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How can we improve this forum?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bottle View Post
    But control discussions elsewhere please. This forum isn't overly zany, in my view, just zany enough to be interesting.

    Have you ever been a teacher, lobndropshot, I wonder? Or a reporter? What was the climate that elicited the most?

    If you value exchange so much, why don't you do it more instead of preaching about it, i.e., go deeper into subjects? My personal preference would be more from you on your personal struggles/achievements regarding tennis technique but you could write on anything at all related to tennis.

    And if, as I suspect, you are jealous of us guys who go on and on...and on...and occasionally seem to get away with it, try doing the same thing yourself?

    I wouldn't mind at all seeing five or six pages all at once from you.

    Isn't one trouble with internet forums everywhere that everything is a sound bite?

    More substance or "stuff," say I. That would be the way to improve this forearm. More people but you especially holding forth like Steve Navarro.
    I like what you say. And in all seriousness. I am jealous of posters like you. Those of you who have the guts to post great stuff that seems effortless. I struggle with writing and I cannot tell you how many times I have written a post just to delete it all because I have chickened out. Mostly from fear of being ridiculed (baggage from childhood).

    I started this thread because I am a fan on this forum. I check it multiple times a day I read most of what is posted I am worried that it is stuck in a rut.

    Maybe, when I get the guts, I will post something of value. But for now, all I have are sound bites. I will work on it.
    Last edited by lobndropshot; 08-20-2014, 11:47 AM.


    • #32
      Not long enough but good. Just kidding. No I am not.

      The part about the forearm being in a rut, though, puzzles me a bit. Maybe the answer is not to characterize the forearm at all, just let it be. It is what it is and pretty interesting in my view, with the exception of my own work.

      Do you disbelieve my last statement, that I find my own work boring? If so, you are correct. I confess, I am a professional liar. I'll tell you one thing. I go back to my own work and rob it of ideas that I think I may be able to use in hitting a tennis ball.


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