male she has been the subject of great controversy. The results of her examinations are held in great secrecy as to not violate her/his rights...but it appears that this person is something of a hermaphrodite. She has elements of both sexes. I am always commenting to my wife when there are women competing track and field on television here that a "panty check" is needed in lane 4...or maybe lanes 1 through 6.

                      Richard Williams is a very strange man...and by that I only mean that he is strange by "normal" standards...whatever that means these days. Personally I find him very interesting to listen to as he seems to talk in a sort of riddle jargon that is mostly meant to throw any listener off balance with semi-logical remarks that are mixed together to create a malaise of meaning. When you say black...he says white, when you say white...he says black. He doesn't disagree with what is said to him...but he doesn't agree either. Fair enough. It is a game...much like tennis. He has made many comments about race and white people in generalizations but I certainly don't consider him a "hater". He certainly has his own story to tell and to be honest...I don't care.

                      Tennis some years ago had a very controversial event of their very own with regard to gender and it was one Renee Richards who used to be one Richard Raskind. She/he was a transexual who used to be a man that wanted to play in professional women's tennis tournaments. I believe that eventually she was allowed to.'s the only has to Google these days.

                      In his previous documentary, Manhattan-based filmmaker Eric Drath took a hard look at one of the most storied crimes in boxing history. “Assault in the Ring” chronicles the night paddin…

                      So the question of the Williams sister's sexuality is a question of fair game...I think. They live in the public eye of professional sports making millions of dollars right out in front of everyone and if people are not allowed to ask questions about what they see that is so obviously different from 99.9999% of their opponents across the other side of the net then there is something desperately wrong with our society...with our race. But wait...that has already been established...something is desperately wrong.

                      As the title of the thread says...I'm not way or the other but the question does occur to me. Does that make me a "hater" too? Maybe it does in some peoples eyes...and that is too bad. I am only curious...I don't make any moral judgement. But I do wonder about the truth from time to time.

                      The truth is that sexuality in the traditional sense has been pretty much eradicated. Much to the delight of the LGBT agenda. But the fact of the matter is that historically speaking this is all fairly recent happenings and there are still people alive that may have questions about the whole process...but these are the people that have no rights...because the real haters are in the drivers seat now and questioning is not allowed.

                      Lola...The Kinks

                      I met her in a club down in old Soho
                      Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
                      See-oh-el-aye cola
                      She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
                      I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola
                      El-oh-el-aye Lola la-la-la-la Lola

                      Well I'm not the world's most physical guy
                      But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
                      Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                      Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
                      Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
                      Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola

                      Well we drank champagne and danced all night
                      Under electric candlelight
                      She picked me up and sat me on her knee
                      And said dear boy won't you come home with me
                      Well I'm not the world's most passionate guy
                      But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my Lola
                      La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                      Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                      I pushed her away
                      I walked to the door
                      I fell to the floor
                      I got down on my knees
                      Then I looked at her and she at me

                      Well that's the way that I want it to stay
                      And I always want it to be that way for my Lola
                      La-la-la-la Lola
                      Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
                      It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola

                      La-la-la-la Lola

                      Well I left home just a week before
                      And I'd never ever kissed a woman before
                      But Lola smiled and took me by the hand
                      And said dear boy I'm gonna make you a man

                      Well I'm not the world's most masculine man
                      But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
                      And so is Lola
                      La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
                      Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola

                      In this video the interviewer asks a 12 year old Venus Williams what she would like to be if it wasn't a tennis player...she answers "archeologist". When asked what interests her about that, she answers "dinosaur bones" and "and after that Indian civilizations". Even the interviewer thought that was an interesting answer at the time. “Pretty unusual career”, she, one of the interviewers said. Not exactly traditional interests of girls. In this same video looking at both girls...I would say that if you dressed them up as boys that it would be impossible to say that they were not boys. The only thing that looks "girlie" about them are those beads in their hair.

                      But I am not saying anything in regards to any conclusions about the sister's sexuality. The fact that neither is married or that neither has children is not a deal breaker either...lots of people are not married or have not had children. I am asking some rather obvious questions and if the answer is so obvious...forgive me for questioning what I see. I was born on this planet and everything that I learned was on this planet. I see nothing wrong with asking the obvious. Many have questioned whether or not the girls are on PED's...I am not the first person who has questions about the Williams sisters nor am I the only or will I be the last.

                      Our servers are hosted and maintained by Liquid Web. Hosting costs are billed anually at in the first week of the year, we like to keep it simple, secure and reliable. [arrow_list] $15 /mo - Standard Standard server backups and server maintenance by Liquid Web server admin Recommended for static html websites $25 /mo - Advanced Standard server backups and server maintenance...

                      The video shocked me too. Then I started looking at their hands in all other compare their index and their ring fingers. Is it true that a man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger? Mine wife’s is not.
                      It used to be normal for black people to sit at the back of the bus. I think the videos are full of racism and hate. I am not going to read this thread without voicing my opinion that the videos are disgusting.


                      • #12
                        My eyesight is fairly good, and I would say the Williams sisters look very much like girls in the clip...and they look very much like women today. I have never questioned their sexuality for a moment...and I ask questions all the time.

                        The video is distasteful. I haven't watched it a second time to see if the person who uploaded it is taking responsibility for it by announcing who he is. He should if he is to be taken as credible. After all, he will survive any lawsuit if he can prove what he is implying to be true.

                        I do subscribe to the idea that everything should be up for discussion, however, no matter what the topic.

                        I find it hard to understand why so many Americans give the sisters a hard time. Americans have a hell of a reputation for being patriotic and getting behind their own, so it's hard to understand why you don't fully celebrate their amazing achievements.


                        • #13
                          I think unfortunately it's obvious that the Williams receive harsher treatment because of who they are, because they are sisters, because their dad seems crazy at times, and yeah, because they are black. I was there when they were booed in Indian Wells--all white older crowd--and it was repulsive and sad. Again anyone who wants to comment intelligently on who they are should watch Venus and Serena.


                          • #14
                            don_budge...changing subject...

                            We have an artist called Banksy over here. He paints graffiti art. He is gifted at depicted the times we live in:

                            If you Google images of Banksy on the Internet you will be amazed how vividly and accurately he depicts life today.


                            • #15
                              As an explanation for the booing:

                              "It's Venus' party, and you weren't invited.", holding up the hand written sign, while standing on top of the press box roof! They've claimed racist treatment at wimbledon. What a bunch of bs. Anyone remember the cat suit Serena wore? Or the twerkin video she made? They weren't booed for being black, they were booed for being who they are. No other black players were booed, ie. If it was the R word, that would have been in evidence. Or the venus naked butt suit at the french, 2010?

                              Who wouldn't boo this?

                              For those who have not seen Serena's infamous twerkin video:
                              Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 04-15-2014, 02:02 PM.


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