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  • #31
    Kurt's backhand is my backhand - any advice? I have a thick skin so please be harsh if you must!...and thanks in advance....

    note - I had to do a "right mouse click" -> "save target as"
    saved the ~1k file to my hard disk and then viewed in quicktime

    clip also at

    Kurt VH
    Attached Files
    Last edited by kurtvanhook; 08-17-2006, 07:08 AM.


    • #32
      Kurt's Forehand

      ...and here is my forehand- any advice would be greatly appreciated...and thanks in advance....

      note - I had to do a "right mouse click" -> "save target as"
      saved the ~1k file to my hard disk and then viewed in quicktime

      clips also at

      Attached Files
      Last edited by kurtvanhook; 08-17-2006, 07:08 AM.


      • #33
        These strokes are pretty casual (esp. the legs), do you have some footage in a real match ?
        What I see is that on serve you rush a bit the motion, you don't drop the racquet at the last moment, it comes too early. You basically pivot on your left foot. You should work on your trophy position to correct both problems: deep knee bend with both legs, elbow up and aligned with the tilted shoulders. Then you can explode into the ball.
        On your groundstrokes I see a good unit turn, correct knee bend. Your BH preparation is a bit low maybe (racquet), starting a bit higher would help greater acceleration. You can finish a bit higher as well, but you seem to groove it quite well at least in training.


        • #34

          Thanks alot for taking the time to look at the strokes and the thoughts...very insightful - yes - these are quite lazy 'ball machine' hits. Next time I'll video some match play strokes.

          the height of the racket on the BH takeback - I am finding - is key.

          great comments on the serve - I need to incorporate more leg action, and a bigger racket head drop (Yandell is big on the drop!) for sure. The thought about rushing is right on...I feel it and need to work on it.

          thanks again....


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