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How can we improve this forum?

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  • #16
    Service your thread

    I can think of an area where practically all of us could improve:

    If you start a thread, it's down to you to service it. If you start a thread, you should not ignore the comments of posters who have taken the time to contribute. Think about it. It's bad manners. It's like inviting people to your party and then not bothering to talk to them. How can we expect to grow the forum if we leave others talking to the wind? I don't mind talking to the wind, but then that's just me.

    I would make an exception to this if things have gone wildly off thread. But if even in this scenario the thread starter might want to bring things back on thread.

    Just a thought...
    Last edited by stotty; 04-15-2014, 01:42 AM.


    • #17
      I posted this one on a whim. My piece of avice is to think before you thread. I have learned that through the experience of this thread.

      But, it was the negitivity on this forum that inspired me to start this one. I was getting tired of reading threads that in my eye were offering lots criticism but no solutions. But now I realize it was limited to a select few. I felt like these users were discouraging me from being part of the discussion.

      Since I started this thread most of the posters have been great.

      Another thing, that is important for the health of this forum is for John to intervene when a user is not adding to the conversation. I hope you all forgive me for ignoring this tread but in all honesty I was a little embarrassed that is started it in the first place.

      Thanks guys (or gals)

      Posted from the iPhone please forgive misspelling and typos


      • #18
        Originally posted by lobndropshot View Post
        I posted this one on a whim. My piece of avice is to think before you thread. I have learned that through the experience of this thread.

        But, it was the negitivity on this forum that inspired me to start this one. I was getting tired of reading threads that in my eye were offering lots criticism but no solutions. But now I realize it was limited to a select few. I felt like these users were discouraging me from being part of the discussion.

        Since I started this thread most of the posters have been great.

        Another thing, that is important for the health of this forum is for John to intervene when a user is not adding to the conversation. I hope you all forgive me for ignoring this tread but in all honesty I was a little embarrassed that is started it in the first place.

        Thanks guys (or gals)

        Posted from the iPhone please forgive misspelling and typos
        Trust me, it was a good thread to start.


        • #19
          can I just say that since the negative voice was removed, the forum seems to have come alive. i was also one who felt hesitant to post because of the responses of the self-appointed world's best.
          Last edited by chuckkoton; 04-16-2014, 03:38 PM.


          • #20
            Over the last week the tone of this forum has changed. It seems like were just a bunch of buds hanging out talking tennis. Are there any other unheard voices out there?

            I won't be posting is much as I cut my index finger and have a few stitches and typing on the iPhone is a pain and using the talking feature annoys my wife.


            • #21
              The "bunch of buds"...talking tennis.

              Originally posted by chuckkoton View Post
              can I just say that since the negative voice was removed, the forum seems to have come alive. i was also one who felt hesitant to post because of the responses of the self-appointed world's best.

              Originally posted by lobndropshot View Post
              Over the last week the tone of this forum has changed. It seems like were just a bunch of buds hanging out talking tennis. Are there any other unheard voices out there?

              I won't be posting is much as I cut my index finger and have a few stitches and typing on the iPhone is a pain and using the talking feature annoys my wife.
              Yeah...just a bunch of buds. I assume that "buds" means buddies. Chummy, warm and fuzzy. Cozy even. Congratulations! You did eliminated the competition.

              Here's a unheard voice for you. It's me...don_budge. I have some news for you and chuckkoton and anyone else that thinks that the forum has in some way "evolved" in the past month or so since it made a mockery of itself in terms of being a haven for free speech or meaningful discussion with regards to all things tennis.'s bland. It's vanilla. There are no contradicting opinions. You have succeeded. You got what you wanted...but are you happy with it?

              It's pathetic really. Lost Souls searching for a conversation to be had but unable to articulate what is really bothering them...somehow that is the impression that I am getting. The threads are superficial...lacking any real passion. Self satisfied I suppose that the dissenting voice has been silenced. Nobody seems to care.

              You silenced a voice. Sentenced it to silence...where it won't be heard from again. It makes you feel better to know you won't have to deal with that uncomfortable sensation again. Someone who doesn't AGREE with you for God's sake. Tennis as a metaphor for life once again. If only someone would speak out about the truth that is going on all around might be dismayed and a bit uncomfortable as well. But the fact is you are so well insulated it doesn't matter to you anymore. It's better to be warm and fuzzy.

              So congratulations once again. All of the "buds" talking tennis. What stimulating conversations you all are creating...without any diversity of opinions you all seem so cozy with each other. But guess what? For once I am going to come out and make a brazen are wrong. As wrong as wrong can be. And you know me...the last to agree or disagree. I feel sorry for is really pathetic. He was harmless and always was. He was different and somewhat difficult to understand therefore it was necessary to silence him.

              But at least he was interesting...which is more than I can say for the weak drivel that has come out of the forum for the past month. He gave me more food for thought in the "Building a World Class One Hander" than most of you have contributed during your entire visit here in the neighborhood forum. You probably have a difficult time wasn't solely Chris's article that made it the great research experience that it was the ensuing conversation that came out of it. You don't have to agree with fools. Just read and think. It doesn't have to become a matter of right or wrong...a matter of black or white. But oh becomes some sort of pissing contest. It's too much to ask for intelligent participation. Real the scope of human existence.

              I suppose now I am fair game...for banishment. So be it.
              Last edited by don_budge; 05-10-2014, 01:46 AM. Reason: for repetition's sake...


              • #22
                Some people are much better communicators with the written word then others. It is not my one of my strengths. DB if you don't want to share your gifts with us then it's to the detriment of this forum.

                What did you ever gleam from one of wbtc posts anyway?

                However, I do remember your post where you shared you thoughts about mechanic and the magician. Your post helped me understand that artical better.


                • #23
                  Improving the Forum

                  Some ideas:

                  1. A guest contributor.
                  2. Present tournaments, but really being up-to-date. For example, to combine 1 &2 a guest can provide analysis of a match or upcoming match (e.g, Madrid Finals, Nadal vs Nishikori which is tomorrow).
                  3. Less "talk" more substance. As much as I like to hear from
                  everyone, we see less serious stuff here. Best to get to the point.
                  Be informative and concise.
                  4. Invite other fans or pros. Big one here. Especially if a well-regarded guest is posting. Other people may want to see what's up.
                  5. Link comments to articles to the forum. So after an article is posted, people can comment on it directly and it's also saved on the forum.


                  • #24
                    One thing I think that would help this forum is a limit on the number of posts per day. I thing I have noticed is the forum tends to go silent when someone post many times in one day. I am not saying that posting many times in one day is wrong or right. But, I think it dilutes interest.


                    • #25
                      Limit the number of posts (and I assume you mean per person and not in total...)? I find there are not that many posts per day to begin with. We need more lurkers to start posting... Hope nobody is afraid to post...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by lobndropshot View Post
                        One thing I think that would help this forum is a limit on the number of posts per day. I thing I have noticed is the forum tends to go silent when someone post many times in one day. I am not saying that posting many times in one day is wrong or right. But, I think it dilutes interest.
                        Is it really the number of posts or is it the quality of posts? Is the information relevant and conversation worthy of discussion/technica or tactical improvement or is it not. There are many gifted posters on this forum, some that post often and always of significant quality. I could read their posts all day. Someone like Doug Eng comes to mind. don_budge and tennis_chiro also in that league. There are some others as well in that category.

                        One thing that may help is when a thread is started with a link and very little description. That could be placed in the 'interesting links' thread. There are some real gems in that thread and often find myself immersed in some very cool articles, video and discussions.

                        Kyle LaCroix USPTA
                        Boca Raton


                        • #27

                          a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.


                          a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.

                          Just saying!


                          • #28
                            lobndropshotnpoop. Lighten up, bud.


                            • #29

                              Well I am eating carrots so the "...npoop" is appropriate.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by lobndropshot View Post

                                Well I am eating carrots so the "...npoop" is appropriate.
                                So this exchange was fun. But would the freedom for such exchanges exist if we had a bunch of rules here and souped up "guidelines" and demands for juried discussion of "the particular issue only?"

                                All that to me just indicates a wish on your part to be a moderator or social secretary or control freak.

                                So, be a teacher, coach or forum administrator. And out on the court lob and then dropshot and lob and then dropshot and lob, etc.-- it's fine with me so long as I don't have to be your opponent.

                                But control discussions elsewhere please. This forum isn't overly zany, in my view, just zany enough to be interesting.

                                Have you ever been a teacher, lobndropshot, I wonder? Or a reporter? What was the climate that elicited the most?

                                If you value exchange so much, why don't you do it more instead of preaching about it, i.e., go deeper into subjects? My personal preference would be more from you on your personal struggles/achievements regarding tennis technique but you could write on anything at all related to tennis.

                                And if, as I suspect, you are jealous of us guys who go on and on...and on...and occasionally seem to get away with it, try doing the same thing yourself?

                                I wouldn't mind at all seeing five or six pages all at once from you.

                                Isn't one trouble with internet forums everywhere that everything is a sound bite?

                                More substance or "stuff," say I. That would be the way to improve this forearm. More people but you especially holding forth like Steve Navarro.
                                Last edited by bottle; 08-20-2014, 11:05 AM.


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