In lieu of the "Split Step"...
Split step...I don't believe that I have uttered those words.
It's nice to hear of your association with cburr from the past. No doubt you two were a formidable team. It is also great to hear his comments...obviously this is a veteran student of the game and he has really delivered some gems here to the forum. I have a question for you too....why did you leave John McEnroe off of your list of all-time great volleyers? Mere oversight? Just curious.
As for this thread...let’s just say it has really blossomed as klacr observed. This particular video was really rich in content and I second the notion that it was a great choice by John for the sake of discussion. What a great discussion it has been too with some really solid observations about the stroke, the use of the body and tennis_chiro’s and 10splayer’s discussion of footwork. In fact it seems that all of the contributors to this thread have chimed in with some great insight into what the makeup of a good, solid volley technique consists of. In my’s a really educational thread about a subject that no longer gets much attention in the tennis world. It’s too bad to...any worthy student of the game realizes at this point that there is something fundamentally fucked up in the tennis world when the dimension of hitting the ball in the air has dissipated into rather thin air.
“Float steps”. That’s a great concept. Brings to mind the greatest volleyer that I have ever witnessed to play the John Patrick McEnroe. An acrobatic genius if you ask me. Approaching the net on tippy toes. That is precisely the impression that he always gave was as if he was floating on into the net and into position to apply the knife. The stiletto. The surgeons scalpel. So many times he was able to get his feet under him under so many circumstances and under pressure too. As if his Nike’s actually were air cushioned. When the pressure is on that is often when the footwork goes to pot...but Johnny never shied away from the task at hand. And for him the task was taking the net. He floated like a butterfly...stung like a nasty little wasp.
The comments of tennis_chiro are not arguable...there is absolutely nothing to disagree with. In the dimension of net play there is no room for the concept of perfect on any sort of consistent basis when it comes to footwork. I am not certain what percentage of the time that the best volleyer ever was able to glide into that front foot perfectly as the racquet was knifing into the ball, but certainly it was probably less than fifty percent of the time. Certainly back in the days of Classic Tennis volleyers were more consistently successful in getting that front foot down as there was a bit more time when they were playing with bits of wood and not graphite howitzers. Since it is not a thing that one can expect to be perfect at most of the time, there must be some kind of axiom to follow when all is not perfect.
My favorite music tennis video of all time. Roger Federer slamming forehands from less than perfect stability and less than perfect positon...yet on every single shot he is simulating perfect footwork and balance even if he cannot achieve it as he delivers the racquet to the ball. Here is the metaphor for volleying...getting the chest squarely over the spot where the front foot would have been planted had there been time to plant it there.
Volleying consists of three movements performed simultaneously. Just watch Johnny from basically a still position. The arm, wrist, hand and racquet action which is a rather short and descending action giving the ball spin and direction. The rotation of the trunk or shoulders which is bearing the bulk of the load that is the definition of power or speed to the shot. The placement of the feet that makes it possible to deliver the payload of rotation and arm action. See Johnny place all of his weight on his front foot when he is spoon fed the ball in the air. In all of tennis there is maybe no better feeling than “sticking” a volley as tennis_chiro likes to put it. My coach used to refer to this type of contact as “crisp”. Crisp volleying. If you are a crisp volleyer you are somehow delivering the payload on a rather consistent basis and this of course means from all sorts of positions, deviations, acrobatic stunts, leaping, pouncing, stretching. You are living on the edge if you are living and dying by the volley or the net attack. Nobody was better at living on the edge than McEnroe. Even in the sanity department. But of course nobody does it anymore...volley on a consistent basis that is. Another indication that something is “rotten in Denmark”...or all fucked up in the world of tennis.
If you cannot achieve all three of what I consider the fundamental objectives of a volley stroke of arm, body and feet...make like Meatloaf does in “A Bat Out of Hell” as he laments to his parting lover...two out of three ain’t bad. If you can’t get that front foot down make damn certain the other two actions are accomplished...rotating shoulders with accompanying arm and racquet action. You’ll be all right.
The last fundamental to get in place is that darned front foot tennis_chiro writes about and 10splayer refers to. If you cannot get that front foot as the Swiss Maestro does. Make do. Simulate that foot being in position with the body as much as possible and get that chest on the ball. Get your center of gravity forwards and lean on that stroke as the forward momentum. Don’t run through it...don’t fall on it. Lean. Gather yourself just before or at impact and “Stop the World”...make yourself into a wall at impact. A structure of balance and solid integrity. Deflect that ball to your tactical objective. After all...the world’s best volleyer may not be John McEnroe at all. The worldsbestvolleyer may just be any old tennis wall...the wall never misses you know. Feet or no feet...just as tennis_chiro suggests.
Split step...I don't believe that I have uttered those words.
Originally posted by 10splayer
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Originally posted by tennis_chiro
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As for this thread...let’s just say it has really blossomed as klacr observed. This particular video was really rich in content and I second the notion that it was a great choice by John for the sake of discussion. What a great discussion it has been too with some really solid observations about the stroke, the use of the body and tennis_chiro’s and 10splayer’s discussion of footwork. In fact it seems that all of the contributors to this thread have chimed in with some great insight into what the makeup of a good, solid volley technique consists of. In my’s a really educational thread about a subject that no longer gets much attention in the tennis world. It’s too bad to...any worthy student of the game realizes at this point that there is something fundamentally fucked up in the tennis world when the dimension of hitting the ball in the air has dissipated into rather thin air.
“Float steps”. That’s a great concept. Brings to mind the greatest volleyer that I have ever witnessed to play the John Patrick McEnroe. An acrobatic genius if you ask me. Approaching the net on tippy toes. That is precisely the impression that he always gave was as if he was floating on into the net and into position to apply the knife. The stiletto. The surgeons scalpel. So many times he was able to get his feet under him under so many circumstances and under pressure too. As if his Nike’s actually were air cushioned. When the pressure is on that is often when the footwork goes to pot...but Johnny never shied away from the task at hand. And for him the task was taking the net. He floated like a butterfly...stung like a nasty little wasp.
The comments of tennis_chiro are not arguable...there is absolutely nothing to disagree with. In the dimension of net play there is no room for the concept of perfect on any sort of consistent basis when it comes to footwork. I am not certain what percentage of the time that the best volleyer ever was able to glide into that front foot perfectly as the racquet was knifing into the ball, but certainly it was probably less than fifty percent of the time. Certainly back in the days of Classic Tennis volleyers were more consistently successful in getting that front foot down as there was a bit more time when they were playing with bits of wood and not graphite howitzers. Since it is not a thing that one can expect to be perfect at most of the time, there must be some kind of axiom to follow when all is not perfect.
My favorite music tennis video of all time. Roger Federer slamming forehands from less than perfect stability and less than perfect positon...yet on every single shot he is simulating perfect footwork and balance even if he cannot achieve it as he delivers the racquet to the ball. Here is the metaphor for volleying...getting the chest squarely over the spot where the front foot would have been planted had there been time to plant it there.
Volleying consists of three movements performed simultaneously. Just watch Johnny from basically a still position. The arm, wrist, hand and racquet action which is a rather short and descending action giving the ball spin and direction. The rotation of the trunk or shoulders which is bearing the bulk of the load that is the definition of power or speed to the shot. The placement of the feet that makes it possible to deliver the payload of rotation and arm action. See Johnny place all of his weight on his front foot when he is spoon fed the ball in the air. In all of tennis there is maybe no better feeling than “sticking” a volley as tennis_chiro likes to put it. My coach used to refer to this type of contact as “crisp”. Crisp volleying. If you are a crisp volleyer you are somehow delivering the payload on a rather consistent basis and this of course means from all sorts of positions, deviations, acrobatic stunts, leaping, pouncing, stretching. You are living on the edge if you are living and dying by the volley or the net attack. Nobody was better at living on the edge than McEnroe. Even in the sanity department. But of course nobody does it anymore...volley on a consistent basis that is. Another indication that something is “rotten in Denmark”...or all fucked up in the world of tennis.
If you cannot achieve all three of what I consider the fundamental objectives of a volley stroke of arm, body and feet...make like Meatloaf does in “A Bat Out of Hell” as he laments to his parting lover...two out of three ain’t bad. If you can’t get that front foot down make damn certain the other two actions are accomplished...rotating shoulders with accompanying arm and racquet action. You’ll be all right.
The last fundamental to get in place is that darned front foot tennis_chiro writes about and 10splayer refers to. If you cannot get that front foot as the Swiss Maestro does. Make do. Simulate that foot being in position with the body as much as possible and get that chest on the ball. Get your center of gravity forwards and lean on that stroke as the forward momentum. Don’t run through it...don’t fall on it. Lean. Gather yourself just before or at impact and “Stop the World”...make yourself into a wall at impact. A structure of balance and solid integrity. Deflect that ball to your tactical objective. After all...the world’s best volleyer may not be John McEnroe at all. The worldsbestvolleyer may just be any old tennis wall...the wall never misses you know. Feet or no feet...just as tennis_chiro suggests.
