Let's discuss Rick Macci's article, "The Strange Saga of Monique and the Donald"
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The Strange Saga of Monique and the Donald
Growing up in South Florida you always hear about the latest "Can't miss Academy Kid". It happens all the time. And to the coaches credit, you normally hear about them after the media exposure s they carve out a legitimate career for themselves. Monique Viele was no doubt pushed into the tennis fans lap with numerous articles and a front cover on Florida Tennis Magazine. She had the talent, the looks, she could sing, dance, act, model. Truly, the total marketing/promotion package. A quadruple threat. She was more dimensional than Kournikova/Sharapova and she was confident!
But then...
I'm well aware of Monique's story and what happened at the end. I won't give anything away as I encourage all subscriber's to please wait for part 2 in next month's issue as this story unfolds...
Kyle LaCroix USPTA
Boca Raton
Interesting comments from "Jim Pierce".
I am quite familiar with all the locations he talks about. I do know Cesar the maintenance guy at Woodfield. Interesting.
Although it's all internet stuff and tough to validate the legitimacy of the actual writer...I can't disagree with him on Mr. Harry Hopman. Great aussie coach. As a saddlebrook coach for a little while, there was something special in the air at those courts.
Kyle LaCroix USPTA
Boca Raton
Originally posted by klacr View PostInteresting comments from "Jim Pierce".
I am quite familiar with all the locations he talks about. I do know Cesar the maintenance guy at Woodfield. Interesting.
Although it's all internet stuff and tough to validate the legitimacy of the actual writer...I can't disagree with him on Mr. Harry Hopman. Great aussie coach. As a saddlebrook coach for a little while, there was something special in the air at those courts.
Kyle LaCroix USPTA
Boca Raton
Father got stomach cancer, she got injured, and had no mental toughness for the game. Tennis is not about athletic talent, hand eye/reaction speed alone. Mental toughness, (talk to Monica Seles after suing the german tennis federation after Gunther Parche spent one night in jail for stabbing her, ) the ability to see the match as if a spectator would, and keep track of how your opponent is winning points, and then take that away from him, your own progress in a match, how you are winning points, and exaggerate those, is more important than athletic skill. Stamina, will power, intelligence, memory, the ability to adapt instantly, have nothing to do with speed and strength. Pushers win on moving the ball around and keeping it going longer. Blasters win on over powering their opponents. All courters win on mixing up net attacks with grinding. Big servers win on setting up short forehands. Baseline experts win on the short angle topspin shots, setting up flat down the line shots. In the end, if you can't run and cover, you can't win against even a crappy pusher. And if you don't have mental toughness, you will gain 30lbs after being back stabbed and never be the same again.Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 03-05-2014, 04:41 PM.
birdbrain. Delusional. Unconnected to real world. Thinks Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii. And thinks people should constantly obsess about shit like this instead of Obama's drones and American exceptionalism and hypocrisy such as our precipitated, foolish wars and tortures and occupations around the world and then get all huffy about some little Putinish ploy which he will soon retract which the western world will then consider its personal victory. I do think that Gary Kasparov, however, a guy who knows something about logic, is quite right when he says that Putin is a lousy chess player since he doesn't play by the rules. Compared to Obama, Putin and Kasparov, however, the thin-catvomit-haired birther-brain along with McCain, Graham, Cruz, Walker, Issa, Priebus, Ryan, Snyder, Palin, Guliani, Ingram, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly and far too many others to mention are too incapacitated for public service or any work force and belong in mental institutions paid for out of their trust funds.Last edited by bottle; 03-07-2014, 08:21 AM.
Character, Politics and Tennis
Originally posted by bottle View PostCharacter matters in tennis. Every bit of adulation in this first-part article for the birther-brain Donald Trump, no matter from whom, is therefore the kiss of death.Originally posted by bottle View Postbirdbrain. Delusional. Unconnected to real world. Thinks Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii. And thinks people should constantly obsess about shit like this instead of Obama's drones and American exceptionalism and hypocrisy such as our precipitated, foolish wars and tortures and occupations around the world and then get all huffy about some little Putinish ploy which he will soon retract which the western world will then consider its personal victory. I do think that Gary Kasparov, however, a guy who knows something about logic, is quite right when he says that Putin is a lousy chess player since he doesn't play by the rules. Compared to Obama, Putin and Kasparov, however, the thin-vomit-haired birther-brain along with McCain, Graham, Cruz, Walker, Issa, Priebus, Ryan, Snyder, Palin, Guliani, Ingram, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly and far too many others to mention are too incapacitated for public service or any work force and belong in mental institutions paid for out of their trust funds.
Donald Rumsfeld came out just a few days after the big one and said that the USA would need to form a department of disinformation to combat the terrorist organizations around the world but he came back the next day or two and said that it wouldn't be necessary...or doable.
It was the last of anything believable at any rate. I mean...what is it going to be. Which side of the mouth should we believe. But with regards to President Oblabla...he who talks a lot and says absolutely nothing, what are we to believe about him. He supposedly wrote two autobiographical books about himself that the public took to heart and bet the farm on. The problem is...what if it was all a fairy tale? Afterall...they don't let you write your own letter of recommendation when you are applying for a job...do they? People tend to lie or speak in truthiness when they talk about themselves. Particularly those devoting their lives to the acquisition of power and money. Men such as Obama, Trump and others to be named later.
There are so many dubious stories about this mystery man who came out of nowhere to become the president of the most powerful country in the world that there is certainly reason to doubt any supposed claim about the reality of who he is. Why not question his birthplace? Is that not a valid question? What about his drug use and rest of his past? Wasn't he vetted? Apparently not. He just may have been installed. These are strange times. Strange days indeed.
John McCain vs. Barrack Obama. That is a choice? What kind of low level choice is that for the most important job in the country? Observing the election process from a foreign country was one of the most interesting experiences of my life. Real comic relief...except it wasn't funny the way that a seemingly compassionate man such as Ron Paul was marginalized by the media. By the machine.
Listening to this charlatan it was dreadfully obvious that he is no more believable than Donald Trump. They are actually cut from the very same cloth. In fact...both political parties are cut from the same cloth and they have been "incorporated" into the United States government. Obama needs to take a lie detector test in front of the American people administered by someone credible...then we shall see what we shall see. Perhaps Ron Paul. The government does not reflect the will of the sheeple. If it does reflect the will of the people...then we are all in trouble. Let's face it...we are in trouble anyways. Either way.
This story that Rick is spinning is bound to a really good one. It would be interesting to hear multiple sides of this story...much as the alleged "Jim Pierce" was weighing in on the article. This business of tennis and children has its down side as I have been very critical of teaching children the professional tennis game. It is a sickening sign to how low the level of society has sunk and it is so unfortunate that there are those that will exploit children and young people for the love of money or what is loosely thought to be glory these days. It is really murky...almost as murky as Oblabla's claims of transparency.
Wonderful to see Nick Bolletieri weighing in on the video that I posted. I would love to see him and President Obama yapping at each other. Come to think of it...throw in Donald Trump in the same room too. A real ego-fest. A couple of snake oil salesmen talking a lot and saying nothing. Purely for the love of money. Sports and politics mirroring each other.
Come to think of it...tennis is sort of a strange saga in itself. Why would character matter anymore in tennis when it is so dollar driven than it would in politics? Because it's sports? Sports and politics...strange bedfellows indeed.
Like this except for the birther part. I see Barack Obama as honest but honestly stupid for not immediately distancing himself far from George W. Bush and the Republicans on matters of American security and war. His Nobel Acceptance Speech was the worst there ever has been. I wonder if he isn't just one scared cat. But the opposition! What morons! It would take them five minutes to do Barack Obama completely in ("Obomber" at Common Dreams) if they could only turn their "minds" to any matter of substance. No minds or substance anywhere-- that is the problem.
Nina Kruscheva (Krushchev's grand-daughter) on the Ukraine. Shut up and give up the Crimean Peninsula. It is a pawn but not a poisoned one. Or doesn't one want to hold on to one's bigger pieces? And yeah, tennis and chess and life are exactly the same.Last edited by bottle; 03-07-2014, 09:00 AM.
Wonderful to see Nick Bolletieri weighing in on the video that I posted. I would love to see him and President Obama yapping at each other. Come to think of it...throw in Donald Trump in the same room too. A real ego-fest. A couple of snake oil salesmen talking a lot and saying nothing. Purely for the love of money. Sports and politics mirroring each other.Come to think of it...tennis is sort of a strange saga in itself. Why would character matter anymore in tennis when it is so dollar driven than it would in politics? Because it's sports? Sports and politics...strange bedfellows indeed.[/QUOTE]
When I was a kid I would pay $100 at the start of the year to play. Then, at the end of the year we'd get a refund! Hockey is just as bad, in 25 years it's become a rich man's sport. I've had so many people tell me it takes "truckload" of money to develop a children in whatever field their interested in, and that's very sad. I've really got to respect the parents like the Gretzky's and Navratilova's who never sold out to the system, and did their own thing when "everyone else" was doing what they did, an attempting to pressure them into their "programs."
Not just you...hot she's not!
Originally posted by hockeyscout View PostIs it just me, however, I do not go "holy shit" when I look at Monique Viele. It's a brief clip but nothing made me go, wow, that kids a star! ????
We have Andre Agassi to thank for the warning..."Image is Everything". Oh really Andre...what about substance? The pioneer of the "curtain call". It was catchy wasn't it...all of the rest of the morons bought into it real quick. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga took it to another level with his athletic leaping and springing across the tennis court...the dancing German broad too! Jerks.
Originally posted by don_budge View PostNot that "hot" at all. I've got an eye for these sort of things. Trust me. Maybe in the right light. Desperadoes...hyping a child. Pinning their own hopes and dreams on the little girl. More of the "barrybuss" syndrome. Just a different angle. A form of abuse. Another sign of decadence in society and decline in human values. We have Andre Agassi to thank for the warning..."Image is Everything". Oh really Andre...what about substance? The pioneer of the "curtain call". It was catchy wasn't it...all of the rest of the morons bought into it real quick. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga took it to another level with his athletic leaping and springing across the tennis court...the dancing German broad too! Jerks.: Monique Viele made it quite clear at the 2:04 time frame, "I am playing for myself", the she repeated "I am playing for myself."
Don't you get it Don, man, even I get it, and I am a farm boy from the north pole who can hardly read and wright, she's playing for herself! I don't know much about tennis, however, I do know athletics, and I just can't see "Wayne Gretzky" characteristics here, sorry. Daddy and mommy don't look like they could step into a pro sport and inflict some pain.
I'm at a bit of a loss seeing it? Possibly her work-ethic, maturity and coachability factors were off the charts.
I know I will get blasted off this board for saying this, but, the best 10 year old I've EVER seen on video is Ana Kournikova's. Her hand eye coordination was on par with Gretzky's. However, her feet almost make me want to cry like a baby. It would have been so easy to fix her knifing and supination issues which were BAD! And, you could see at 14, the neurology was worse. Then at 16 or so, it all broke down, hell, maybe even earlier. Tragic. It's not fun to watch a great stallion play in pain. A great talent who didn't get the URGENT help in the one aspect of her game which needed the most attention. I actually think Ana Kournikova was the greatest success story of woman's tennis in her day managing to play as long as she did, and get to # 8 overall with her foot issues. It's a testament to how good her hands really were! By the way, you should here the Russian's talk about Kournikova, their convinced she would have been better if she stayed in Moscow, worked under their sports science model and spent more years with Larissa Preborazhenskaya. I think the Russian's would have sorted out the ankle issues, as they are the white masters of speed, and in my opinion the strokes were all ready part of her DNA before she arrived in America because she was trained under pretty rigid communist training systems, and with a hell of a coach, who said she loves Anna more than another student she ever had!
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